2013-12-30 14:56:42 +01:00
--! @file
--! @brief RegisterFile for the Simple Processor Core (Geraffel Processor)
--! @author Dominik Meyer
--! @email dmeyer@federationhq.de
--! @licence GPLv2
--! @date unknown
2013-07-02 22:15:26 +02:00
library IEEE;
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use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
2013-07-02 22:15:26 +02:00
library work;
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use work.cpupkg.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
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2013-12-30 14:56:42 +01:00
--! RegisterFile for the Simple Processor Core (Geraffel Processor)
--! This Code is based on a processor core used at the Helmut Schmidt University for
--! educational purposes.
2013-07-02 22:15:26 +02:00
entity RegFile is
2013-12-30 14:56:42 +01:00
iClk : in std_logic; --! main sytem clock signal
iReset : in std_logic; --! main system active high reset
icRegAsel : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); --! address of register A
icRegBsel : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); --! address of register B
odRegA : out DATA; --! output of the register A Value
odRegB : out DATA; --! output of the register B Value
icPC : in std_logic; --! select the PC Input as the input value, required for ret instruction
idPC : in DATA; --! input of the PC, required for the ret instruction
icRegINsel : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); --! address of the register to which to save the input
idDataIn : in DATA; --! data input, normally from the ALU
idCarryIn : in std_logic; --! Carry Flag of the last Operation
idZeroIn : in std_logic; --! Zero Flag of the last Operation
icLoadEn : in std_logic; --! actually save the input Data to the selected register
odCarryOut : out std_logic; --! output of the currently saved carry flag
odZeroOut : out std_logic --! output of the currently saved zero flag
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end RegFile;
architecture Behavioral of RegFile is
2013-12-30 14:56:42 +01:00
type registerFileType is array (0 to 31) of DATA;
2013-07-04 16:17:05 +02:00
signal registerFile : registerFileType;
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signal sdData : DATA;
signal sdCarry : std_logic;
signal sdZero : std_logic;
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2013-12-30 14:56:42 +01:00
-- Execute Transition
process(iClk, iReset)
if (iReset = '1') then
for i in 31 downto 0 loop
registerFile(i) <= (others => '0');
2013-07-04 16:17:05 +02:00
end loop;
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2013-12-30 14:56:42 +01:00
sdCarry <= '0';
sdZero <= '0';
elsif (rising_edge(iClk)) then
if (icLoadEn = '1') then
if (icPC = '0') then
registerFile(to_integer(unsigned(icRegINsel))) <= idDataIn;
registerFile(to_integer(unsigned(icRegINsel))) <= idPC;
end if;
sdCarry <= idCarryIn;
sdZero <= idZeroIn;
end if;
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end if;
end process;
odRegA <= registerFile(to_integer(unsigned(icRegAsel)));
odRegB <= registerFile(to_integer(unsigned(icRegBsel)));
odCarryOut <= sdCarry;
odZeroOut <= sdZero;
end Behavioral;