
207 lines
6.6 KiB

-- Entity: SenderAndFifo
-- Copyright ... 2011
-- Filename : SenderAndFifo.vhd
-- Creation date : 2011-05-31
-- Author(s) : marcel
-- Version : 1.00
-- Description : implements an RS232 Sender with additional Fifo
-- File History:
-- Date Version Author Comment
-- 2011-05-31 1.00 marcel Creation of File
--! brief
--! implements an RS232 Sender with additional Fifo
--! detailed
--! implements an RS232 Sender with additonal Fifo (8 Bit data width, 4k data depth)
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity SenderAndFifo is
port (
iSysClk : in std_logic; --! signal description System side clock
ieClkEn : in std_logic;
ieBaudClkEn : in std_logic; --! signal description UART clock (BAUD Rate frequency!)
iReset : in std_logic; --! signal description asynchronous reset
icSend : in std_logic; --! signal description add data <idDataSend> to Fifo (Enable Signal)
idDataSend : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --! signal description data to be added to the Fifo
idParity : in std_logic; --! signal description the parity bit for the data
icEnableParity: in std_logic; --! signal description enable the sending of the parity bit
ocSEmpty : out std_logic; --! signal description indicates that Fifo is empty
ocSFull : out std_logic; --! signal description indicates that Fifo is full
ocSAlmostE : out std_logic; --! signal description indicates that Fifo is empty to half full
ocSAlmostF : out std_logic; --! signal description indicates that Fifo is half full to full
odTransmit : out std_logic --! signal description signal for the RS232 Tx line
end SenderAndFifo;
architecture arch of SenderAndFifo is
component Sender is
port (
iSysClk : in std_logic;
ieBaudClkEn : in std_logic;
iReset : in STD_LOGIC;
icSend : in STD_LOGIC;
idData : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
idParity : in std_logic;
icEnableParity:in std_logic;
odTransmit : out STD_LOGIC;
ocReady : out STD_LOGIC;
ocSyn : out STD_LOGIC);
end component;
component SimpleFifo is
generic (
GEN_WIDTH : integer := 9; --! Data width of each data word
GEN_DEPTH : integer := 256; --! how many values can be stored in Fifo
GEN_A_EMPTY : integer := 2; --! when is the FIFO signaled as almost empty
GEN_A_FULL : integer := 250 --! when is the FIFO signaled as almost full
port (
icWriteClk : in std_logic;
icWe : in std_logic;
icReadClk : in std_logic;
icReadEnable : in std_logic;
idData : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
odData : out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
ocEmpty : out std_logic;
ocFull : out std_logic;
ocAempty : out std_logic;
ocAfull : out std_logic;
icClkEnable : in std_logic; --! active high clock enable signal
icReset : in std_logic
end component;
signal scSenderRead : std_logic;
signal scSenderReadEn : std_logic;
signal sdDataToSend : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (8 downto 0);
signal scSenderEmpty : std_logic;
signal scSenderFull : std_logic;
signal scSenderAEmpty : std_logic;
signal scSenderAFull : std_logic;
signal scSenderReady : std_logic;
signal scSenderSendReq : std_logic;
signal scSyn : std_logic;
signal sSenderCtrlState : SenderCtrlType;
signal seSend : std_logic;
signal sdFifoDataIn : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
scSenderReadEn <= scSenderRead and ieBaudClkEn;
seSend <= icSend and ieClkEn;
sendFifo : SimpleFifo
icReset => iReset,
icWriteClk => iSysClk,
icWe => seSend,
icReadClk => iSysClk,
icReadEnable => scSenderReadEn,
idData => sdFifoDataIn,
odData => sdDataToSend,
ocEmpty => scSenderEmpty,
ocFull => scSenderFull,
ocAempty => scSenderAEmpty,
ocAfull => scSenderAFull,
icClkEnable => ieClkEn
sdFifoDataIn <= idDataSend & idParity;
ocSEmpty <= scSenderEmpty;
ocSFull <= scSenderFull;
ocSAlmostE <= scSenderAEmpty;
ocSAlmostF <= scSenderAFull;
RS232Sender : Sender
iSysClk => iSysClk,
ieBaudClkEn => ieBaudClkEn,
iReset => iReset,
icSend => scSenderSendReq,
idData => sdDataToSend(8 downto 1),
idParity => sdDataToSend(0),
odTransmit => odTransmit,
ocReady => scSenderReady,
ocSyn => scSyn
SenderCtrl : process (iSysClk, iReset, sSenderCtrlState, scSenderReady, ieclken, scsenderempty, scsyn)
if (rising_edge(iSysClk)) then
if (iReset = '1') then
sSenderCtrlState <= SENDER_WAITING;
elsif ieClkEn = '1' then
case sSenderCtrlState is
if scSenderEmpty = '0' then
sSenderCtrlState <= SENDER_SEND;
end if;
if scSenderReady = '0' then
sSenderCtrlState <= SENDER_SENDING;
end if;
if scSyn = '1' then
sSenderCtrlState <= SENDER_SENDING_SYN;
end if;
if scSyn = '0' then
sSenderCtrlState <= SENDER_WAITING;
end if;
end case;
end if;
end if;
scSenderRead <= '0';
scSenderSendReq <= '0';
if (sSenderCtrlState = SENDER_SEND) then
scSenderSendReq <= '1';
end if;
if (sSenderCtrlState = SENDER_SENDING_SYN) then
scSenderRead <= '1';
end if;
end process;
end arch;