RM/ADD: removed old method added qpsmtpd smtp queueing module with encryption
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
=head1 NAME
encrypt_gpg - encrypt incoming emails whith the recipients PGP public key
Plugin checks, if there is a trusted public key for each of the recipients
of the incoming email, in the GnuPG public key ring of the user running qpsmtpd.
If such a key exists the email is encrypted with these keys.
The file encrypt_gpg_user is a lookup up table for eMails in the form:
email encryption_type
possible values for encryption_type are none and pgpmime. The standard is
pgpmime. With none the encryption can be deactivated completely.
use Qpsmtpd::DSN;
use Mail::GnuPG;
use GnuPG::Interface;
use MIME::Parser;
sub init {
my ( $self, $qp, @args ) = @_;
# get us the user config file
my @encrypted_user_config = $self->qp->config("encrypt_gpg_user");
my %user_hash;
for my $e (@encrypted_user_config) {
my ( $email, $encryption_type ) = split /\s+/, $e, 2;
# search for the users public key
# the key id can be given in a file or is search for on a keyserver
# and create a Mail::GnuPG object
sub hook_rcpt {
my ( $self, $transaction, $recipient, %param ) = @_;
my $rcpt = $recipient;
$rcpt =~ s/<//;
$rcpt =~ s/>//;
#get us the user hash
my %user_hash = %{$self->{_gpg_user}};
if (defined($user_hash{$rcpt}) && $user_hash{$rcpt} eq "none" ) {
$self->log( LOGINFO, "GPG: encryption deactivated for email " .$rcpt );
return OK;
my $gpg = new Mail::GnuPG( keydir => '/var/spool/qpsmtpd/.gnupg/', always_trust => 1 );
if ( !$gpg->has_public_key($rcpt) ) {
$self->log( LOGINFO, "GPG: no key for -" . $rcpt . "- found !" );
return OK;
# save gnupg object for rest of the session
$self->{_gpg} = $gpg;
$self->{_gpg_recipient} = $rcpt;
return (OK);
#check if mail is already encrypted, otherwise encrypt it
sub hook_data_post {
my ( $self, $transaction ) = @_;
# if gpg is deactivated, skip this hook
if ($self->{_gpg_on}==0) {
return OK;
#parse queued message
my $parser = new MIME::Parser();
my $mime = $parser->parse_open( $transaction->body_filename() );
#check if email is already encrypted
if ( $self->{_gpg}->is_encrypted($mime) ) {
$self->log( LOGINFO, "GPG: email already PGP encrypted" );
return OK;
#encrypt message
my $code;
$code = $self->{_gpg}->mime_encrypt( $mime, $self->{_gpg_recipient} );
if ( $code != 0 ) {
$self->log( LOGERROR, "GPG: " . $self->{_gpg}->{last_message}->[0] );
return OK;
# rewrite the queued message
open my $queued_mail, ">" . $transaction->body_filename();
print $queued_mail $mime->stringify;
close $queued_mail;
return OK;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
use Qpsmtpd::DSN;
use Mail::GnuPG;
use MIME::Parser;
use Net::SMTP;
sub init {
my ( $self, $qp, @args ) = @_;
if ( @args > 0 ) {
if ( $args[0] =~ /^([\.\w_-]+)$/ ) {
$self->{_smtp_server} = $1;
else {
die "Bad data in smtp server: $args[0]";
$self->{_smtp_port} = 25;
if ( @args > 1 and $args[1] =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
$self->{_smtp_port} = $1;
$self->log( LOGWARN, "WARNING: Ignoring additional arguments." ) if ( @args > 2 );
else {
die("No SMTP server specified in smtp-forward config");
# get us the user config file
my @encrypted_user_config = $self->qp->config("encrypt_gpg_user");
my %user_hash;
for my $e (@encrypted_user_config) {
my ( $email, $encryption_type ) = split /\s+/, $e, 2;
$user_hash{$email} = $encryption_type;
$self->{_gpg_user} = \%user_hash;
# this subroutite returns the encrypted email, if a valid and trusted PGP Public Key is found
# in the GnuPG keyring of the user running QPSMTPD for all the recipients of the eMail
# if no key is found, the plain unencrypted eMail is returned
sub encrypt_mail {
my ( $self, $transaction ) = @_;
# set correct HOMEDIR and get us an GPG object
$ENV{HOME} = ( getpwuid($>) )[7];
my $gpg = new Mail::GnuPG( keydir => '/var/spool/qpsmtpd/.gnupg/', always_trust => 1 );
# get us all recipients and remove the brackets around them
my @recipients_temp = $transaction->recipients();
my @recipients;
for my $r (@recipients_temp) {
$r =~ s/<//;
$r =~ s/>//;
push( @recipients, $r );
# check if we have a trusted public key available for every recipient
my $keys_available = 1;
for my $r (@recipients) {
if ( !$gpg->has_public_key($r) ) {
$self->log( LOGINFO, "GPG: no public key found for " . $r );
$keys_available = 0;
#parse eMail into a Mime::Entity Object
#enforce correct rights
chmod 0600, $transaction->body_filename;
my $parser = new MIME::Parser();
my $mime = $parser->parse_open( $transaction->body_filename );
#if we have all keys available and eMail is not encrypted already
if ( $keys_available == 1 && !$gpg->is_encrypted($mime) ) {
$self->log( LOGINFO, "GPG: encrypting email" );
#encrypt message
my $code = $gpg->mime_encrypt( $mime, @recipients );
if ( $code != 0 ) {
$self->log( LOGERROR, "GPG: " . $self->{_gpg}->{last_message}->[0] );
## Remove some headers which might have been broken by the process of encryption
$mime->head()->delete($_) foreach qw( DKIM-Signature DomainKey-Signature );
return $mime;
sub hook_queue {
my ( $self, $transaction ) = @_;
#encrypt email or not
my $email = $self->encrypt_mail($transaction);
$self->log( LOGINFO, "forwarding to $self->{_smtp_server}:$self->{_smtp_port}" );
my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new(
Port => $self->{_smtp_port},
Timeout => 60,
Hello => $self->qp->config("me"),
) || die $!;
$smtp->mail( $transaction->sender->address || "" )
or return ( DECLINED, "Unable to queue message ($!)" );
for ( $transaction->recipients ) {
$smtp->to( $_->address ) or return ( DECLINED, "Unable to queue message ($!)" );
$smtp->data() or return ( DECLINED, "Unable to queue message ($!)" );
$smtp->datasend( $email->stringify );
$smtp->dataend() or return ( DECLINED, "Unable to queue message ($!)" );
$smtp->quit() or return ( DECLINED, "Unable to queue message ($!)" );
$self->log( LOGINFO, "finished queueing" );
return ( OK, "Queued!" );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user