include .config #location of Makefiles MAKEFILES_PATH=/home/dmeyer/Programmieren/Make/Makefiles/ #which FPGA are we synthesizing for ? FPGA=xc5vlx110t-3-ff1136 #NR of the FPGA in jtag chain DEVICE_NR=5 SD= NGC/ #which is the TOP Module of the project ? TOP=SOC UCF=UCF/xc5vlx110t-3-ff1136.ucf #is this a partial reconfiguration project RECONFIGURATION=0 #modelsim vcom Flags FLAGS = -O0 -rangecheck -check_synthesis +acc=full #xilinx license server XILINX_LICENSE=2100@ #path to Xilinx tools XILINX_PATH=/home/Xilinx/14.1/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin64/ #modelsim license server MODELSIM_LICENSE=1718@ #path to modelsim tools MODELSIM_PATH=/home/modeltech/modelsim/linux_x86_64 # additional parameters for xilinx tools XILINX_XST= XILINX_NGDBUILD= XILINX_MAP= XILINX_PAR= XILINX_BITGEN= # xst file parameters define XST_PARAMS -opt_mode Speed -opt_level 1 -power NO -iuc NO -netlist_hierarchy as_optimized -rtlview Yes -glob_opt AllClockNets -read_cores YES -write_timing_constraints NO -cross_clock_analysis NO -hierarchy_separator / -bus_delimiter <> -case maintain -slice_utilization_ratio 100 -bram_utilization_ratio 100 -dsp_utilization_ratio 100 -lc off -reduce_control_sets off -fsm_extract YES -fsm_encoding Auto -safe_implementation Yes -fsm_style lut -ram_extract Yes -ram_style Auto -rom_extract Yes -shreg_extract YES -rom_style Auto -auto_bram_packing NO -resource_sharing YES -async_to_sync NO -use_dsp48 auto -iobuf YES -keep_hierarchy NO -max_fanout 100000 -bufg 32 -register_duplication YES -register_balancing No -optimize_primitives NO endef export XST_PARAMS %/blockRAM.o: %/blockRAM.vhd @export LM_LICENSE_FILE=$(MODELSIM_LICENSE);$(MODELSIM_PATH)/vcom -ignorevitalerrors -permissive -work work $< | grep -E 'Compiling|Error:|Warning:' @touch $@ include $(MAKEFILES_PATH)/Makefile