594 lines
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594 lines
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use strict;
package Net::ClamAV::Client;
# ABSTRACT: A client class for the ClamAV C<clamd> virus scanner daemon
use warnings;
use Moose;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Handle;
use IO::File;
use Net::ClamAV::Exception::Connect;
use Net::ClamAV::Exception::Command;
use Net::ClamAV::Exception::Result;
use Net::ClamAV::Exception::Other;
use Net::ClamAV::Exception::Unsupported;
=head2 Creating a scanner client
use Net::ClamAV::Client;
# Use a TCP inet domain socket
my $scanner = Net::ClamAV::Client->new(url => "localhost:3310");
# Use a local Unix domain socket:
$scanner = Net::ClamAV::Client->new(url => "/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl");
die("ClamAV daemon not alive")
if not defined($scanner) or not $scanner->ping();
=head2 Daemon maintenance
my $scanner = Net::ClamAV::Client->new(url => "localhost:3310");
my $version = $scanner->version;
# Retrieve the ClamAV version string.
$scanner->reload(); # Reload the malware pattern database.
$scanner->quit(); # Terminates the ClamAV daemon.
$scanner->shutdown(); # Likewise.
=head2 Path scanning
# Scan a single file or a whole directory structure,
# and stop at the first infected file. For this to work
# the clamd has to run on the local host:
my $scanner = Net::ClamAV::Client->new(url => "localhost:3310");
my @results = $scanner->scanLocalPath("/etc/groups");
=head2 Path scanning (complete)
# Scan a single file or a whole directory structure,
# and scan all files without stopping at the first infected one:
my $scanner = Net::ClamAV::Client->new(url => "localhost:3310");
my @results2 = $scanner->scanLocalPathContinous("/etc/");
=head2 Other scanning methods
my $handle;
my $scanner = Net::ClamAV::Client->new(url => "localhost:3310");
# Scan a stream, i.e. read from an I/O handle:
my $result = $scanner->scanStream($handle);
# Scan a scalar value:
my $value; # some file in a scalar
my $result2 = $scanner->scanScalar(\$value);
B<Net::ClamAV::Client> is a class acting as a client for a ClamAV C<clamd> virus
scanner daemon. The daemon may run locally or on a remote system as
B<Net::ClamAV::Client> can use both Unix domain sockets and TCP/IP sockets. The
full functionality of the C<clamd> client/server protocol is supported.
This Module is based on the B<ClamAV::Client> class written by Julian Mehnle <julian@mehnle.net>
which is not developed anymore but everything has been written from scratch.
=head1 Methods
=head2 Constructor
The following constructor is provided:
=item B<new(%options)>: RETURNS Net::ClamAV::Client
Creates a new C<Net::ClamAV::Client> object.
C<%options> is a list of key/value pairs representing any of the following
=item B<url>
A scalar containing the url to the clamd server (e.g. localhost:3310 or /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl)
has 'socket' => (is => 'rw');
has 'url' => (is => 'rw', required => 1);
has 'runningIDsession' => (is => 'rw', isa=>'Int', default=>0);
has 'streamBlockSize' => (is => 'rw', isa=>'Int', default=>4096);
sub _connect
my $self = shift;
if ($self->url() =~/:/)
my @url = split /\:/, $self->url();
Domain => IO::Socket::AF_INET,
Proto => "tcp",
PeerHost => $url[0],
PeerPort => $url[1]
|| throw Net::ClamAV::Exception::Connect("Can't open socket: $@");
Domain => IO::Socket::AF_UNIX,
Peer => $self->url(),
|| throw Net::ClamAV::Exception::Connect("Can't open socket: $@");
sub _basicCommand
my $self = shift;
my $command = shift;
$self->_connect() unless $self->runningIDsession();
my $reply = $self->socket()->getline();
if (length($reply) < 3)
throw Net::ClamAV::Exception::Command("unknown reply to command \"$reply\"");
$self->socket()->close() unless $self->runningIDsession();
return $reply;
sub _multiCommand
my $self = shift;
my $command = shift;
my @reply;
$self->_connect() unless $self->runningIDsession();
while(defined(my $line = $self->socket()->getline()))
if (length($line) < 3)
throw Net::ClamAV::Exception::Command("unknown reply to command \"$line\"");
$self->socket()->close() unless $self->runningIDsession();
return @reply;
sub _parse_multi_result {
my ($self,@reply) = @_;
my @status;
for my $r (@reply)
if ( $r !~ /^(.*):\s+(OK|(\S+)\s+FOUND)$/ )
throw Net::ClamAV::Exception::Result("Invalid server scanning result \"$r\"");
my $file = $1;
my $res = $2;
if ($res !~ /OK/)
$res = $3;
my $stat = {
file => $file,
result => $res
push (@status,$stat);
return @status;
sub _parse_result {
my $self = shift;
my $result = shift;
if ( $result !~ /^(.*):\s+(OK|(\S+)\s+FOUND)$/ )
throw Net::ClamAV::Exception::Result("Invalid server scanning result \"$result\"");
my $file = $1;
my $res = $2;
if ($res !~ /OK/)
$res = $3;
return ($file, $res);
=head2 Public Instance Methods
The following public methods are provided:
=head3 B<ping> : RETURNS SCALAR
Returns B<true> ('PONG') if the ClamAV daemon is alive. Throws a
Net::ClamAV::Exception otherwise.
sub ping
my $self = shift;
my $reply = $self->_basicCommand("PING");
throw Net::ClamAV::Exception::Result("No PONG reply") unless $reply eq "PONG";
return $reply;
=head3 B<version> : RETURNS SCALAR
Returns the Version String of the clamd server. Throws a
Net::ClamAV::Exception otherwise.
sub version
my $self = shift;
return $self->_basicCommand("VERSION");
=head3 B<reload> : RETURNS SCALAR
Reloads the clamd virus databases and returns B<true> ('RELOADING') when successfull.
Throws a Net::ClamAV::Exception otherwise.
sub reload
my $self = shift;
return $self->_basicCommand("RELOAD");
=head3 B<shutdown> : RETURNS SCALAR
Shutdowns the clamd server. Throws a Net::ClamAV::Exception
when unseccessfull.
sub shutdown
my $self = shift;
return $self->_basicCommand("SHUTDOWN");
=head3 B<quit> : RETURNS SCALAR
śame as B<shutdown>
sub quit
my $self = shift;
return $self->shutdown();
=head3 B<scanLocalPath> : RETURNS HASH
Scan a file or directory given as path. B<Important:> The used clamd
has to run on the local host for this method to work. Clamd will
directly access the given path. Make sure the user running clamd
has access rights to it. Scanning stops when the first virus is
found or all files within path has been scanned.
The Method returns a Hash with attributes B<file> and B<result>.
my $hash = {
file => "the filename a virus was found in",
result => "the result of file"
Throws a Net::ClamAV::Exception on error.
sub scanLocalPath
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
throw Net::ClamAV::Exception::Other("file \"$file\" not found") unless ( -e $file );
my @reply = $self->_multiCommand("nSCAN $file\n");
my @result= $self->_parse_multi_result(@reply);
return $result[0];
=head3 B<scanLocalPathContinous> : RETURNS HASH
Scan a file or directory given as path and do B<not> stop on first virus found.
B<Important:> The used clamd has to run on the local host for this method to work.
Clamd will directly access the given path. Make sure the user running clamd
has access rights to it. Scanning stops when the first virus is
found or all files within path has been scanned.
The Method returns an array of hashes with attributes B<file> and B<result>.
my $hash = {
file => "the filename a virus was found in",
result => "the result of file"
Throws a Net::ClamAV::Exception on error.
sub scanLocalPathContinous
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
throw Net::ClamAV::Exception::Other("file \"$file\" not found") unless ( -e $file );
my @reply = $self->_multiCommand("nCONTSCAN $file\n");
return $self->_parse_multi_result(@reply);
=head3 B<scanLocalPathMulti> : RETURNS HASH
Scan a file or directory given as path concurrently. B<Important:> The used clamd
has to run on the local host for this method to work. Clamd will
directly access the given path. Make sure the user running clamd
has access rights to it. Scanning stops when the first virus is
found or all files within path has been scanned.
The Method returns an array of hashes with attributes B<file> and B<result>.
my $hash = {
file => "the filename a virus was found in",
result => "the result of file"
Throws a Net::ClamAV::Exception on error.
sub scanLocalPathMulti
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
throw Net::ClamAV::Exception::Other("file \"$file\" not found") unless ( -e $file );
my @reply = $self->_multiCommand("nMULTISCAN $file\n");
return $self->_parse_multi_result(@reply);
=head3 B<scanLocalFile> : RETURNS HASH
Scan B<one> file. B<Important:> The used clamd
has to run on the local host for this method to work. Clamd will
directly access the given path. Make sure the user running clamd
has access rights to it. Scanning stops when the first virus is
found or all files within path has been scanned.
The Method returns a hashe with attributes B<file> and B<result>.
my $hash = {
file => "the filename a virus was found in",
result => "the result of file"
Throws a Net::ClamAV::Exception on error.
sub scanLocalFile
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
return $self->scanLocalPath($file);
=head3 B<stats> : RETURNS HASH
Return the stats of the clamd. B<NOT SUPPORTED YET>
Throws a Net::ClamAV::Exception on error.
sub stats
throw Net::ClamAV::Exception::Unsupported("stats command not supported");
=head3 B<scanFileDescriptor> : RETURNS HASH
Scans a file given by a file descriptor. B<NOT SUPPORTED YET>
Throws a Net::ClamAV::Exception on error.
sub scanFileDescriptor
throw Net::ClamAV::Exception::Unsupported("FILDES command not supported");
=head3 B<startSession>
Starts a session with the clamd server within multiple scan commands can
be issued.
Throws a Net::ClamAV::Exception on error.
sub startSession
my $self = shift;
=head3 B<runningSession> : RETURNS SCALAR
Checks if a session is running with the clamd server.
Returns 1 if yes, else 0.
sub runningSession
my $self = shift;
return $self->runningIDsession();
=head3 B<endSession>
Ends a session with the clamd server within multiple scan commands can
be issued.
Throws a Net::ClamAV::Exception on error.
sub endSession
my $self = shift;
=head3 B<scanStreamFH> : RETURNS SCALAR
Scans a file by transmitting it as a stream to the clamd server.
The file is given as a IO::Handle.
The Method returns a SCALAR with attributes B<undef> or B<virusname>.
Throws a Net::ClamAV::Exception on error.
sub scanStreamFH
my $self = shift;
my $handle = shift;
throw Net::ClamAV::Exception::Other("no file handle given") unless $handle;
throw Net::ClamAV::Exception::Other("handle is not a IO::Handle") unless ref($handle) eq "IO::Handle";
$self->_connect() unless $self->runningIDsession();
my $block;
while (my $nr=$handle->read($block, $self->streamBlockSize()))
my $size = pack("N",$nr);
my $size = pack("N",0);
my $status=$self->socket()->getline() . "\n";
if ($status!~/^stream:\s*(.*)\s+FOUND/)
my $ret=$1;
$self->socket()->close() unless $self->runningIDsession();
return $ret;
=head3 B<scanStreamFile> : RETURNS SCALAR
Scans a file by transmitting it as a stream to the clamd server.
The file is given as a path.
The Method returns a SCALAR with attributes B<undef> or B<virusname>.
Throws a Net::ClamAV::Exception on error.
sub scanStreamFile
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $fh = IO::File->new($file, "r");
my $handle = IO::Handle->new_from_fd($fh, "r");
my $status = $self->scanStreamFH($handle);
return $status;
=head3 B<scanScalar> : RETURNS SCALAR
Scans a SCALAR by transmitting it as a stream to the clamd server.
The file is given as a path.
The Method returns a SCALAR with attributes B<undef> or B<virusname>.
Throws a Net::ClamAV::Exception on error.
sub scanScalar
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $fh = IO::File->new($data, "r");
my $handle = IO::Handle->new_from_fd($fh, "r");
return $self->scanStreamFH($handle);