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package Qpsmtpd::Config;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Sys::Hostname;
use parent 'Qpsmtpd::Base';
use Qpsmtpd::Constants;
our %config_cache = ();
our %dir_memo;
our %defaults = (
me => hostname,
timeout => 1200,
sub log {
my ($self, $trace, @log) = @_;
# logging methods attempt to read config files, this log() prevents that
# until after logging has fully loaded
return if $trace > LOGWARN;
no warnings 'once';
if ($Qpsmtpd::LOGGING_LOADED) {
return Qpsmtpd->log($trace, @log);
warn join(' ', $$, @log) . "\n";
sub config {
my ($self, $qp, $c, $type) = @_;
$qp->log(LOGDEBUG, "in config($c)");
# first run the user_config hooks
my ($rc, @config);
if (ref $type && $type->can('address')) {
($rc, @config) = $qp->run_hooks_no_respond('user_config', $type, $c);
if (defined $rc && $rc == OK) {
return wantarray ? @config : $config[0];
# then run the config hooks
($rc, @config) = $qp->run_hooks_no_respond('config', $c);
"config($c): hook returned ("
. join(',', map { defined $_ ? $_ : 'undef' } ($rc, @config))
. ")"
if (defined $rc && $rc == OK) {
return wantarray ? @config : $config[0];
# then qmail
@config = $self->get_qmail($c, $type);
return wantarray ? @config : $config[0] if @config;
# then the default, which may be undefined
return $self->default($c);
sub config_dir {
my ($self, $config) = @_;
if (exists $dir_memo{$config}) {
return $dir_memo{$config};
my $configdir = ($ENV{QMAIL} || '/var/qmail') . '/control';
my ($path) = ($ENV{PROCESS} ? $ENV{PROCESS} : $0) =~ m!(.*?)/([^/]+)$!;
$configdir = "$path/config" if -e "$path/config/$config";
if (exists $ENV{QPSMTPD_CONFIG}) {
$ENV{QPSMTPD_CONFIG} =~ /^(.*)$/; # detaint
$configdir = $1 if -e "$1/$config";
return $dir_memo{$config} = $configdir;
sub clear_cache {
%config_cache = ();
%dir_memo = ();
sub default {
my ($self, $def) = @_;
return if !exists $defaults{$def};
return wantarray ? ($defaults{$def}) : $defaults{$def};
sub get_qmail {
my ($self, $config, $type) = @_;
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "trying to get config for $config");
# CDB config support really should be moved to a plugin
if ($type and $type eq "map") {
return $self->get_qmail_map($config);
return $self->from_file($config);
sub get_qmail_map {
my ($self, $config, $file) = @_;
$file ||= $self->config_dir($config) . "/$config.cdb";
if (!-e $file) {
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "File $file does not exist");
$config_cache{$config} ||= [];
return +{};
eval { require CDB_File };
if ($@) {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "No CDB Support! Did NOT read $file, could not load CDB_File: $@");
return +{};
my %h;
unless (tie(%h, 'CDB_File', $file)) {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "tie of $file failed: $!");
return +{};
# We explicitly don't cache cdb entries. The assumption is that
# the data is in a CDB file in the first place because there's
# lots of data and the cache hit ratio would be low.
return \%h;
sub from_file {
my ($self, $config, $file, $visited) = @_;
$file ||= $self->config_dir($config) . "/$config";
if (!-e $file) {
$config_cache{$config} ||= [];
$visited ||= [];
push @$visited, $file;
open my $CF, '<', $file or do {
warn "$$ could not open configfile $file: $!";
my @config = <$CF>;
close $CF;
chomp @config;
@config = grep { length($_) and $_ !~ m/^\s*#/ and $_ =~ m/\S/ } @config;
for (@config) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; } # trim leading/trailing whitespace
my $pos = 0;
while ($pos < @config) {
# recursively pursue an $include reference, if found. An inclusion which
# begins with a leading slash is interpreted as a path to a file and will
# supercede the usual config path resolution. Otherwise, the normal
# config_dir() lookup is employed (the location in which the inclusion
# appeared receives no special precedence; possibly it should, but it'd
# be complicated beyond justifiability for so simple a config system.
if ($config[$pos] =~ /^\s*\$include\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
my ($includedir, $inclusion) = ('', $1);
splice @config, $pos, 1; # remove the $include line
if ($inclusion !~ /^\//) {
$includedir = $self->config_dir($inclusion);
$inclusion = "$includedir/$inclusion";
if (grep($_ eq $inclusion, @{$visited})) {
"Circular \$include reference in config $config:");
$self->log(LOGERROR, "From $visited->[0]:");
$self->log(LOGERROR, " includes $_")
for (@{$visited}[1 .. $#{$visited}], $inclusion);
return wantarray ? () : undef;
push @{$visited}, $inclusion;
for my $inc ($self->expand_inclusion($inclusion, $file)) {
my @insertion = $self->from_file($config, $inc, $visited);
splice @config, $pos, 0, @insertion; # insert the inclusion
$pos += @insertion;
else {
$config_cache{$config} = \@config;
return wantarray ? @config : $config[0];
sub expand_inclusion {
my $self = shift;
my $inclusion = shift;
my $context = shift;
my @includes;
if (-d $inclusion) {
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "inclusion of directory $inclusion from $context");
if (opendir(INCD, $inclusion)) {
@includes = map { "$inclusion/$_" }
(grep { -f "$inclusion/$_" and !/^\./ } sort readdir INCD);
closedir INCD;
else {
"Couldn't open directory $inclusion,"
. " referenced from $context ($!)"
else {
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "inclusion of file $inclusion from $context");
@includes = ($inclusion);
return @includes;