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package Qpsmtpd;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION $TraceLevel $Spool_dir $Size_threshold);
use Sys::Hostname;
use Qpsmtpd::Constants;
#use DashProfiler;
$VERSION = "0.84";
my $git;
if (-e ".git") {
local $ENV{PATH} = "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/local/bin/";
$git = `git describe`;
$git && chomp $git;
my $hooks = {};
my %defaults = (
me => hostname,
timeout => 1200,
my $_config_cache = {};
my %config_dir_memo;
#my $SAMPLER = DashProfiler->prepare("qpsmtpd");
sub _restart {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
if ($args{restart}) {
# reset all global vars to defaults
$hooks = {};
%config_dir_memo = ();
$TraceLevel = LOGWARN;
$Spool_dir = undef;
$Size_threshold = undef;
#warn $_ for DashProfiler->profile_as_text("qpsmtpd");
sub version { $VERSION . ($git ? "/$git" : "") };
sub TRACE_LEVEL { $TraceLevel }; # leave for plugin compatibility
sub hooks { $hooks; }
sub load_logging {
# need to do this differently than other plugins so as to
# not trigger logging activity
return if $LOGGING_LOADED;
my $self = shift;
return if $hooks->{"logging"};
my $configdir = $self->config_dir("logging");
my $configfile = "$configdir/logging";
my @loggers = $self->_config_from_file($configfile,'logging');
$configdir = $self->config_dir('plugin_dirs');
$configfile = "$configdir/plugin_dirs";
my @plugin_dirs = $self->_config_from_file($configfile,'plugin_dirs');
unless (@plugin_dirs) {
my ($name) = ($0 =~ m!(.*?)/([^/]+)$!);
@plugin_dirs = ( "$name/plugins" );
my @loaded;
for my $logger (@loggers) {
push @loaded, $self->_load_plugin($logger, @plugin_dirs);
foreach my $logger (@loaded) {
$self->log(LOGINFO, "Loaded $logger");
$configdir = $self->config_dir("loglevel");
$configfile = "$configdir/loglevel";
$TraceLevel = $self->_config_from_file($configfile,'loglevel');
unless (defined($TraceLevel) and $TraceLevel =~ /^\d+$/) {
$TraceLevel = LOGWARN; # Default if no loglevel file found.
return @loggers;
sub trace_level {
my $self = shift;
return $TraceLevel;
sub init_logger { # needed for compatibility purposes
sub log {
my ($self, $trace, @log) = @_;
$self->varlog($trace,join(" ",@log));
sub varlog {
my ($self, $trace) = (shift,shift);
my ($hook, $plugin, @log);
if ( $#_ == 0 ) { # log itself
(@log) = @_;
elsif ( $#_ == 1 ) { # plus the hook
($hook, @log) = @_;
else { # called from plugin
($hook, $plugin, @log) = @_;
$self->load_logging; # in case we don't have this loaded yet
my ($rc) = $self->run_hooks_no_respond("logging", $trace, $hook, $plugin, @log)
or return;
return if $rc == DECLINED || $rc == OK; # plugin success
return if $trace > $TraceLevel;
# no logging plugins registered, fall back to STDERR
my $prefix = defined $plugin && defined $hook ? " ($hook) $plugin:" :
defined $plugin ? " $plugin:" :
defined $hook ? " ($hook) running plugin:" : '';
warn join(' ', $$ . $prefix, @log), "\n";
sub clear_config_cache {
$_config_cache = {};
# method to get the configuration. It just calls get_qmail_config by
# default, but it could be overwritten to look configuration up in a
# database or whatever.
sub config {
my ($self, $c, $type) = @_;
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "in config($c)");
# first try the cache
# XXX - is this always the right thing to do? what if a config hook
# can return different values on subsequent calls?
if ($_config_cache->{$c}) {
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "config($c) returning (@{$_config_cache->{$c}}) from cache");
return wantarray ? @{$_config_cache->{$c}} : $_config_cache->{$c}->[0];
# then run the hooks
my ($rc, @config) = $self->run_hooks_no_respond("config", $c);
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "config($c): hook returned ($rc, @config) ");
if ($rc == OK) {
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "setting _config_cache for $c to [@config] from hooks and returning it");
$_config_cache->{$c} = \@config;
return wantarray ? @{$_config_cache->{$c}} : $_config_cache->{$c}->[0];
# and then get_qmail_config
@config = $self->get_qmail_config($c, $type);
if (@config) {
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "setting _config_cache for $c to [@config] from get_qmail_config and returning it");
$_config_cache->{$c} = \@config;
return wantarray ? @{$_config_cache->{$c}} : $_config_cache->{$c}->[0];
# finally we use the default if there is any:
if (exists($defaults{$c})) {
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "setting _config_cache for $c to @{[$defaults{$c}]} from defaults and returning it");
$_config_cache->{$c} = [$defaults{$c}];
return wantarray ? @{$_config_cache->{$c}} : $_config_cache->{$c}->[0];
sub config_dir {
my ($self, $config) = @_;
if (exists $config_dir_memo{$config}) {
return $config_dir_memo{$config};
my $configdir = ($ENV{QMAIL} || '/var/qmail') . '/control';
my ($path) = ($ENV{PROCESS} ? $ENV{PROCESS} : $0) =~ m!(.*?)/([^/]+)$!;
$configdir = "$path/config" if (-e "$path/config/$config");
if (exists $ENV{QPSMTPD_CONFIG}) {
$ENV{QPSMTPD_CONFIG} =~ /^(.*)$/; # detaint
$configdir = $1 if -e "$1/$config";
return $config_dir_memo{$config} = $configdir;
sub plugin_dirs {
my $self = shift;
my @plugin_dirs = $self->config('plugin_dirs');
unless (@plugin_dirs) {
my ($path) = ($ENV{PROCESS} ? $ENV{PROCESS} : $0) =~ m!(.*?)/([^/]+)$!;
@plugin_dirs = ( "$path/plugins" );
return @plugin_dirs;
sub get_qmail_config {
my ($self, $config, $type) = @_;
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "trying to get config for $config");
my $configdir = $self->config_dir($config);
my $configfile = "$configdir/$config";
# CDB config support really should be moved to a plugin
if ($type and $type eq "map") {
unless (-e $configfile . ".cdb") {
$_config_cache->{$config} ||= [];
return +{};
eval { require CDB_File };
if ($@) {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "No CDB Support! Did NOT read $configfile.cdb, could not load CDB_File module: $@");
return +{};
my %h;
unless (tie(%h, 'CDB_File', "$configfile.cdb")) {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "tie of $configfile.cdb failed: $!");
return +{};
# We explicitly don't cache cdb entries. The assumption is that
# the data is in a CDB file in the first place because there's
# lots of data and the cache hit ratio would be low.
return \%h;
return $self->_config_from_file($configfile, $config);
sub _config_from_file {
my ($self, $configfile, $config, $visited) = @_;
unless (-e $configfile) {
$_config_cache->{$config} ||= [];
$visited ||= [];
push @{$visited}, $configfile;
open CF, "<$configfile" or warn "$$ could not open configfile $configfile: $!" and return;
my @config = <CF>;
chomp @config;
@config = grep { length($_) and $_ !~ m/^\s*#/ and $_ =~ m/\S/}
map {s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; $_;} # trim leading/trailing whitespace
close CF;
my $pos = 0;
while ($pos < @config) {
# recursively pursue an $include reference, if found. An inclusion which
# begins with a leading slash is interpreted as a path to a file and will
# supercede the usual config path resolution. Otherwise, the normal
# config_dir() lookup is employed (the location in which the inclusion
# appeared receives no special precedence; possibly it should, but it'd
# be complicated beyond justifiability for so simple a config system.
if ($config[$pos] =~ /^\s*\$include\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
my ($includedir, $inclusion) = ('', $1);
splice @config, $pos, 1; # remove the $include line
if ($inclusion !~ /^\//) {
$includedir = $self->config_dir($inclusion);
$inclusion = "$includedir/$inclusion";
if (grep($_ eq $inclusion, @{$visited})) {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "Circular \$include reference in config $config:");
$self->log(LOGERROR, "From $visited->[0]:");
$self->log(LOGERROR, " includes $_")
for (@{$visited}[1..$#{$visited}], $inclusion);
return wantarray ? () : undef;
push @{$visited}, $inclusion;
for my $inc ($self->expand_inclusion_($inclusion, $configfile)) {
my @insertion = $self->_config_from_file($inc, $config, $visited);
splice @config, $pos, 0, @insertion; # insert the inclusion
$pos += @insertion;
} else {
$_config_cache->{$config} = \@config;
return wantarray ? @config : $config[0];
sub expand_inclusion_ {
my $self = shift;
my $inclusion = shift;
my $context = shift;
my @includes;
if (-d $inclusion) {
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "inclusion of directory $inclusion from $context");
if (opendir(INCD, $inclusion)) {
@includes = map { "$inclusion/$_" }
(grep { -f "$inclusion/$_" and !/^\./ } sort readdir INCD);
closedir INCD;
} else {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "Couldn't open directory $inclusion,".
" referenced from $context ($!)");
} else {
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "inclusion of file $inclusion from $context");
@includes = ( $inclusion );
return @includes;
sub load_plugins {
my $self = shift;
my @plugins = $self->config('plugins');
my @loaded;
if ($hooks->{queue}) {
#$self->log(LOGWARN, "Plugins already loaded");
return @plugins;
for my $plugin_line (@plugins) {
my $this_plugin = $self->_load_plugin($plugin_line, $self->plugin_dirs);
push @loaded, $this_plugin if $this_plugin;
return @loaded;
sub _load_plugin {
my $self = shift;
my ($plugin_line, @plugin_dirs) = @_;
my ($plugin, @args) = split ' ', $plugin_line;
my $package;
if ($plugin =~ m/::/) {
# "full" package plugin (My::Plugin)
$package = $plugin;
$package =~ s/[^_a-z0-9:]+//gi;
my $eval = qq[require $package;\n]
.qq[sub ${plugin}::plugin_name { '$plugin' }];
$eval =~ m/(.*)/s;
$eval = $1;
eval $eval;
die "Failed loading $package - eval $@" if $@;
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "Loading $package ($plugin_line)")
unless $plugin_line =~ /logging/;
else {
# regular plugins/$plugin plugin
my $plugin_name = $plugin;
$plugin =~ s/:\d+$//; # after this point, only used for filename
# Escape everything into valid perl identifiers
$plugin_name =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9_\/])/sprintf("_%2x",unpack("C",$1))/eg;
# second pass cares for slashes and words starting with a digit
$plugin_name =~ s{
(/+) # directory
(\d?) # package's first character
"::" . (length $2 ? sprintf("_%2x",unpack("C",$2)) : "")
$package = "Qpsmtpd::Plugin::$plugin_name";
# don't reload plugins if they are already loaded
unless ( defined &{"${package}::plugin_name"} ) {
PLUGIN_DIR: for my $dir (@plugin_dirs) {
if (-e "$dir/$plugin") {
Qpsmtpd::Plugin->compile($plugin_name, $package,
"$dir/$plugin", $self->{_test_mode}, $plugin);
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "Loading $plugin_line from $dir/$plugin")
unless $plugin_line =~ /logging/;
die "Plugin $plugin_name not found in our plugin dirs (",
join(", ", @plugin_dirs),")"
unless defined &{"${package}::plugin_name"};
my $plug = $package->new();
$plug->_register($self, @args);
return $plug;
sub transaction { return {}; } # base class implements empty transaction
sub run_hooks {
my ($self, $hook) = (shift, shift);
if ($hooks->{$hook}) {
my @r;
my @local_hooks = @{$hooks->{$hook}};
$self->{_continuation} = [$hook, [@_], @local_hooks];
return $self->run_continuation();
return $self->hook_responder($hook, [0, ''], [@_]);
sub run_hooks_no_respond {
my ($self, $hook) = (shift, shift);
if ($hooks->{$hook}) {
my @r;
for my $code (@{$hooks->{$hook}}) {
eval { (@r) = $code->{code}->($self, $self->transaction, @_); };
$@ and warn("FATAL PLUGIN ERROR [" . $code->{name} . "]: ", $@) and next;
if ($r[0] == YIELD) {
die "YIELD not valid from $hook hook";
last unless $r[0] == DECLINED;
$r[0] = DECLINED if not defined $r[0];
return @r;
return (0, '');
sub continue_read {} # subclassed in -async
sub pause_read { die "Continuations only work in qpsmtpd-async" }
sub run_continuation {
my $self = shift;
#my $t1 = $SAMPLER->("run_hooks", undef, 1);
die "No continuation in progress" unless $self->{_continuation};
my $todo = $self->{_continuation};
$self->{_continuation} = undef;
my $hook = shift @$todo || die "No hook in the continuation";
my $args = shift @$todo || die "No hook args in the continuation";
my @r;
while (@$todo) {
my $code = shift @$todo;
#my $t2 = $SAMPLER->($hook . "_" . $code->{name}, undef, 1);
#warn("Got sampler called: ${hook}_$code->{name}\n");
$self->varlog(LOGDEBUG, $hook, $code->{name});
my $tran = $self->transaction;
eval { (@r) = $code->{code}->($self, $tran, @$args); };
$@ and $self->log(LOGCRIT, "FATAL PLUGIN ERROR [" . $code->{name} . "]: ", $@) and next;
!defined $r[0]
and $self->log(LOGERROR, "plugin ".$code->{name}
." running the $hook hook returned undef!")
and next;
# note this is wrong as $tran is always true in the
# current code...
if ($tran) {
my $tnotes = $tran->notes( $code->{name} );
$tnotes->{"hook_$hook"}->{'return'} = $r[0]
if (!defined $tnotes || ref $tnotes eq "HASH");
else {
my $cnotes = $self->connection->notes( $code->{name} );
$cnotes->{"hook_$hook"}->{'return'} = $r[0]
if (!defined $cnotes || ref $cnotes eq "HASH");
if ($r[0] == YIELD) {
$self->{_continuation} = [$hook, $args, @$todo];
return @r;
elsif ($r[0] == DENY or $r[0] == DENYSOFT or
$r[1] = "" if not defined $r[1];
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "Plugin ".$code->{name}.
", hook $hook returned ".return_code($r[0]).", $r[1]");
$self->run_hooks_no_respond("deny", $code->{name}, $r[0], $r[1]) unless ($hook eq "deny");
else {
$r[1] = "" if not defined $r[1];
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "Plugin ".$code->{name}.
", hook $hook returned ".return_code($r[0]).", $r[1]");
$self->run_hooks_no_respond("ok", $code->{name}, $r[0], $r[1]) unless ($hook eq "ok");
last unless $r[0] == DECLINED;
$r[0] = DECLINED if not defined $r[0];
# hook_*_parse() may return a CODE ref..
# ... which breaks when splitting as string:
@r = map { split /\n/ } @r unless (ref($r[1]) eq "CODE");
return $self->hook_responder($hook, \@r, $args);
sub hook_responder {
my ($self, $hook, $msg, $args) = @_;
#my $t1 = $SAMPLER->("hook_responder", undef, 1);
my $code = shift @$msg;
my $responder = $hook . '_respond';
if (my $meth = $self->can($responder)) {
return $meth->($self, $code, $msg, $args);
return $code, @$msg;
sub _register_hook {
my $self = shift;
my ($hook, $code, $unshift) = @_;
if ($unshift) {
unshift @{$hooks->{$hook}}, $code;
else {
push @{$hooks->{$hook}}, $code;
sub spool_dir {
my $self = shift;
unless ( $Spool_dir ) { # first time through
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "Initializing spool_dir");
$Spool_dir = $self->config('spool_dir')
|| Qpsmtpd::Utils::tildeexp('~/tmp/');
$Spool_dir .= "/" unless ($Spool_dir =~ m!/$!);
$Spool_dir =~ /^(.+)$/ or die "spool_dir not configured properly";
$Spool_dir = $1; # cleanse the taint
my $Spool_perms = $self->config('spool_perms') || '0700';
if (! -d $Spool_dir) { # create it if it doesn't exist
or die "Could not create spool_dir $Spool_dir: $!";
# Make sure the spool dir has appropriate rights
"Permissions on spool_dir $Spool_dir are not $Spool_perms")
unless ((stat $Spool_dir)[2] & 07777) == oct($Spool_perms);
return $Spool_dir;
# For unique filenames. We write to a local tmp dir so we don't need
# to make them unpredictable.
my $transaction_counter = 0;
sub temp_file {
my $self = shift;
my $filename = $self->spool_dir()
. join(":", time, $$, $transaction_counter++);
return $filename;
sub temp_dir {
my $self = shift;
my $mask = shift || 0700;
my $dirname = $self->temp_file();
-d $dirname or mkdir($dirname, $mask)
or die "Could not create temporary directory $dirname: $!";
return $dirname;
sub size_threshold {
my $self = shift;
unless ( defined $Size_threshold ) {
$Size_threshold = $self->config('size_threshold') || 0;
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "size_threshold set to $Size_threshold");
return $Size_threshold;
sub authenticated {
my $self = shift;
return (defined $self->{_auth} ? $self->{_auth} : "" );
sub auth_user {
my $self = shift;
return (defined $self->{_auth_user} ? $self->{_auth_user} : "" );
sub auth_mechanism {
my $self = shift;
return (defined $self->{_auth_mechanism} ? $self->{_auth_mechanism} : "" );
=head1 NAME
Qpsmtpd - base class for the qpsmtpd mail server
This is the base class for the qpsmtpd mail server. See
L<http://smtpd.develooper.com/> and the I<README> file for more information.
Copyright 2001-2012 Ask Bjørn Hansen, Develooper LLC. See the
LICENSE file for more information.