package OSSEC; # ABSTRACT: OSSEC use strict; use warnings; use Moose; use XML::LibXML; use Data::Dumper; use OSSEC::Log; use OSSEC::MySQL; =head1 DESCRIPTION The OSSEC distribution is a collection of perl modules and scripts simplifying working with OSSEC( from Perl. This is the main module of the OSSEC distribution. It provides OSSEC configuration file parsing to read database credentials from it. Using methods of the OSSEC module makes sure that the base path to OSSEC is always set in the other modules. =cut =attr ossecPath Base path to the OSSEC installation. B /var/ossec Type: String =cut has 'ossecPath' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str' , default => "/var/ossec" ); =attr mysqlAvail Have database credentials been found when parsing the OSSEC configuration file Type: Boolean (0/1) =cut has 'mysqlAvail' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default => 0); =attr server database server to conect to B localhost Type: String =cut has 'server' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str' , default => "localhost" ); =attr dbuser database user to use to connect to server B ossec Type: String =cut has 'dbuser' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => "ossec"); =attr dbpass database password to use to connect to server Type: String =cut has 'dbpass' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str'); =attr database database to use to connect to server B ossec Type: String =cut has 'database' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => "ossec"); =attr config XML::LibXML::Document object of the ossec configuration file Type: XML::LibXML::Document =cut has 'config' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'XML::LibXML::Document'); =method BUILD Method is called before constructing the object with new. It checks if a OSSEC configuration file can be found, loads it and checks if database credentials are available. =cut sub BUILD { my $self = shift; my $param = shift; if (!$param->{ossecPath}) { $param->{ossecPath} = "/var/ossec"; } die("ossec base path not correctly given") unless -e ($param->{ossecPath}); die("ossec configuration file not found at " . $param->{ossecPath}."/etc/ossec.conf") unless -e ($param->{ossecPath}."/etc/ossec.conf"); # now load ossec configuration file open(my $fh, '<', $param->{ossecPath}."/etc/ossec.conf"); binmode $fh; $self->config(XML::LibXML->load_xml(IO => $fh)); close $fh; # parse database specific configuration my @databases = $self->config()->getElementsByTagName("database_output"); if (@databases == 0) { $param->{mysqlAvail} = 0; } else { $self->mysqlAvail(1); my @node = $databases[0]->getElementsByTagName("hostname"); if (@node) { $self->server($node[0]->textContent); } @node = $databases[0]->getElementsByTagName("username"); if (@node) { $self->dbuser($node[0]->textContent); } @node = $databases[0]->getElementsByTagName("password"); if (@node) { $self->dbpass($node[0]->textContent); } @node = $databases[0]->getElementsByTagName("database"); if (@node) { $self->database($node[0]->textContent); } } } =method arLog Method to simplify obtaining an OSSEC::Log instance for logging active response actions. no parameters are required =over =item B: I =back =cut sub arLog { my $self = shift; return OSSEC::Log->new(ossecPath => $self->ossecPath(), file => "logs/active-responses.log"); } =method mysql Method to simplify obtaining an OSSEC::MySQL instance. This method makes sure that all database parameters from the OSSEC configuration file are provided to OSSEC::MySQL without user support. no parameters are required =over =item B: I =back =cut sub mysql { my $self = shift; my $mysql = OSSEC::MySQL->new(server => $self->server(), dbuser => $self->dbuser(), dbpass => $self->dbpass(), database => $self->database()); $mysql->connect(); return $mysql; } 1; =head1 EXAMPLE use strict; use warnings; use OSSEC; use Try::Tiny; use Data::Dumper; # get an OSSEC instance with the default OSSEC path (/var/ossec) my $ossec = OSSEC->new(); # check if mysql is available die("no mysql") unless $ossec->mysqlAvail(); # get us logging for active response my $log = $ossec->arLog(); # log something $log->info("test-active-response", "we are just testing"); # search for an alert my $mysql = $ossec->mysql(); my $alert; try { $alert = $mysql->searchAlert("1576795884.47756102"); } catch { die("Error occured or no alert found: " . $_); }; print Dumper($alert); =cut