2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
# This file is best read with ``perldoc plugins.pod''
# Conventions:
# plugin names: F<myplugin>, F<qpsmtpd-async>
# constants: I<LOGDEBUG>
# smtp commands, answers: B<HELO>, B<250 Queued!>
# Notes:
# * due to restrictions of some POD parsers, no C<<$object->method()>>
# are allowed, use C<$object-E<gt>method()>
=head1 Introduction
Plugins are the heart of qpsmtpd. The core implements only basic SMTP protocol
functionality. No useful function can be done by qpsmtpd without loading
Plugins are loaded on startup where each of them register their interest in
various I<hooks> provided by the qpsmtpd core engine.
At least one plugin B<must> allow or deny the B<RCPT> command to enable
receiving mail. The F<check_relay> plugin is the standard plugin for this.
Other plugins provide extra functionality related to this; for example the
F<require_resolvable_fromhost> plugin.
=head2 Loading Plugins
The list of plugins to load are configured in the I<config/plugins>
configuration file. One plugin per line, empty lines and lines starting
with I<#> are ignored. The order they are loaded is the same as given
in this config file. This is also the order the registered I<hooks>
are run. The plugins are loaded from the F<plugins/> directory or
from a subdirectory of it. If a plugin should be loaded from such a
subdirectory, the directory must also be given, like the
F<virus/clamdscan> in the example below. Alternate plugin directories
may be given in the F<config/plugin_dirs> config file, one directory
per line, these will be searched first before using the builtin fallback
of F<plugins/> relative to the qpsmtpd root directory. It may be
necessary, that the F<config/plugin_dirs> must be used (if you're using
F<Apache::Qpsmtpd>, for example).
Some plugins may be configured by passing arguments in the F<plugins>
config file.
A plugin can be loaded two or more times with different arguments by adding
I<:N> to the plugin filename, with I<N> being a number, usually starting at
Another method to load a plugin is to create a valid perl module, drop this
module in perl's C<@INC> path and give the name of this module as
plugin name. The only restriction to this is, that the module name B<must>
contain I<::>, e.g. C<My::Plugin> would be ok, C<MyPlugin> not. Appending of
I<:0>, I<:1>, ... does not work with module plugins.
spamassassin reject_threshold 7
my_rcpt_check example.com
my_rcpt_check:0 example.org
=head1 Anatomy of a plugin
A plugin has at least one method, which inherits from the
C<Qpsmtpd::Plugin> object. The first argument for this method is always the
plugin object itself (and usually called C<$self>). The most simple plugin
has one method with a predefined name which just returns one constant.
# plugin temp_disable_connection
sub hook_connect {
return(DENYSOFT, "Sorry, server is temporarily unavailable.");
While this is a valid plugin, it is not very useful except for rare
circumstances. So let us see what happens when a plugin is loaded.
=head2 Initialisation
After the plugin is loaded the C<init()> method of the plugin is called,
if present. The arguments passed to C<init()> are
=over 4
=item $self
the current plugin object, usually called C<$self>
=item $qp
the Qpsmtpd object, usually called C<$qp>.
=item @args
the values following the plugin name in the F<plugins> config, split by
white space. These arguments can be used to configure the plugin with
default and/or static config settings, like database paths,
timeouts, ...
This is mainly used for inheriting from other plugins, but may be used to do
the same as in C<register()>.
The next step is to register the hooks the plugin provides. Any method which
is named C<hook_$hookname> is automagically added.
Plugins should be written using standard named hook subroutines. This
allows them to be overloaded and extended easily. Because some of the
callback names have characters invalid in subroutine names , they must be
translated. The current translation routine is C<s/\W/_/g;>. If you choose
not to use the default naming convention, you need to register the hooks in
your plugin in the C<register()> method (see below) with the
C<register_hook()> call on the plugin object.
sub register {
my ($self, $qp, @args) = @_;
$self->register_hook("mail", "mail_handler");
$self->register_hook("rcpt", "rcpt_handler");
sub mail_handler { ... }
sub rcpt_handler { ... }
The C<register()> method is called last. It receives the same arguments as
C<init()>. There is no restriction, what you can do in C<register()>, but
creating database connections and reuse them later in the process may not be
a good idea. This initialisation happens before any C<fork()> is done.
Therefore the file handle will be shared by all qpsmtpd processes and the
database will probably be confused if several different queries arrive on
the same file handle at the same time (and you may get the wrong answer, if
any). This is also true for F<qpsmtpd-async> and the pperl flavours, but
not for F<qpsmtpd> started by (x)inetd or tcpserver.
In short: don't do it if you want to write portable plugins.
=head2 Inheritance
Inheriting methods from other plugins is an advanced topic. You can alter
arguments for the underlying plugin, prepare something for the I<real>
plugin or skip a hook with this. Instead of modifying C<@ISA>
directly in your plugin, use the C<isa_plugin()> method from the
C<init()> subroutine.
# rcpt_ok_child
sub init {
my ($self, $qp, @args) = @_;
sub hook_rcpt {
my ($self, $transaction, $recipient) = @_;
# do something special here...
$self->SUPER::hook_rcpt($transaction, $recipient);
2007-12-10 08:49:08 +00:00
See also chapter C<Changing return values> and
F<contrib/vetinari/rcpt_ok_maxrelay> in SVN.
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
=head2 Config files
Most of the existing plugins fetch their configuration data from files in the
F<config/> sub directory. This data is read at runtime and may be changed
without restarting qpsmtpd.
B<(FIXME: caching?!)>
The contents of the files can be fetched via
@lines = $self->qp->config("my_config");
All empty lines and lines starting with C<#> are ignored.
If you don't want to read your data from files, but from a database you can
still use this syntax and write another plugin hooking the C<config>
=head2 Logging
Log messages can be written to the log file (or STDERR if you use the
F<logging/warn> plugin) with
$self->qp->log($loglevel, $logmessage);
The log level is one of (from low to high priority)
=over 4
2007-12-15 20:11:49 +00:00
=item *
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
2007-12-15 20:11:49 +00:00
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
2007-12-15 20:11:49 +00:00
=item *
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2007-12-15 20:11:49 +00:00
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
2007-12-15 20:11:49 +00:00
=item *
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
2007-12-15 20:11:49 +00:00
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
2007-12-15 20:11:49 +00:00
=item *
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
2007-12-15 20:11:49 +00:00
=item *
=item *
=item *
=item *
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
While debugging your plugins, you want to set the log level in the F<logging>
config file to I<LOGDEBUG>. This will log very much data. To restrict this
output just to the plugin you are debugging, you can use the following plugin:
FIXME: Test if this really works as inteded ;-)
# logging/debug_plugin - just show LOGDEBUG messages of one plugin
# Usage:
# logging/debug_plugin my_plugin LOGLEVEL
# LOGLEVEL is the log level for all other log messages
use Qpsmtpd::Constants;
sub register {
my ($self, $qp, $plugin, $loglevel) = @_;
die "no plugin name given"
unless $plugin;
$loglevel = "LOGWARN"
unless defined $loglevel;
$self->{_plugin} = $plugin;
$self->{_level} = Qpsmtpd::Constants::log_level($loglevel);
$self->{_level} = LOGWARN
unless defined $self->{_level};
sub hook_logging {
my ($self, $transaction, $trace, $hook, $plugin, @log) = @_;
return(OK) # drop these lines
if $plugin ne $self->{_plugin} and $trace > $self->{_level};
The above plugin should be loaded before the default logging plugin, which
logs with I<LOGDEBUG>. The plugin name must be the one returned by the
C<plugin_name()> method of the debugged plugin. This is probably not
the same as the name of the plugin (i.e. not the same you write in the
F<plugins> config file). In doubt: take a look in the log file for lines
like C<queue::qmail_2dqueue hooking queue> (here: F<queue/qmail-queue>
=E<gt> F<queue::qmail_2dqueue>).
=head2 Information about the current plugin
Each plugin inherits the public methods from C<Qpsmtpd::Plugin>.
=over 4
=item plugin_name()
Returns the name of the currently running plugin
=item hook_name()
Returns the name of the running hook
=item auth_user()
Returns the name of the user the client is authed as (if authentication is
used, of course)
=item auth_mechanism()
Returns the auth mechanism if authentication is used
=item connection()
Returns the C<Qpsmtpd::Connection> object associated with the current
=item transaction()
Returns the C<Qpsmtpd::Transaction> object associated with the current
=head2 Temporary Files
The temporary file and directory functions can be used for plugin specific
workfiles and will automatically be deleted at the end of the current
=over 4
=item temp_file()
Returns a unique name of a file located in the default spool directory,
but does not open that file (i.e. it is the name not a file handle).
=item temp_dir()
Returns the name of a unique directory located in the default spool
directory, after creating the directory with 0700 rights. If you need a
directory with different rights (say for an antivirus daemon), you will
need to use the base function C<$self-E<gt>qp-E<gt>temp_dir()>, which takes a
single parameter for the permissions requested (see L<mkdir> for details).
A directory created like this will not be deleted when the transaction
is ended.
=item spool_dir()
Returns the configured system-wide spool directory.
=head2 Connection and Transaction Notes
Both may be used to share notes across plugins and/or hooks. The only real
difference is their life time. The connection notes start when a new
connection is made and end, when the connection ends. This can, for example,
be used to count the number of none SMTP commands. The plugin which uses
this is the F<count_unrecognized_commands> plugin from the qpsmtpd core
The transaction note starts after the B<MAIL FROM: > command and are just
valid for the current transaction, see below in the I<reset_transaction>
hook when the transaction ends.
=head1 Return codes
Each plugin must return an allowed constant for the hook and (usually)
optionally a ``message'' for the client.
Generally all plugins for a hook are processed until one returns
something other than I<DECLINED>.
Plugins are run in the order they are listed in the F<plugins>
configuration file.
The return constants are defined in C<Qpsmtpd::Constants> and have
the following meanings:
=over 4
Plugin declined work; proceed as usual. This return code is I<always allowed>
unless noted otherwise.
=item OK
Action allowed.
=item DENY
Action denied.
Action denied; return a temporary rejection code (say B<450> instead
of B<550>).
Action denied; return a permanent rejection code and disconnect the client.
Use this for "rude" clients. Note that you're not supposed to do this
according to the SMTP specs, but bad clients don't listen sometimes.
Action denied; return a temporary rejection code and disconnect the client.
See note above about SMTP specs.
=item DONE
Finishing processing of the request. Usually used when the plugin sent the
response to the client.
The I<YIELD> constant is not mentioned here, because it is not used by
plugins directly.
=head1 SMTP hooks
This section covers the hooks, which are run in a normal SMTP connection.
The order of these hooks is like you will (probably) see them, while a mail
is received.
Every hook receives a C<Qpsmtpd::Plugin> object of the currently
running plugin as the first argument. A C<Qpsmtpd::Transaction> object is
the second argument of the current transaction in the most hooks, exceptions
are noted in the description of the hook. If you need examples how the
hook can be used, see the source of the plugins, which are given as
example plugins.
2008-06-03 16:09:59 +00:00
B<NOTE>: for some hooks (post-fork, post-connection, disconnect, deny, ok) the
return values are ignored. This does B<not> mean you can return anything you
want. It just means the return value is discarded and you can not disconnect
a client with I<DENY_DISCONNECT>. The rule to return I<DECLINED> to run the
next plugin for this hook (or return I<OK> / I<DONE> to stop processing)
still applies.
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
=head2 hook_pre_connection
Called by a controlling process (e.g. forkserver or prefork) after accepting
the remote server, but before beginning a new instance (or handing the
connection to the worker process).
Useful for load-management and rereading large config files at some
frequency less than once per session.
2008-05-12 14:50:48 +00:00
This hook is available in the F<qpsmtpd-forkserver>, F<qpsmtpd-prefork> and
F<qpsmtpd-async> flavours.
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
2008-05-12 14:50:48 +00:00
NOT FOR: apache, -server and inetd/pperl
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
B<NOTE:> You should not use this hook to do major work and / or use lookup
methods which (I<may>) take some time, like DNS lookups. This will slow down
B<all> incoming connections, no other connection will be accepted while this
hook is running!
2008-05-12 14:50:48 +00:00
Arguments this hook receives are (B<NOTE>: currently no C<%args> for
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
my ($self,$transaction,%args) = @_;
# %args is:
# %args = ( remote_ip => inet_ntoa($iaddr),
# remote_port => $port,
# local_ip => inet_ntoa($laddr),
# local_port => $lport,
# max_conn_ip => $MAXCONNIP,
# child_addrs => [values %childstatus],
# );
B<NOTE:> the C<$transaction> is of course C<undef> at this time.
Allowed return codes are
=over 4
returns a B<550> to the client and ends the connection
returns a B<451> to the client and ends the connection
Anything else is ignored.
Example plugins are F<hosts_allow> and F<connection_time>.
=head2 hook_connect
It is called at the start of a connection before the greeting is sent to
the connecting client.
Arguments for this hook are
my $self = shift;
B<NOTE:> in fact you get passed two more arguments, which are C<undef> at this
early stage of the connection, so ignore them.
Allowed return codes are
=over 4
=item OK
Stop processing plugins, give the default response
Process the next plugin
=item DONE
Stop processing plugins and dont give the default response, i.e. the plugin
gave the response
=item DENY
Return hard failure code and disconnect
Return soft failure code and disconnect
Example plugin for this hook is the F<check_relay> plugin.
=head2 hook_helo / hook_ehlo
It is called after the client sent B<EHLO> (hook_ehlo) or B<HELO> (hook_helo)
Allowed return codes are
=over 4
=item DENY
Return a 550 code
Return a B<450> code
as above but with disconnect
=item DONE
Qpsmtpd wont do anything, the plugin sent the message
Qpsmtpd will send the standard B<EHLO>/B<HELO> answer, of course only
if all plugins hooking I<helo/ehlo> return I<DECLINED>.
Arguments of this hook are
my ($self, $transaction, $host) = @_;
# $host: the name the client sent in the
# (EH|HE)LO line
B<NOTE:> C<$transaction> is C<undef> at this point.
=head2 hook_mail_pre
After the B<MAIL FROM: > line sent by the client is broken into
pieces by the C<hook_mail_parse()>, this hook recieves the results.
This hook may be used to pre-accept adresses without the surrounding
I<E<lt>E<gt>> (by adding them) or addresses like
I<E<lt>user@example.com.E<gt>> or I<E<lt>user@example.com E<gt>> by
removing the trailing I<"."> / C<" ">.
Expected return values are I<OK> and an address which must be parseable
by C<Qpsmtpd::Address-E<gt>parse()> on success or any other constant to
indicate failure.
Arguments are
my ($self, $transaction, $addr) = @_;
=head2 hook_mail
Called right after the envelope sender line is parsed (the B<MAIL FROM: >
command). The plugin gets passed a C<Qpsmtpd::Address> object, which means
the parsing and verifying the syntax of the address (and just the syntax,
no other checks) is already done. Default is to allow the sender address.
The remaining arguments are the extensions defined in RFC 1869 (if sent by
the client).
B<NOTE:> According to the SMTP protocol, you can not reject an invalid
sender until after the B<RCPT> stage (except for protocol errors, i.e.
syntax errors in address). So store it in an C<$transaction-E<gt>note()> and
process it later in an rcpt hook.
Allowed return codes are
=over 4
=item OK
sender allowed
=item DENY
Return a hard failure code
Return a soft failure code
as above but with disconnect
next plugin (if any)
=item DONE
skip further processing, plugin sent response
Arguments for this hook are
my ($self,$transaction, $sender, %args) = @_;
# $sender: an Qpsmtpd::Address object for
# sender of the message
Example plugins for the C<hook_mail> are F<require_resolvable_fromhost>
and F<check_badmailfrom>.
=head2 hook_rcpt_pre
See C<hook_mail_pre>, s/MAIL FROM:/RCPT TO:/.
=head2 hook_rcpt
This hook is called after the client sent an I<RCPT TO: > command (after
parsing the line). The given argument is parsed by C<Qpsmtpd::Address>,
then this hook is called. Default is to deny the mail with a soft error
code. The remaining arguments are the extensions defined in RFC 1869
(if sent by the client).
Allowed return codes
=over 4
=item OK
recipient allowed
=item DENY
Return a hard failure code, for example for an I<User does not exist here>
Return a soft failure code, for example if the connect to a user lookup
database failed
as above but with disconnect
=item DONE
skip further processing, plugin sent response
Arguments are
my ($self, $transaction, $recipient, %args) = @_;
# $rcpt = Qpsmtpd::Address object with
# the given recipient address
Example plugin is F<rcpt_ok>.
=head2 hook_data
After the client sent the B<DATA> command, before any data of the message
was sent, this hook is called.
B<NOTE:> This hook, like B<EHLO>, B<VRFY>, B<QUIT>, B<NOOP>, is an
endpoint of a pipelined command group (see RFC 1854) and may be used to
detect ``early talkers''. Since svn revision 758 the F<check_earlytalker>
plugin may be configured to check at this hook for ``early talkers''.
Allowed return codes are
=over 4
=item DENY
Return a hard failure code
Return a soft failure code
as above but with disconnect
=item DONE
Plugin took care of receiving data and calling the queue (not recommended)
B<NOTE:> The only real use for I<DONE> is implementing other ways of
receiving the message, than the default... for example the CHUNKING SMTP
extension (RFC 1869, 1830/3030) ... a plugin for this exists at
http://svn.perl.org/qpsmtpd/contrib/vetinari/experimental/chunking, but it
was never tested ``in the wild''.
my ($self, $transaction) = @_;
Example plugin is F<greylisting>.
2007-08-19 07:05:37 +00:00
=head2 hook_received_line
If you wish to provide your own Received header line, do it here. You can use
or discard any of the given arguments (see below).
Allowed return codes:
=over 4
=item OK, $string
use this string for the Received header.
=item anything else
use the default Received header
Arguments are
my ($self, $transaction, $smtp, $auth, $sslinfo) = @_;
# $smtp - the SMTP type used (e.g. "SMTP" or "ESMTP").
# $auth - the Auth header additionals.
# $sslinfo - information about SSL for the header.
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
=head2 hook_data_post
The C<data_post> hook is called after the client sent the final C<.\r\n>
of a message, before the mail is sent to the queue.
Allowed return codes are
=over 4
=item DENY
Return a hard failure code
Return a soft failure code
as above but with disconnect
=item DONE
skip further processing (message will not be queued), plugin gave the response.
B<NOTE:> just returning I<OK> from a special queue plugin does (nearly)
the same (i.e. dropping the mail to F</dev/null>) and you don't have to
send the response on your own.
If you want the mail to be queued, you have to queue it manually!
my ($self, $transaction) = @_;
Example plugins: F<spamassassin>, F<virus/clamdscan>
=head2 hook_queue_pre
This hook is run, just before the mail is queued to the ``backend''. You
may modify the in-process transaction object (e.g. adding headers) or add
something like a footer to the mail (the latter is not recommended).
Allowed return codes are
=over 4
=item DONE
no queuing is done
queue the mail
=head2 hook_queue
When all C<data_post> hooks accepted the message, this hook is called. It
is used to queue the message to the ``backend''.
Allowed return codes:
=over 4
=item DONE
skip further processing (plugin gave response code)
=item OK
Return success message, i.e. tell the client the message was queued (this
may be used to drop the message silently).
=item DENY
Return hard failure code
Return soft failure code, i.e. if disk full or other temporary queuing
my ($self, $transaction) = @_;
Example plugins: all F<queue/*> plugins
=head2 hook_queue_post
This hook is called always after C<hook_queue>. If the return code is
B<not> I<OK>, a message (all remaining return values) with level I<LOGERROR>
is written to the log.
Arguments are
my $self = shift;
B<NOTE:> C<$transaction> is not valid at this point, therefore not mentioned.
=head2 hook_reset_transaction
This hook will be called several times. At the beginning of a transaction
(i.e. when the client sends a B<MAIL FROM:> command the first time),
after queueing the mail and every time a client sends a B<RSET> command.
Arguments are
my ($self, $transaction) = @_;
B<NOTE:> don't rely on C<$transaction> being valid at this point.
=head2 hook_quit
After the client sent a B<QUIT> command, this hook is called (before the
Allowed return codes
=over 4
=item DONE
plugin sent response
next plugin and / or qpsmtpd sends response
Arguments: the only argument is C<$self>
### XXX: FIXME pass the rest of the line to this hook?
Expample plugin is the F<quit_fortune> plugin.
=head2 hook_disconnect
This hook will be called from several places: After a plugin returned
I<DENY(|SOFT)_DISCONNECT>, before connection is disconnected or after the
client sent the B<QUIT> command, AFTER the quit hook and ONLY if no plugin
hooking C<hook_quit> returned I<DONE>.
All return values are ignored, arguments are just C<$self>
Example plugin is F<logging/file>
=head2 hook_post_connection
This is the counter part of the C<pre-connection> hook, it is called
directly before the connection is finished, for example, just before the
qpsmtpd-forkserver instance exits or if the client drops the connection
without notice (without a B<QUIT>). This hook is not called if the qpsmtpd
instance is killed.
FIXME: we should run this hook on a ``SIGHUP'' or some other signal?
The only argument is C<$self> and all return codes are ignored, it would
be too late anyway :-).
Example: F<connection_time>
=head1 Parsing Hooks
Before the line from the client is parsed by
C<Qpsmtpd::Command-E<gt>parse()> with the built in parser, these hooks
are called. They can be used to supply a parsing function for the line,
which will be used instead of the built in parser.
The hook must return two arguments, the first is (currently) ignored,
the second argument must be a (CODE) reference to a sub routine. This sub
routine receives three arguments:
=over 4
=item $self
the plugin object
=item $cmd
the command (i.e. the first word of the line) sent by the client
=item $line
the line sent by the client without the first word
Expected return values from this sub are I<DENY> and a reason which is
sent to the client or I<OK> and the C<$line> broken into pieces according
to the syntax rules for the command.
B<NOTE: ignore the example from C<Qpsmtpd::Command>, the C<unrecognized_command_parse> hook was never implemented,...>
=head2 hook_helo_parse / hook_ehlo_parse
The provided sub routine must return two or more values. The first is
discarded, the second is the hostname (sent by the client as argument
to the B<HELO> / B<EHLO> command). All other values are passed to the
helo / ehlo hook. This hook may be used to change the hostname the client
sent... not recommended, but if your local policy says only to accept
I<HELO> hosts with FQDNs and you have a legal client which can not be
changed to send his FQDN, this is the right place.
=head2 hook_mail_parse / hook_rcpt_parse
The provided sub routine must return two or more values. The first is
either I<OK> to indicate that parsing of the line was successfull
or anything else to bail out with I<501 Syntax error in command>. In
case of failure the second argument is used as the error message for the
If parsing was successfull, the second argument is the sender's /
recipient's address (this may be without the surrounding I<E<lt>> and
I<E<gt>>, don't add them here, use the C<hook_mail_pre()> /
C<hook_rcpt_pre()> methods for this). All other arguments are
sent to the C<mail / rcpt> hook as B<MAIL> / B<RCPT> parameters (see
RFC 1869 I<SMTP Service Extensions> for more info). Note that
the mail and rcpt hooks expect a list of key/value pairs as the
last arguments.
=head2 hook_auth_parse
=head1 Special hooks
Now some special hooks follow. Some of these hooks are some internal hooks,
which may be used to alter the logging or retrieving config values from
other sources (other than flat files) like SQL databases.
=head2 hook_logging
This hook is called when a log message is written, for example in a plugin
it fires if someone calls C<$self-E<gt>log($level, $msg);>. Allowed
return codes are
=over 4
next logging plugin
=item OK
(not I<DONE>, as some might expect!) ok, plugin logged the message
Arguments are
my ($self, $transaction, $trace, $hook, $plugin, @log) = @_;
# $trace: level of message, for example
2008-01-24 18:43:34 +00:00
# $hook: the hook in/for which this logging
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
# was called
# $plugin: the plugin calling this hook
# @log: the log message
B<NOTE:> C<$transaction> may be C<undef>, depending when / where this hook
is called. It's probably best not to try acessing it.
All F<logging/*> plugins can be used as example plugins.
=head2 hook_deny
This hook is called after a plugin returned I<DENY>, I<DENYSOFT>,
I<DENY_DISCONNECT> or I<DENYSOFT_DISCONNECT>. All return codes are ignored,
arguments are
my ($self, $transaction, $prev_hook, $return, $return_text) = @_;
B<NOTE:> C<$transaction> may be C<undef>, depending when / where this hook
is called. It's probably best not to try acessing it.
Example plugin for this hook is F<logging/adaptive>.
=head2 hook_ok
The counter part of C<hook_deny>, it is called after a plugin B<did not>
All return codes are ignored, arguments are
my ( $self, $transaction, $prev_hook, $return, $return_text ) = @_;
B<NOTE:> C<$transaction> may be C<undef>, depending when / where this hook
is called. It's probably best not to try acessing it.
=head2 hook_config
Called when a config file is requested, for example in a plugin it fires
if someone calls C<my @cfg = $self-E<gt>qp-E<gt>config($cfg_name);>.
Allowed return codes are
=over 4
plugin didn't find the requested value
=item OK
requested values as C<@list>, example:
return (OK, @{$config{$value}})
if exists $config{$value};
return (DECLINED);
my ($self,$transaction,$value) = @_;
# $value: the requested config item(s)
B<NOTE:> C<$transaction> may be C<undef>, depending when / where this hook
is called. It's probably best not to try acessing it.
Example plugin is F<http_config> from the qpsmtpd distribution.
=head2 hook_unrecognized_command
This is called if the client sent a command unknown to the core of qpsmtpd.
This can be used to implement new SMTP commands or just count the number
of unknown commands from the client, see below for examples.
Allowed return codes:
=over 4
Return B<521> and disconnect the client
=item DENY
Return B<500>
=item DONE
Qpsmtpd wont do anything; the plugin responded, this is what you want to
return, if you are implementing new commands
=item Anything else...
Return B<500 Unrecognized command>
my ($self, $transaction, $cmd, @args) = @_;
# $cmd = the first "word" of the line
# sent by the client
# @args = all the other "words" of the
# line sent by the client
# "word(s)": white space split() line
B<NOTE:> C<$transaction> may be C<undef>, depending when / where this hook
is called. It's probably best not to try acessing it.
Example plugin is F<tls>.
2007-12-10 08:49:08 +00:00
=head2 hook_help
This hook triggers if a client sends the B<HELP> command, allowed return
codes are:
=over 4
=item DONE
Plugin gave the answer.
=item DENY
2008-05-12 14:50:48 +00:00
The client will get a C<syntax error> message, probably not what you want,
better use
2007-12-10 08:49:08 +00:00
$self->qp->respond(502, "Not implemented.");
return DONE;
Anything else will be send as help answer.
Arguments are
my ($self, $transaction, @args) = @_;
with C<@args> being the arguments from the client's command.
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
=head2 hook_vrfy
If the client sents the B<VRFY> command, this hook is called. Default is to
return a message telling the user to just try sending the message.
Allowed return codes:
=over 4
=item OK
Recipient Exists
=item DENY
Return a hard failure code
=item DONE
Return nothing and move on
=item Anything Else...
Return a B<252>
Arguments are:
my ($self) = shift;
FIXME: this sould be changed in Qpsmtpd::SMTP to pass the rest of the line
as arguments to the hook
2008-01-24 18:43:34 +00:00
=head2 hook_noop
If the client sents the B<NOOP> command, this hook is called. Default is to
return C<250 OK>.
Allowed return codes are:
=over 4
=item DONE
Plugin gave the answer
Return error code and disconnect client
=item DENY
Return error code.
=item Anything Else...
Give the default answer of B<250 OK>.
Arguments are
my ($self,$transaction,@args) = @_;
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
=head2 hook_post_fork
B<NOTE:> This hook is only available in qpsmtpd-async.
It is called while starting qpsmtpd-async. You can run more than one
instance of qpsmtpd-async (one per CPU probably). This hook is called
after forking one instance.
my $self = shift;
The return values of this hook are discarded.
=head1 Authentication hooks
B<FIXME missing:> auth_parse
#=head2 auth
#=head2 auth-plain
#=head2 auth-login
#=head2 auth-cram-md5
2007-12-10 08:49:08 +00:00
See F<README.authentication> in the qpsmtpd base dir.
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
=head1 Writing your own plugins
This is a walk through a new queue plugin, which queues the mail to a (remote)
First step is to pull in the necessary modules
use IO::Socket;
use Text::Netstring qw( netstring_encode
netstring_read );
We know, we need a server to send the mails to. This will be the same
for every mail, so we can use arguments to the plugin to configure this
server (and port).
Inserting this static config is done in C<register()>:
sub register {
my ($self, $qp, @args) = @_;
die "No QMQP server specified in qmqp-forward config"
unless @args;
$self->{_qmqp_timeout} = 120;
if ($args[0] =~ /^([\.\w_-]+)$/) {
$self->{_qmqp_server} = $1;
else {
die "Bad data in qmqp server: $args[0]";
$self->{_qmqp_port} = 628;
if (@args > 1 and $args[1] =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
$self->{_qmqp_port} = $1;
$self->log(LOGWARN, "WARNING: Ignoring additional arguments.")
if (@args > 2);
We're going to write a queue plugin, so we need to hook to the I<queue>
sub hook_queue {
my ($self, $transaction) = @_;
$self->log(LOGINFO, "forwarding to $self->{_qmqp_server}:"
The first step is to open a connection to the remote server.
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => $self->{_qmqp_server},
PeerPort => $self->{_qmqp_port},
Timeout => $self->{_qmqp_timeout},
Proto => 'tcp')
or $self->log(LOGERROR, "Failed to connect to "
2007-12-10 08:49:08 +00:00
."$self->{_qmqp_port}: $!"),
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
=over 4
=item *
2007-12-10 08:49:08 +00:00
The client starts with a safe 8-bit text message. It encodes the message
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
as the byte string C<firstline\012secondline\012 ... \012lastline>. (The
last line is usually, but not necessarily, empty.) The client then encodes
2007-12-10 08:49:08 +00:00
this byte string as a netstring. The client also encodes the envelope
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
sender address as a netstring, and encodes each envelope recipient address
as a netstring.
2007-12-10 08:49:08 +00:00
The client concatenates all these netstrings, encodes the concatenation
as a netstring, and sends the result.
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
(from L<http://cr.yp.to/proto/qmqp.html>)
2007-12-10 08:49:08 +00:00
The first idea is to build the package we send, in the order described
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
in the paragraph above:
my $message = $transaction->header->as_string;
while (my $line = $transaction->body_getline) {
$message .= $line;
$message = netstring_encode($message);
$message .= netstring_encode($transaction->sender->address);
for ($transaction->recipients) {
push @rcpt, $_->address;
$message .= join "", netstring_encode(@rcpt);
print $sock netstring_encode($message)
2007-12-10 08:49:08 +00:00
or do {
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
my $err = $!;
return(DECLINED, "Failed to print to socket: $err");
This would mean, we have to hold the full message in memory... Not good
for large messages, and probably even slower (for large messages).
Luckily it's easy to build a netstring without the help of the
C<Text::Netstring> module if you know the size of the string (for more
info about netstrings see L<http://cr.yp.to/proto/netstrings.txt>).
We start with the sender and recipient addresses:
my ($addrs, $headers, @rcpt);
$addrs = netstring_encode($transaction->sender->address);
for ($transaction->recipients) {
push @rcpt, $_->address;
$addrs .= join "", netstring_encode(@rcpt);
Ok, we got the sender and the recipients, now let's see what size the
message is.
$headers = $transaction->header->as_string;
my $msglen = length($headers) + $transaction->body_length;
We've got everything we need. Now build the netstrings for the full package
and the message.
2007-12-10 08:49:08 +00:00
First the beginning of the netstring of the full package
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
# (+ 2: the ":" and "," of the message's netstring)
print $sock ($msglen + length($msglen) + 2 + length($addrs))
."$msglen:$headers" ### beginning of messages netstring
or do {
my $err = $!;
"Failed to print to socket: $err");
Go to beginning of the body
If the message is spooled to disk, read the message in
blocks and write them to the server
if ($transaction->body_fh) {
my $buff;
my $size = read $transaction->body_fh, $buff, 4096;
unless (defined $size) {
my $err = $!;
return(DECLINED, "Failed to read from body_fh: $err");
while ($size) {
print $sock $buff
or do {
my $err = $!;
return(DECLINED, "Failed to print to socket: $err");
$size = read $transaction->body_fh, $buff, 4096;
unless (defined $size) {
my $err = $!;
"Failed to read from body_fh: $err");
Else we have to read it line by line ...
else {
while (my $line = $transaction->body_getline) {
print $sock $line
or do {
my $err = $!;
return(DECLINED, "Failed to print to socket: $err");
Message is at the server, now finish the package.
print $sock "," # end of messages netstring
.$addrs # sender + recpients
."," # end of netstring of
# the full package
or do {
my $err = $!;
"Failed to print to socket: $err");
We're done. Now let's see what the remote qmqpd says...
2007-12-10 08:49:08 +00:00
=over 4
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
=item *
(continued from L<http://cr.yp.to/proto/qmqp.html>:)
2007-12-10 08:49:08 +00:00
The server's response is a nonempty string of 8-bit bytes, encoded as a
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
2007-12-10 08:49:08 +00:00
The first byte of the string is either K, Z, or D. K means that the
message has been accepted for delivery to all envelope recipients. This
is morally equivalent to the 250 response to DATA in SMTP; it is subject
to the reliability requirements of RFC 1123, section 5.3.3. Z means
temporary failure; the client should try again later. D means permanent
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
2007-12-10 08:49:08 +00:00
Note that there is only one response for the entire message; the server
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
cannot accept some recipients while rejecting others.
my $answer = netstring_read($sock);
if (defined $answer and netstring_verify($answer)) {
$answer = netstring_decode($answer);
$answer =~ s/^K// and return(OK,
"Queued! $answer");
$answer =~ s/^Z// and return(DENYSOFT,
"Deferred: $answer");
$answer =~ s/^D// and return(DENY,
"Denied: $answer");
If this is the only F<queue/*> plugin, the client will get a 451 temp error:
return(DECLINED, "Protocol error");
sub _disconnect {
my ($self,$sock) = @_;
if (defined $sock) {
eval { close $sock; };
undef $sock;
=head1 Advanced Playground
=head2 Discarding messages
If you want to make the client think a message has been regularily accepted,
but in real you delete it or send it to F</dev/null>, ..., use something
like the following plugin and load it before your default queue plugin.
sub hook_queue {
my ($self, $transaction) = @_;
if ($transaction->notes('discard_mail')) {
my $msg_id = $transaction->header->get('Message-Id') || '';
$msg_id =~ s/[\r\n].*//s;
return(OK, "Queued! $msg_id");
2007-12-10 08:49:08 +00:00
=head2 Changing return values
This is an example how to use the C<isa_plugin> method.
The B<rcpt_ok_maxrelay> plugin wraps the B<rcpt_ok> plugin. The B<rcpt_ok>
plugin checks the F<rcpthosts> and F<morercpthosts> config files for
domains, which we accept mail for. If not found it tells the
client that relaying is not allowed. Clients which are marked as
C<relay clients> are excluded from this rule. This plugin counts the
number of unsuccessfull relaying attempts and drops the connection if
too many were made.
The optional parameter I<MAX_RELAY_ATTEMPTS> configures this plugin to drop
the connection after I<MAX_RELAY_ATTEMPTS> unsuccessful relaying attempts.
Set to C<0> to disable, default is C<5>.
Note: Do not load both (B<rcpt_ok> and B<rcpt_ok_maxrelay>). This plugin
should be configured to run I<last>, like B<rcpt_ok>.
use Qpsmtpd::DSN;
sub init {
my ($self, $qp, @args) = @_;
die "too many arguments"
if @args > 1;
$self->{_count_relay_max} = defined $args[0] ? $args[0] : 5;
sub hook_rcpt {
my ($self, $transaction, $recipient) = @_;
my ($rc, @msg) = $self->SUPER::hook_rcpt($transaction, $recipient);
return ($rc, @msg)
unless (($rc == DENY) and $self->{_count_relay_max});
my $count =
($self->qp->connection->notes('count_relay_attempts') || 0) + 1;
$self->qp->connection->notes('count_relay_attempts', $count);
return ($rc, @msg) unless ($count > $self->{_count_relay_max});
return Qpsmtpd::DSN->relaying_denied(DENY_DISCONNECT,
"Too many relaying attempts");
2007-08-08 17:25:54 +00:00
=head2 TBC... :-)
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