ADD: added issue class
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
package Git::Issue::Manager;
use strict;
use warnings;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
package Git::IssueManager;
#ABSTRACT: Module for managing issues in a git branch within your repository
use Moose;
use Git::RepositoryHL;
use DateTime;
use DateTime::TimeZone;
use Data::Dumper;
our $VERSION = "0.1";
=attr repository
Git::Repository object on which to do the issue management
has 'repository' => (is =>'ro', isa => 'Git::RepositoryHL', required => 1);
=method ready
validates if everything is in place for issue management
sub ready
my $self = shift;
# return false if issue branch does not exist
return 0 unless $self->repository->hasBranch('heads/issues');
return 1;
=method version
returns the version number of the issue system within the issue branch
sub version
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->ready();
my @tree = $self->repository->getTree("issues");
for my $t (@tree)
if ($t->{name} eq ".version")
my $version = $self->repository->getBlob($t->{ref});
return $version;
=method tag
returns the issue tag to prepend in front of all issue ids
sub tag
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->ready();
my @tree = $self->repository->getTree("issues");
for my $t (@tree)
if ($t->{name} eq ".tag")
my $tag = $self->repository->getBlob($t->{ref});
return $tag;
=method init
initialize the repository for managing issues
sub init
my $self = shift;
my $issue_tag = shift;
return unless ! $self->ready();
die("no issue tag given") unless $issue_tag;
# create a version file in the issues branch, also creating the branch with this
my $filehash = $self->repository->createFileObject("0.1");
# add the version file to a git tree
my $t = {
mode => "100644",
type => "blob",
ref => $filehash,
path => ".version"
my @tree;
# create a tag file in the issues branch to identify the issue tag to prepend
$filehash = $self->repository->createFileObject($issue_tag);
my $t2 = {
mode => "100644",
type => "blob",
ref => $filehash,
path => ".tag"
# create the tree
my $tree_hash=$self->repository->createTree(\@tree);
# commit the created tree
my $commit=$self->repository->createTreeCommit($tree_hash, "1", "initialized issue manager for this repository");
# now update/create the branch refs/heads/issues
=method _recreate - internal method, do not call directly
method used to recreate the tree structure received by getTree to something like createTree can use
sub recreate
my $self = shift;
my $array = shift;
for my $a (@{$array})
$a->{path} = $a->{name};
=method add
add an issue to the repository
sub add
my $self = shift;
my $issue = shift;
die("IssueManager not initialized") unless $self->ready();
die("no Git::IssueManager::Issue object given") unless ref($issue) eq "Git::IssueManager::Issue";
my @root = $self->repository->getTree("issues");
my @open = $self->repository->getTree("issues","open/");
my @closed = $self->repository->getTree("issues","closed/");
my @assigned = $self->repository->getTree("issues","assigned/");
my @inprogress = $self->repository->getTree("issues","inprogress");
my $issues;
if ($issue->status eq "open")
elsif ($issue->status eq "closed")
elsif ($issue->status eq "assigned")
elsif ($issue->status eq "inprogress")
# check if issues already exist, only checks the subject !!!
for my $i (@{$issues})
if ($i->{name} eq $issue->subject)
die("issue already exist");
# append the issue to the tree
my $hash=$issue->createIssue($self->repository);
push (@{$issues},{
path => $issue->subject,
ref => $hash,
type => "tree",
mode => "040000"
# now recreate tree structure
my $openhash = $self->repository->createTree(\@open);
my $closedhash = $self->repository->createTree(\@closed);
my $assignedhash = $self->repository->createTree(\@assigned);
my $inprogresshash= $self->repository->createTree(\@inprogress);
my $openfound=0;
my $closedfound=0;
my $assignedfound=0;
my $inprogressfound=0;
# now recreate the root tree
for my $r (@root)
if ($r->{name} eq "open")
if ($r->{name} eq "closed")
if ($r->{name} eq "assigned")
if ($r->{name} eq "inprogess")
if (!$openfound && defined($openhash))
my $t = {
path => "open",
ref => $openhash,
type => "tree",
mode => "040000"
push(@root, $t);
if (!$closedfound && defined($closedhash))
my $t = {
path => "closed",
ref => $closedhash,
type => "tree",
mode => "040000"
push(@root, $t);
if (!$assignedfound && defined($assignedhash))
my $t = {
path => "assigned",
ref => $assignedhash,
type => "tree",
mode => "040000"
push(@root, $t);
if (!$inprogressfound && defined($inprogresshash))
my $t = {
path => "inprogress",
ref => $inprogresshash,
type => "tree",
mode => "040000"
push(@root, $t);
my $roothash = $self->repository->createTree(\@root);
# commit the issue
my $commit=$self->repository->createTreeCommit($roothash,$self->repository->getBranchRef("heads/issues") || "start", "ADD: " . $issue->subject);
#now update branch refs/heads/issues
=method _to_issue - internal method, do not call directly
returns the issue converted from a tree hash entry
sub _to_issue
my $self = shift;
my $i = shift;
my $issue = Git::IssueManager::Issue->new(subject => $i->{name});
$issue->id($self->repository->getBlob($self->repository->getFileRef("issues",".tag")) . "-" . substr($i->{ref},0,8));
my $worker = $self->repository->getBlob($self->repository->getFileRef("issues",$i->{path}."/worker"));
if (defined($worker))
$issue->worker($1 || "");
$issue->worker_email($2 || "");
my $taglist= $self->repository->getBlob($self->repository->getFileRef("issues",$i->{path}."/tags"));
if (defined($taglist) && length($taglist)>0)
my @tags=split /\n/,$taglist;
my $tz=DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => 'local' );
my @commit = $self->repository->getFileLog("issues",$i->{path}."/subject",1);
$issue->creation_date(DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $commit[0]->{date},time_zone=>$tz ));
@commit = $self->repository->getFileLog("issues",$i->{path},1);
$issue->last_change_date(DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $commit[0]->{date},time_zone=>$tz ));
$issue->closed_date(DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $commit[0]->{date},time_zone=>$tz ));
return $issue;
=method get
return the issue with the given id
sub get
my $self = shift;
my $id = shift;
die("no id given") unless defined($id);
my $hash=$1;
# first search for the id
my @open = $self->repository->getTree("issues","open/");
for my $i (@open)
if (substr($i->{ref},0,8) eq $hash)
return $self->_to_issue($i);
my @assigned = $self->repository->getTree("issues","assigned/");
for my $i (@assigned)
if (substr($i->{ref},0,8) eq $hash)
return $self->_to_issue($i);
my @inprogress = $self->repository->getTree("issues","inprogress");
for my $i (@inprogress)
if (substr($i->{ref},0,8) eq $hash)
return $self->_to_issue($i);
my @closed = $self->repository->getTree("issues","closed/");
for my $i (@closed)
if (substr($i->{ref},0,8) eq $hash)
return $self->_to_issue($i);
=method list
list all issues of the repository
sub list
my $self = shift;
my $filter = shift;
my @issues =$self->repository->getTree("issues","open/");
my @ret;
if (!defined($filter) || $filter eq "open" )
for my $i (@issues)
my $issue = $self->_to_issue($i);
push(@ret, $issue);
# now sort by creation date
@ret = sort {DateTime->compare($a->creation_date, $b->creation_date)} @ret;
return @ret;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
package Git::IssueManager::Issue;
#ABSTRACT: class representing an Issue
use Moose;
use File::Basename;
B<Git::IssueManager::Issue> represents an issue within the Git::IssueManager module. Issues can be
added, removed, modified and listed.
Make sure that you understand all the attributes before adding issues to your repository.
=attr subject
The subject/ title of the issue
At most 50 chars allowed.
has 'subject' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', required => 1, trigger => sub {
my ($self, $new, $old) = @_;
die("subject exceeds 50 chars") unless length($new) < 51;
=attr priority
The priority of the issue. Possible values are:
=item I<urgent> - the most highes level of priority
=item I<high>
=item I<medium>
=item I<low>
The default value is B<low>.
has 'priority' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => 'low', trigger => sub {
my ($self, $new, $old) = @_;
die("unknown value (" . $new . ")") unless lc($new) eq "urgent" || lc($new) eq "high" ||
lc($new) eq "medium" || lc($new) eq "low";
=attr severity
The severity of the issue. Possible values are:
=item I<critical>
=item I<high>
=item I<medium>
=item I<low>
The default value is B<low>
has 'severity' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => 'low',trigger => sub {
my ($self, $new, $old) = @_;
die("unknown value (" . $new . ")") unless lc($new) eq "critical" || lc($new) eq "high" ||
lc($new) eq "medium" || lc($new) eq "low";
=attr type
The type of the issue. Possible values are:
=item I<bug> - a problem within the code, preventing the correct working of the software
=item I<security-bug> - a security related problem within the code, preventing the correct working of the software
=item I<improvement> - an enhancement to an already existing feature
=item I<feature> - a completly new feature
=item I<task> - a simple task, which should be done (please use rarely)
The default values is B<bug>.
has 'type' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => 'bug', trigger => sub {
my ($self, $new, $old) = @_;
die("unknown value (" . $new . ")") unless lc($new) eq "bug" || lc($new) eq "security-bug" ||
lc($new) eq "improvement" || lc($new) eq "feature" ||
lc($new) eq "task";
=attr status
The status of the issue. Possible values are:
=item I<open> - nothing has been done yet
=item I<assigned> - the issue has been assigned to a developer
=item I<inprogess> - somebody is working on the issue
=item I<closed> - the issue is closed
The default value is B<open>.
has 'status' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => 'open', trigger => sub {
my ($self, $new, $old) = @_;
die("unknown value (" . $new . ")") unless lc($new) eq "open" || lc($new) eq "assigned" ||
lc($new) eq "inprogress" || lc($new) eq "closed";
=attr substatus
A substatus to the actual status. Possible values are:
=item I<none> - there is no substatus
=item I<fixed> - the bug was fixed
=item I<wontfix> - the issue has been closed but it will never be fixed
The default value is B<none>.
has 'substatus' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => 'none', trigger => sub {
my ($self, $new, $old) = @_;
die("unknown value (" . $new . ")") unless lc($new) eq "none" || lc($new) eq "fixed" ||
lc($new) eq "wontfix";
=attr comment
A comment to the current status of the issue.
Only Plain Text is allowed.
Default value is the empty string.
has 'comment' => (is => 'rw', isa=>'Str', default => "");
=attr description
The full description of the issue.
Only Plain Text and Markdown are allowed.
B<no HTML>
The default value is the empty string.
has 'description' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => "");
=attr tags
An arrayref of tags/ keywords for better identifying the issue.
Maximum length of one tag is B<20> characters.
Maximum number of tags is B<10>.
has 'tags' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]', default => sub {return[];});
=attr attachments
An arrayref of files attached to this issue, for example documentation or text files presenting
error messages, screenshots, etc.
has 'attachements' => (is => 'rw', isa=> 'ArrayRef[Str]', default => sub{return [];});
=attr author
The author of the issue, can be the name or an anomynized nickname
has 'author' => (is=> 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => "");
=attr author_email
The authors email for sending status changes of the issue
has 'author_email' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => "");
=attr worker
The persons name working on solving the issue
has 'worker' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => "");
=attr worker_email
The email address of the person working on this issue
has 'worker_email' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default =>"");
=attr creation_date
A datetime object representing the date/time the issue was created
has 'creation_date' => (is => 'rw', isa=>'DateTime',default => sub{return DateTime->now();});
=attr closed_date
A datetime object representing the date/time the issue was closed, only valid if status is closed
has 'closed_date' => (is => 'rw', isa=>'DateTime',default => sub{return DateTime->now();});
=attr last_change_date
A datetime object representing the date/time the issue was last modified
has 'last_change_date' => (is => 'rw', isa=>'DateTime',default => sub{return DateTime->now();});
=attr id
id of the issue
has 'id' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => "");
=method addTag
add another tag to the issue.
=item B<1. Parameter:> Tag to add to the issue
sub addTag
my $self = shift;
my $tag = shift;
die("no tag given") unless defined($tag);
die("too many tags") unless @{$self->tags}<11;
die("tag exceeds 20 chars") unless length($tag) < 21;
push (@{$self->tags}, $tag);
=method delTag
del a tag from the issue
=item B<1. Parameter> Tag to remove from issue
sub delTag
my $self = shift;
my $tag = shift;
die("no tag given") unless defined($tag);
my $i = 0;
for my $t (@{$self->tags})
if ($t eq $tag)
=method addAttachment
Add another attachment to the issue.
=item B<1. Parameter> path to the attachment to add
Make sure the attachment exist at the given path and stays there until the issue has been
sub addAttachement
my $self = shift;
my $attachment = shift;
die("no attachment given") unless defined($attachment);
die("file does not exist") unless -e $attachment;
push (@{$self->attachements}, $attachment);
=method delAttachement
Remove an attachment from the issue.
=item B<1. Parameter> Attachment path to remove from issue
sub delAttachment
my $self = shift;
my $attachment = shift;
die("no attachment given") unless defined($attachment);
my $i = 0;
for my $a (@{$self->attachments})
if ($a eq $attachment)
=method _createAttachmentTree - internal method, do not call directly
creates a git repository tree object from the attachment array and return the hash of the object
=item B<1. Parameter> reference to a Git::RepositoryHL object
sub _createAttachmentTree
my $self = shift;
my $repository = shift;
my @tree;
for my $a (@{$self->attachments})
my $hash = $repository->createFileObjectFromFile($a);
my $t = {
ref => $hash,
path => fileparse($a),
mode => "100644",
type => "blob"
push(@tree, $t);
return $repository->createTree(\@tree);
=method createIssue
Creates the issue inside the given git repository and commits these changes to the issues branch
=item B<1. Parameter> reference to a Git::RepositoryHL object
sub createIssue
my $self = shift;
my $repository = shift;
my @tree;
die("No Git::RepositoryHL object given") unless ref($repository) eq "Git::RepositoryHL";
my $subject = {
path => "subject",
ref => $repository->createFileObject($self->subject),
type => "blob",
mode => "100644"
push(@tree, $subject);
my $priority = {
path => "priority",
ref => $repository->createFileObject($self->priority),
type => "blob",
mode => "100644"
push(@tree, $priority);
my $severity = {
path => "severity",
ref => $repository->createFileObject($self->severity),
type => "blob",
mode => "100644"
push(@tree, $severity);
my $type = {
path => "type",
ref => $repository->createFileObject($self->type),
type => "blob",
mode => "100644"
push(@tree, $type);
my $substatus = {
path => "substatus",
ref => $repository->createFileObject($self->substatus),
type => "blob",
mode => "100644"
my $comment = {
path => "comment",
ref => $repository->createFileObject($self->comment),
type => "blob",
mode => "100644"
push(@tree, $comment);
my $description = {
path => "description",
ref => $repository->createFileObject($self->description),
type => "blob",
mode => "100644"
push(@tree, $description);
my $worker = {
path => "worker",
ref => $repository->createFileObject($self->worker . "<" . $self->worker_email . ">"),
type => "blob",
mode => "100644"
push(@tree, $worker);
my $tags = {
path => "tags",
ref => $repository->createFileObject(join "\n", @{$self->tags}),
type => "blob",
mode => "100644"
push(@tree, $tags);
if (@{$self->attachements} > 0)
my $attachments={
path => "attachments",
ref => $self->_createAttachmentTree($repository),
type => "tree",
mode => "040000"
push(@tree, $attachments);
return $repository->createTree(\@tree);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user