2012-04-29 01:35:59 -07:00
#!perl -w
2007-12-07 09:15:00 +00:00
=head1 NAME
help - default help plugin for qpsmtpd
The B<help> plugin gives the answers for the help command. It can be configured
to return C<502 Not implemented>.
Without any arguments, the C<help_dir> is set to F<./help/>.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item not_implemented (1|0)
If this option is set (and the next argument is true), the plugin answers,
that the B<HELP> command is not implemented
=item help_dir /path/to/help/files/
When a client requests help for C<COMMAND> the file F</path/to/help/files/
. lc(COMMAND)> is dumped to the client if it exists.
Any other argument pair is treated as command / help file pair. The file is
expexted in the F<help/> sub directory. If the client calls C<HELP COMMAND>
the contents of HELPFILE are dumped to him.
=head1 NOTES
The hard coded F<help/> path should be changed.
my %config = ();
sub register {
my ($self,$qp,%args) = @_;
my ($file, $cmd);
unless (%args) {
$config{help_dir} = './help/';
foreach (keys %args) {
/^(\w+)$/ or
$self->log(LOGWARN, "Invalid argument for the 'help' plugin $_"),
$cmd = $1;
if ($cmd eq 'not_implemented') {
$config{'not_implemented'} = $args{'not_implemented'};
elsif ($cmd eq 'help_dir') {
$file = $args{$cmd};
$file =~ m#^([\w\.\-/]+)$#
or $self->log(LOGERROR,
"Invalid charachters in filename for command $cmd"),
$config{'help_dir'} = $1;
else {
$file = $args{$cmd};
$file =~ m#^([\w\.\-/]+)$#
or $self->log(LOGERROR,
"Invalid charachters in filename for command $cmd"),
$file = $1;
if ($file =~ m#/#) {
-e $file
or $self->log(LOGWARN, "No help file for command '$cmd'"),
else {
$file = "help/$file";
if (-e "help/$file") { ## FIXME: path
$file = "help/$file";
else {
$self->log(LOGWARN, "No help file for command '$cmd'");
$config{lc $cmd} = $file;
return DECLINED;
sub hook_help {
my ($self, $transaction, @args) = @_;
my ($help, $cmd);
if ($config{not_implemented}) {
$self->qp->respond(502, "Not implemented.");
return DONE;
return OK, "Try 'HELP COMMAND' for getting help on COMMAND"
unless $args[0];
$cmd = lc $args[0];
unless ($cmd =~ /^(\w+)$/) { # else someone could request
# "HELP ../../../../../../../../etc/passwd"
$self->qp->respond(502, "Invalid command name");
return DONE;
$cmd = $1;
if (exists $config{$cmd}) {
$help = read_helpfile($config{$cmd}, $cmd)
or $self->log(LOGERROR, "failed to open help file for $cmd: $!"),
return OK, "No help available for SMTP command: $cmd";
elsif (exists $config{'help_dir'} && -e $config{'help_dir'}."/$cmd") {
$help = read_helpfile($config{help_dir}."/$cmd", $cmd)
or $self->log(LOGERROR, "failed to open help file for $cmd: $!"),
return OK, "No help available for SMTP command: $cmd";
$help = "No help available for SMTP command: $cmd" # empty file
unless $help;
return OK, split(/\n/, $help);
sub read_helpfile {
my ($file,$cmd) = @_;
my $help;
open HELP, $file
or return undef;
local $/ = undef;
$help = <HELP>;
close HELP;
return $help;