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-- Entity: UART
-- Copyright ... 2011
-- Filename : UART.vhd
-- Creation date : 2011-05-27
-- Author(s) : marcel
-- Version : 1.00
-- Description : <short description>
-- File History:
-- Date Version Author Comment
-- 2011-05-27 1.00 marcel Creation of File
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity UART is
GEN_SysClockinHz : integer := 33000000;
GEN_Baudrate : integer := 115200; --! Baudrate to use
GEN_HasExternBaudLimit : boolean := false
port (
iSysClk : in std_logic;
ieClkEn : in std_logic;
iReset : in std_logic;
icBaudLExt : in integer := 0;
icEnableParity : in std_logic := '0';
icSend : in std_logic;
idDataSend : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
idParity : in std_logic := '0';
ocSEmpty : out std_logic;
ocSFull : out std_logic;
ocSAlmostE : out std_logic;
ocSAlmostF : out std_logic;
odTransmit : out std_logic;
odDataRcvd : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
odParity : out std_logic;
ocREmpty : out std_logic;
ocRFull : out std_logic;
ocRAlmostE : out std_logic;
ocRAlmostF : out std_logic;
icRReadEn : in std_logic;
idReceive : in std_logic
end UART;
architecture arch of UART is
-- component clkDivider is
-- generic(
-- GEN_FreqIn_Hz : integer := 200000000;
-- GEN_FreqOut_Hz : integer := 100000000
-- );
-- port (
-- iClk_in : in STD_LOGIC;
-- iReset : in STD_LOGIC;
-- oClk_out : out STD_LOGIC);
-- end component;
component clkEnable is
GEN_FreqIn_Hz : integer := 200000000; --! signal description input clock frequency in Hz for <iClkIn>
GEN_FreqOut_Hz : integer := 100000000 --! signal description output clock frequency in Hz for <oClkEn>
port (
iClkin : in STD_LOGIC; --! signal description input clock
iReset : in STD_LOGIC; --! signal description synchronous reset (should be tied to '0')
oeClkEn : out STD_LOGIC --! signal description output clockEnable
end component;
component clkEnableProgrammable is
port (
iClkin : in STD_LOGIC; --! input clock
iReset : in STD_LOGIC; --! synchronous reset (should be tied to '0')
icLimit : in integer; --! programmable limit value for generating the ClkEnable pulse
oeClkEn : out STD_LOGIC --! output clockEnable
end component clkEnableProgrammable;
component SenderAndFifo is
port (
iSysClk : in std_logic;
ieClkEn : in std_logic;
ieBaudClkEn : in std_logic;
iReset : in std_logic;
icSend : in std_logic;
idDataSend : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
idParity : in std_logic;
icEnableParity : in std_logic;
ocSEmpty : out std_logic;
ocSFull : out std_logic;
ocSAlmostE : out std_logic;
ocSAlmostF : out std_logic;
odTransmit : out std_logic
end component;
component ReceiverAndFifo is
port (
iSysClk : in std_logic;
ieClkEn : in std_logic;
ie4xBaudClkEn : in std_logic;
iReset : in std_logic;
odDataRcvd : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
odParity : out std_logic;
icEnableParity:in std_logic;
ocREmpty : out std_logic;
ocRFull : out std_logic;
ocRAlmostE : out std_logic;
ocRAlmostF : out std_logic;
icRReadEn : in std_logic;
idReceive : in std_logic
end component;
signal seBauDSender : std_logic;
signal se4BaudReceiver : std_logic;
signal ExtBLimitx4 : integer;
-- sendDivider : clkDivider
-- GEN_FreqIn_Hz => 4,
-- GEN_FreqOut_Hz => 1
-- )
-- iClk_in => i4xBaudClk,
-- iReset => '0',
-- oClk_out => sBAUDSender
-- );
fixedBaudLimit : if GEN_HasExternBaudLimit = false generate
clkEnableSender : clkEnable
generic map(
GEN_FreqIn_Hz => GEN_SysClockinHz,
GEN_FreqOut_Hz => GEN_Baudrate
port map(
iClkin => iSysClk,
iReset => '0',
oeClkEn => seBauDSender
clkEnableReceiver : clkEnable
generic map(
GEN_FreqIn_Hz => GEN_SysClockinHz,
GEN_FreqOut_Hz => 4 * GEN_Baudrate
port map(
iClkin => iSysClk,
iReset => '0',
oeClkEn => se4BaudReceiver
end generate;
extBaudLimit : if GEN_HasExternBaudLimit = true generate
clkEnableSender : clkEnableProgrammable
port map(
iClkin => iSysClk,
iReset => '0',
icLimit => icBaudLExt,
oeClkEn => seBauDSender
ExtBLimitx4 <= icBaudLExt / 4;
clkEnableReceiver : clkEnableProgrammable
port map(
iClkin => iSysClk,
iReset => '0',
icLimit => ExtBLimitx4,
oeClkEn => se4BaudReceiver
end generate;
SenderAndFifo1 : SenderAndFifo
iSysClk => iSysClk,
ieClkEn => ieClkEn,
ieBaudClkEn => seBAUDSender,
iReset => iReset,
icSend => icSend,
icEnableParity=> icEnableParity,
idDataSend => idDataSend,
idParity => idParity,
ocSEmpty => ocSEmpty,
ocSFull => ocSFull,
ocSAlmostE => ocSAlmostE,
ocSAlmostF => ocSAlmostF,
odTransmit => odTransmit
ReceiverAndFifo1 : ReceiverAndFifo
iSysClk => iSysClk,
ieClkEn => ieClkEn,
ie4xBaudClkEn => se4BaudReceiver,
iReset => iReset,
odDataRcvd => odDataRcvd,
odParity => odParity,
ocREmpty => ocREmpty,
ocRFull => ocRFull,
ocRAlmostE => ocRAlmostE,
ocRAlmostF => ocRAlmostF,
icRReadEn => icRReadEn,
idReceive => idReceive
end arch;