
104 lines
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-- Entity: Receiver
-- Copyright ... 2011
-- Filename : Receiver.vhd
-- Creation date : 2011-05-25
-- Author(s) : marcel
-- Version : 1.00
-- Description : implements an RS232 Receiver
-- File History:
-- Date Version Author Comment
-- 2011-05-25 1.00 marcel Creation of File
library IEEE;
--! brief
--! implements an RS232 Receiver
--! detailed
--! implements an RS232 Receiver, 8 Bits, no parity check and no Stop Bits
--! sending parities or stop bits should not produce errors
entity Receiver is
Port (
iSysClk : in std_logic;
ie4BaudClkEn : in std_logic;reset : in std_logic; --! signal description asynchronous reset
Rx : in STD_LOGIC; --! signal description signal for the RS232 Rx line
data : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); --! signal description last data received
ready : out STD_LOGIC); --! '0' signals receving in progress, if '1' after a previous '0' signals data available at <data>
end Receiver;
architecture Behavioral of Receiver is
signal z, tz : integer range 0 to 63;
signal result, tresult : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
process (z, Rx)
if z = 0 then
if (Rx ='0') then
tz <= 1;
tz <= 0;
end if;
elsif z <= 36 then
tz <= z + 1;
tz <= 0;
end if;
end process;
tresult <= Rx & result(7 downto 1);
process (reset, iSysClk)
if (iSysClk'event and iSysClk = '1') then
if reset = '1' then
z <= 0;
elsif ie4BaudClkEn = '1' then
z <= tz;
case z is
when 5 =>
result <= tresult; -- D(0)
when 9 =>
result <= tresult; -- D(1)
when 13 =>
result <= tresult; -- D(2)
when 17 =>
result <= tresult; -- D(3)
when 21 =>
result <= tresult; -- D(4)
when 25 =>
result <= tresult; -- D(5)
when 29 =>
result <= tresult; -- D(6)
when 33 =>
result <= tresult; -- D(7)
-- optional TODO: add check for STOP-Bit(s)
when others => result <= result;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
data <= result;
ready <= '1' when z = 0 else '0';
end Behavioral;