2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd;
use Data::Dumper;
use DBIx::Simple;
use File::stat;
use Time::TAI64 qw/ tai2unix /;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
my $dsn = 'DBI:mysql:database=qpsmtpd;host=db;port=3306';
my $user = 'qplog';
my $pass = 't0ps3cret';
my $logdir = get_log_dir();
my @logfiles = get_logfiles($logdir);
my (%plugins, %os, %message_ids);
my $has_cleanup;
my $db = get_db();
foreach my $file ( @logfiles ) {
my ($fid, $offset) = check_logfile($file);
$fid or next;
parse_logfile( $file, $fid, $offset );
sub trim_message {
my $mess = shift;
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
return '' if $mess eq 'skip, naughty';
return '' if $mess eq 'skip, relay client';
return '' if $mess eq 'skip, no match';
return '' if $mess eq 'skip: unsigned';
return '' if $mess eq 'skip, not a null sender';
return '' if $mess eq 'pass';
return '' if $mess eq 'pass, no record';
return '' if $mess eq 'pass, Deliverable through vpopmail';
return '' if $mess eq 'pass, clean';
return '' if $mess =~ /^fail. NAUGHTY/;
return '' if $mess =~ /^PTR:\s/;
return '' if $mess eq 'TLS setup returning';
return $mess;
sub get_os_id {
my $p0f_string = shift or return;
$p0f_string =~ s/\s+$//;
$p0f_string =~ s/^\s+//;
return if ! $p0f_string;
return if $p0f_string =~ /no match/;
return if $p0f_string =~ /^skip/;
return if $p0f_string =~ /^\d/;
return if $p0f_string =~ /^\(/;
return if $p0f_string !~ /\w/;
return if $p0f_string =~ /no longer in the cache/;
if ( ! scalar keys %os ) {
my $ref = exec_query( 'SELECT * FROM os' );
foreach my $o ( @$ref ) {
$os{ $o->{name} } = $o->{id};
if ( ! defined $os{$p0f_string} ) {
warn "missing OS for $p0f_string\n";
return $os{$p0f_string};
sub get_plugin_id {
my $plugin = shift;
if ( ! scalar keys %plugins ) {
my $ref = exec_query( 'SELECT * FROM plugin' );
foreach my $p ( @$ref ) {
$plugins{ $p->{name} } = $p->{id};
$plugins{ $p->{id} } = $p->{name};
$ref = exec_query( 'SELECT * FROM plugin_aliases' );
foreach my $pa ( @$ref ) {
$plugins{ $pa->{name} } = $pa->{plugin_id};
if ( ! defined $plugins{$plugin} ) {
#warn Dumper(\%plugins);
die "missing DB plugin $plugin\n";
return $plugins{$plugin};
sub get_msg_id {
my ( $fid, $pid ) = @_;
return $message_ids{ "$fid-$pid" } if $message_ids{ "$fid-$pid" };
#print "searching for message $pid...";
my $msgs = exec_query(
'SELECT * FROM message WHERE file_id=? AND qp_pid=?',
[ $fid, $pid ]
#print scalar @$msgs ? "y\n" : "n\n";
if ( $msgs->[0]{id} ) {
$message_ids{ "$fid-$pid" } = $msgs->[0]{id};
return $msgs->[0]{id};
sub create_message {
my ( $fid, $ts, $pid, $message ) = @_;
my ($host, $ip) = split /\s/, $message;
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
$ip = substr $ip, 1, -1; # remove brackets
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
my $id = exec_query(
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
"INSERT INTO message SET file_id=?, connect_start=FROM_UNIXTIME(?), qp_pid=?, ip=INET_ATON(?)",
[ $fid, $ts, $pid, $ip ]
if ( $host && $host ne 'Unknown' ) {
exec_query( "UPDATE message SET hostname=? WHERE id=?", [ $host, $id ] );
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
#warn "host updated: $host\n";
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
sub insert_plugin {
my ( $msg_id, $plugin, $message ) = @_;
my $plugin_id = get_plugin_id( $plugin );
if ( $plugin eq 'ident::geoip' ) {
my ($gip, $distance) = $message =~ /(.*?),\s+([\d]+)\skm/;
if ( $distance ) {
exec_query( 'UPDATE message SET distance=? WHERE id=?', [ $distance, $msg_id ] );
$message = $gip;
elsif ( $plugin =~ /^ident::p0f/ ) {
my $os_id = get_os_id( $message );
if ( $os_id ) {
exec_query( 'UPDATE message SET os_id=? WHERE id=?', [ $os_id, $msg_id ] );
$message = 'pass';
elsif ( $plugin eq 'connection_time' ) {
my ($seconds) = $message =~ /\s*([\d\.]+)\s/;
if ( $seconds ) {
exec_query( 'UPDATE message SET time=? WHERE id=?', [ $seconds, $msg_id ] );
$message = 'pass';
my $result = get_score( $message );
if ( $result ) {
$message = trim_message($message);
exec_query( 'INSERT INTO message_plugin SET msg_id=?, plugin_id=?, result=?, string=?',
[ $msg_id, $plugin_id, $result, $message ]
sub parse_logfile {
my $file = shift;
my $fid = shift;
my $offset = shift || 0;
my $path = "$logdir/$file";
print "parsing file $file (id: $fid) from offset $offset\n";
open my $F, '<', $path or die "could not open $path: $!";
seek( $F, $offset, 0 ) if $offset;
while ( defined (my $line = <$F> ) ) {
chomp $line;
next if ! $line;
my ( $type, $pid, $hook, $plugin, $message ) = parse_line( $line );
next if ! $type;
next if $type eq 'info';
next if $type eq 'unknown';
next if $type eq 'response';
next if $type eq 'init'; # doesn't occur in all deployment models
next if $type eq 'cleanup';
next if $type eq 'error';
my $ts = tai2unix( (split /\s/, $line)[0] ); # print "ts: $ts\n";
my $msg_id = get_msg_id( $fid, $pid ) or do {
create_message( $fid, $ts, $pid, $message ) if $type eq 'connect';
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
#warn "type: $type\n";
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
if ( $type eq 'plugin' ) {
next if $plugin eq 'naughty'; # housekeeping only
insert_plugin( $msg_id, $plugin, $message );
elsif ( $type eq 'queue' ) {
exec_query('UPDATE message SET result=? WHERE id=?', [ 3, $msg_id ] );
elsif ( $type eq 'reject' ) {
exec_query('UPDATE message SET result=? WHERE id=?', [ -3, $msg_id ] );
elsif ( $type eq 'close' ) {
if ( $message eq 'Connection Timed Out' ) {
exec_query('UPDATE message SET result=? WHERE id=?', [ -1, $msg_id ] );
elsif ( $type eq 'connect' ) { }
elsif ( $type eq 'dispatch' ) {
if ( substr($message, 0, 21) eq 'dispatching MAIL FROM' ) {
my ($from) = $message =~ /<(.*?)>/;
exec_query('UPDATE message SET mail_from=? WHERE id=?', [ $from, $msg_id ] );
elsif ( substr($message, 0, 19) eq 'dispatching RCPT TO' ) {
my ($to) = $message =~ /<(.*?)>/;
exec_query('UPDATE message SET rcpt_to=? WHERE id=? AND rcpt_to IS NULL', [ $to, $msg_id ] );
elsif ( $message =~ m/dispatching (EHLO|HELO) (.*)/ ) {
exec_query('UPDATE message SET helo=? WHERE id=?', [ $2, $msg_id ] );
elsif ( $message eq 'dispatching DATA' ) { }
elsif ( $message eq 'dispatching QUIT' ) { }
elsif ( $message eq 'dispatching STARTTLS' ) { }
elsif ( $message eq 'dispatching RSET' ) { }
else {
# anything here is likely an unrecognized command
#print "$message\n";
else {
print "$type $pid $hook $plugin $message\n";
close $F;
sub check_logfile {
my $file = shift;
my $path = "$logdir/$file";
die "missing file $logdir/$file" if ! -f "$logdir/$file";
my $inode = stat($path)->ino or die "unable to get inode for $path\n";
my $size = stat($path)->size or die "unable to get size for $path\n";
my $exists;
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
#warn "check if file $file is in the DB as 'current'\n";
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
if ( $file =~ /^\@/ ) {
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
$exists = exec_query(
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
'SELECT * FROM log WHERE inode=? AND name=?',
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
[ $inode, 'current' ]
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
if ( @$exists ) {
print "Updating current -> $file\n";
'UPDATE log SET name=? WHERE inode=? AND name=?',
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
[ $file, $inode, 'current' ]
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
return ( $exists->[0]{id}, $exists->[0]{size} ); # continue parsing
if ( $file eq 'current' ) {
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
$exists = exec_query(
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
'SELECT * FROM log WHERE inode=? AND name=?',
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
[ $inode, $file ]
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
if ( @$exists ) {
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
'UPDATE log SET size=? WHERE inode=? AND name=?',
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
[ $size, $inode, 'current' ]
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
return ( $exists->[0]{id}, $exists->[0]{size} ); # continue parsing
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
$exists = exec_query(
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
'SELECT * FROM log WHERE name=? AND size=?',
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
[ $file, $size ]
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
return if @$exists; # log file hasn't changed, ignore it
#print Dumper($exists);
# file is a new one we haven't seen, add to DB and parse
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
my $id = exec_query(
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
'INSERT INTO log SET inode=?, size=?, name=?, created=FROM_UNIXTIME(?)',
[ $inode, $size, $file, stat($path)->ctime ]
print "new file id: $id\n";
return ( $id );
sub get_log_dir {
if ( -d "log/main" ) {
my $wd = Cwd::cwd();
return "$wd/log/main";
foreach my $user ( qw/ qpsmtpd smtpd / ) {
my ($homedir) = (getpwnam( $user ))[7] or next;
if ( -d "$homedir/log" ) {
return "$homedir/log/main";
if ( -d "$homedir/smtpd/log" ) {
return "$homedir/smtpd/log/main";
sub get_logfiles {
my $dir = shift;
opendir my $D, $dir or die "unable to open log dir $dir\n";
my @files;
while ( defined( my $f = readdir($D) ) ) {
next if ! -f "$dir/$f"; # ignore anything that's not a file
if ( $f =~ /^\@.*s$/ ) {
push @files, $f;
push @files, "current"; # always have this one last
closedir $D;
return @files;
sub parse_line {
my $line = shift;
my ($tai, $pid, $message) = split /\s+/, $line, 3;
return if ! $message; # garbage in the log file
# lines seen many times per connection
return parse_line_plugin( $line ) if substr($message, 0, 1) eq '(';
return ( 'dispatch', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if substr($message, 0, 12) eq 'dispatching ';
return ( 'queue', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if substr($message, 0, 11) eq '250 Queued!';
return ( 'response', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if $message =~ /^[2|3]\d\d/;
# lines seen about once per connection
return ( 'init', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if substr($message, 0, 19) eq 'Accepted connection';
return ( 'connect', $pid, undef, undef, substr( $message, 16) ) if substr($message, 0, 15) eq 'Connection from';
return ( 'connect', $pid, undef, undef, substr( $message, 16) ) if substr($message, 0, 8) eq 'connect ';
return ( 'close', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if substr($message, 0, 6) eq 'close ';
return ( 'close', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if $message eq 'Connection Timed Out';
return ( 'close', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if substr($message, 0, 20) eq 'click, disconnecting';
return parse_line_cleanup( $line ) if substr($message, 0, 11) eq 'cleaning up';
# lines seen less than once per connection
return ( 'info', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if $message eq 'spooling message to disk';
return ( 'reject', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if $message =~ /^[4|5]\d\d/;
return ( 'reject', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if substr($message, 0, 14) eq 'deny mail from';
return ( 'reject', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if substr($message, 0, 18) eq 'denysoft mail from';
return ( 'info', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if substr($message, 0, 15) eq 'Lost connection';
return ( 'info', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if $message eq 'auth success cleared naughty';
return ( 'info', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if substr($message, 0, 15) eq 'Running as user';
return ( 'info', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if substr($message, 0, 16) eq 'Loaded Qpsmtpd::';
return ( 'info', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if substr($message, 0, 24) eq 'Permissions on spool_dir';
return ( 'info', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if substr($message, 0, 13) eq 'Listening on ';
return ( 'info', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if substr($message, 0, 18) eq 'size_threshold set';
return ( 'info', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if substr($message, 0, 12) eq 'tls: ciphers';
return ( 'error', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if substr($message, 0, 22) eq 'of uninitialized value';
return ( 'error', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if substr($message, 0, 8) eq 'symbol "';
return ( 'error', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if substr($message, 0, 9) eq 'error at ';
return ( 'error', $pid, undef, undef, $message ) if substr($message, 0, 15) eq 'Could not print';
print "UNKNOWN LINE: $line\n";
return ( 'unknown', $pid, undef, undef, $message );
sub parse_line_plugin {
my ($line) = @_;
# @tai 13486 (connect) ident::p0f: Windows (XP/2000 (RFC1323+, w, tstamp-))
# @tai 13681 (connect) dnsbl: fail, NAUGHTY
# @tai 15787 (connect) karma: pass, no penalty (0 naughty, 3 nice, 3 connects)
# @tai 27500 (queue) queue::qmail_2dqueue: (for 27481) Queuing to /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue
my ($tai, $pid, $hook, $plugin, $message ) = split /\s/, $line, 5;
$plugin =~ s/:$//;
return parse_line_plugin_p0f( $line ) if $plugin =~ /^ident::p0f/;
return parse_line_plugin_dspam( $line ) if $plugin =~ /^dspam/;
return parse_line_plugin_spamassassin( $line ) if $plugin =~ /^spamassassin/;
if ( $plugin eq 'sender_permitted_from' ) {
$message = 'pass' if $message =~ /^pass/;
$message = 'fail' if $message =~ /^fail/;
$message = 'skip' if $message =~ /^none/;
elsif ( $plugin eq 'queue::qmail_2dqueue' ) {
($pid) = $message =~ /\(for ([\d]+)\)/;
$message = 'pass' if $message =~ /Queuing/;
elsif ( $plugin =~ /(?:early|karma|helo|rcpt_ok)/ ) {
$message = 'pass' if $message =~ /^pass/;
elsif ( $plugin =~ /resolvable_fromhost/ ) {
$message = 'pass' if $message =~ /^pass/;
return ( 'plugin', $pid, $hook, $plugin, $message );
sub parse_line_plugin_dspam {
my $line = shift;
my ($tai, $pid, $hook, $plugin, $message ) = split /\s/, $line, 5;
$plugin =~ s/:$//;
if ( $message =~ /Innocent, (\d\.\d\d c)/ ) {
$message = "pass, $1";
if ( $message =~ /Spam, (\d\.\d\d c)/ ) {
$message = "fail, $1";
return ( 'plugin', $pid, $hook, $plugin, $message );
sub parse_line_plugin_spamassassin {
my $line = shift;
my ($tai, $pid, $hook, $plugin, $message ) = split /\s/, $line, 5;
$plugin =~ s/:$//;
if ( $message =~ /pass, Ham, ([\d\-\.]+)\s/ ) {
$message = "pass, $1";
if ( $message =~ /^fail, Spam,\s([\d\.]+)\s< 100/ ) {
$message = "fail, $1";
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
return ( 'plugin', $pid, $hook, $plugin, $message );
sub parse_line_plugin_p0f {
my $line = shift;
my ($tai, $pid, $hook, $plugin, $message ) = split /\s/, $line, 5;
$plugin =~ s/:$//;
if ( substr( $message, -5, 5) eq 'hops)' ) {
($message) = split( /\s\(/, $message );
$message = 'iOS' if $message =~ /^iOS/;
$message = 'Solaris' if $message =~ /^Solaris/;
$message = 'Mac OS X' if $message =~ /^Mac OS X/;
$message = 'FreeBSD' if $message =~ /^FreeBSD/;
$message = 'Linux' if $message =~ /^Linux/;
$message = 'OpenBSD' if $message =~ /^OpenBSD/;
$message = 'Windows NT' if $message =~ /^Windows \(?NT/;
$message = 'Windows 95' if $message =~ /^Windows \(?95/;
$message = 'Windows 98' if $message =~ /^Windows \(?98/;
$message = 'Windows XP' if $message =~ /^Windows \(?XP/;
$message = 'Windows 2000' if $message =~ /^Windows \(?2000/;
$message = 'Windows 2003' if $message =~ /^Windows \(?2003/;
$message = 'Windows 7 or 8' if $message =~ /^Windows 7/;
$message = 'Windows 7 or 8' if $message =~ /^Windows 8/;
$message = 'Google' if $message =~ /^Google/;
$message = 'HP-UX' if $message =~ /^HP\-UX/;
$message = 'NetCache' if $message =~ /^NetCache/i;
$message = 'Cisco' if $message =~ /^Cisco/i;
$message = 'Netware' if $message =~ /Netware/i;
return ( 'plugin', $pid, $hook, $plugin, $message );
sub parse_line_cleanup {
my ($line) = @_;
# @tai 85931 cleaning up after 3210
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
my $pid = (split /\s+/, $line)[-1];
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
return ( 'cleanup', $pid, undef, undef, $line );
sub get_score {
my $mess = shift;
return 3 if $mess eq 'TLS setup returning';
return 3 if $mess =~ /^pass/;
return -3 if $mess =~ /^fail/;
return -2 if $mess =~ /^negative/;
return 2 if $mess =~ /^positive/;
return 1 if $mess =~ /^skip/;
return 0;
sub get_db {
my $db = DBIx::Simple->connect( $dsn, $user, $pass )
or die DBIx::Simple->error;
return $db;
sub exec_query {
my $query = shift;
my $params = shift;
die "invalid arguments to exec_query!" if @_;
my @params;
if ( defined $params ) {
@params = ref $params eq 'ARRAY' ? @$params : $params;
my $err = "query failed: $query\n";
if ( scalar @params ) {
$err .= join(',', @params);
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
#warn "err: $err\n";
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
if ( $query =~ /INSERT INTO/ ) {
my ( $table ) = $query =~ /INSERT INTO (\w+)\s/;
$db->query( $query, @params );
die "$db->error\n$err" if $db->error ne 'DBI error: ';
my $id = $db->last_insert_id(undef,undef,$table,undef) or die $err;
return $id;
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
elsif ( $query =~ /^UPDATE/i ) {
return $db->query( $query, @params );
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
elsif ( $query =~ /DELETE/ ) {
2013-03-27 18:14:23 -04:00
$db->query( $query, @params ) or die $err;
2012-06-27 03:27:35 -04:00
return $db->query("SELECT ROW_COUNT()")->list;
my $r = $db->query( $query, @params )->hashes or die $err;
return $r;