# # This FHEM Module provides push notifications through the ntfy.sh service and # other compatible servers. # # Author: Dominik Meyer # package main; # enforce strict and warnings mode use strict; use warnings; # required for sending and receiving data from ntfy.sh use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; use URI; use JSON; use Text::ParseWords; use HttpUtils; use FHEM::Text::Unicode qw(:ALL); use Data::Dumper; # some module wide constansts my $MODULE_NAME="NTFY-CLIENT"; my $VERSION = '0.0.1'; use constant { LOG_CRITICAL => 0, LOG_ERROR => 1, LOG_WARNING => 2, LOG_SEND => 3, LOG_RECEIVE => 4, LOG_DEBUG => 5, PRIO_DEFAULT => 3, PRIO_HIGH => 5, PRIO_LOW => 2 }; my %NTFY_SETS = ( "_msg" => "textField", "message" => "textField", "msg" => "textField", "send" => "textField" ); # NTFY logging method sub NTFY_LOG { my $verbosity = shift; my $msg = shift; Log3 $MODULE_NAME, $verbosity, $MODULE_NAME . ":" . $msg; } # # Function to calculate the nfty auth token from a username # and password/ password token # # the username is allowed to be empty ("") # the password/password token is mandatory # sub NFTY_Calc_Auth_Token { my $password=shift; my $username=shift;; if (!$username) { $username=""; } if (!$password) { NTFY_LOG(LOG_ERROR,"password required for NFTY_Calc_Auth_Token"); return; } my $auth=encode_base64($username.":".$password); my $authString = encode_base64("Basic " . $auth); $authString =~ s/=//g; return $authString; } # initialize the NTFY Module sub NTFY_CLIENT_Initialize { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = 'NTFY_Define'; $hash->{SetFn} = 'NTFY_Set'; $hash->{ReadFn} = 'NTFY_Read'; $hash->{AttrFn} = 'NTFY_Attr'; $hash->{AttrList} = "defaultTopic " . $readingFnAttributes; } sub NTFY_Define { my ($hash, $define) = @_; # ensure we have something to parse if (!$define) { warn("$MODULE_NAME: no module definition provided"); NTFY_LOG(LOG_ERROR,"no module definition provided"); return; } # parse parameters into array and hash my($params, $h) = parseParams($define); my $name = makeDeviceName($params->[0]); $hash->{NAME} = $name; $hash->{SERVER} = $params->[2]; $hash->{STATE} = "unknown"; $hash->{USERNAME} = $h->{user} || ""; $hash->{helper}{PASSWORD} = $h->{password}; my @topics; $hash->{helper}->{topics} = \@topics; return; } sub NTFY_Update_Subscriptions_Readings { my $hash = shift; my $subscriptions=""; for my $thash (@{$hash->{helper}->{subscriptions}}) { $subscriptions .= $hash->{TOPIC} . ","; } chop $subscriptions; readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"subscriptions", $subscriptions,1); } sub NTFY_newSubscription { my $hash = shift; my $topic = shift; my $thash = {}; $thash->{NAME} = makeDeviceName("NTFY_TOPIC_" . $topic); $thash->{TYPE} = $hash->{TYPE}; $thash->{NR} = $devcount++; $thash->{phash} = $hash; $thash->{PNAME} = $hash->{NAME}; $thash->{TOPIC} = $topic; $thash->{SERVER} = $hash->{SERVER}; $thash->{USERNAME} = $hash->{USERNAME} || ""; $thash->{helper}->{PASSWORD} = $hash->{helper}->{PASSWORD}; $thash->{TEMPORARY} = 1; my $useSSL = 0; if ($thash->{SERVER}=~/https/) { $useSSL = 1; } my $port = $useSSL == 1 ? 443 : 80; if ($thash->{SERVER}=~/:(\d+)/) { $port = $1; } my $dev = $thash->{SERVER} . ":" . $port . "/" . $thash->{TOPIC} . "/ws"; if ($thash->{helper}->{PASSWORD} && length($thash->{helper}->{PASSWORD}) > 0) { my $token = NFTY_Calc_Auth_Token($thash->{helper}->{PASSWORD},$thash->{USERNAME}); if (!$token) { NTFY_LOG(LOG_ERROR,"Can not suscribe to topic without valid token"); return; } $dev .="?auth=" . $token; } # swap http(s) to expected ws(s) $dev =~ s/^.*:\/\//wss:/; # just for debugging purposes NTFY_LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"using websocket url: " . $dev); $thash->{DeviceName}=$dev; $thash->{WEBSOCKET} = 1; $attr{$thash->{NAME}}{room} = 'hidden'; $defs{$thash->{NAME}} = $thash; DevIo_OpenDev( $thash, 0, "NTFY_WS_Handshake", "NTFY_WS_CB" ); # remember topic in main hash helper push(@{$hash->{helper}->{topics}},$thash); NTFY_Update_Subscriptions_Readings($hash); } sub NTFY_Topic_To_Hash { my $hash = shift; my $topic = shift; } sub NTFY_WS_Handshake { my $hash = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, '', 2 ); NTFY_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "websocket connected"); readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "online", 1); } sub NTFY_WS_CB { my ($hash, $error) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if ($error) { readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "error"); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "error", $error); readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); } NTFY_LOG(LOG_ERROR, "error while connecting to websocket: $error ") if $error; NTFY_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "websocket callback called"); return $error; } sub NTFY_Read { my ( $hash ) = @_; my $buf = DevIo_SimpleRead($hash); return unless length($buf) > 0; my $msg = from_json($buf); return unless $msg->{event} eq "message"; my $nrReceivedMessages = ReadingsVal($hash->{phash},"nrReceivedMessages",0); + $nrReceivedMessages++; readingsBeginUpdate($hash->{phash}); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash->{phash},"nrReceivedMessages",$nrReceivedMessages++); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash->{phash}, "lastReceivedTopic", $msg->{topic}); readingsEndUpdate($hash->{phash},1); NTFY_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, $hash->{NAME} . " received: " . $buf); } sub NTFY_Publish_Msg { my $hash = shift; my $msg = shift; NTFY_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, Dumper($msg)); my $auth = ""; if ($hash->{helper}->{PASSWORD} && length($hash->{helper}->{PASSWORD}) > 0) { my $token = NFTY_Calc_Auth_Token($hash->{helper}->{PASSWORD},$hash->{USERNAME}); if (!$token) { NTFY_LOG(LOG_ERROR,"Can not publish to topic without valid token"); return; } $auth .="?auth=" . $token; } for my $topic (@{$msg->{topics}}) { my $url = $hash->{SERVER} ."/". $auth; my $message = { topic => $topic, message => $msg->{text}, }; if ($msg->{title}) { $message->{title} = $msg->{title}; } if ($msg->{priority}) { $message->{priority} = $msg->{priority}; } NTFY_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Publish:" . Dumper($message)); my $param = { url => $url, timeout => 5, hash => $hash, method => "POST", data => to_json($message), callback => sub () { my ($param, $err, $data) = @_; my $hash = $param->{hash}; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if($err ne "") { NTFY_LOG(LOG_ERROR, "Error publishing to topic "); readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "lastError", $err,1); return; } readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "lastUsedTopic", $msg->{topic}); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "lastMessageSend", $msg->{text}); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "lastRawMessage", to_json($message)); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "lastEror", ""); readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); } }; HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($param); } } sub NTFY_Create_Msg_From_Arguments { my $hash = shift; my $name = shift; my @args = @_; my @topics; my @attachments; my @keywords; my $text; my $title; my $priority = AttrVal($name, "defaultPriority", PRIO_DEFAULT); my $string=join(" ",@args); my $tmpmessage = $string =~ s/\\n/\x0a/rg; NTFY_LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"create:" . $tmpmessage); @args=parse_line(' ',0,$tmpmessage); for my $a (@args) { if (substr($a,0,1) eq "@") { push(@topics, substr($a,1,length($a))); } elsif (substr($a,0,1) eq "#") { push(@keywords, substr($a,1,length($a))); } elsif (substr($a,0,1) eq "&") { push(@attachments, substr($a,1,length($a))); } elsif (substr($a,0,1) eq "!") { my $tmpPriority=substr($a,1,length($a)); if ($tmpPriority eq "default") { $priority=PRIO_DEFAULT; } elsif($tmpPriority eq "high") { $priority=PRIO_HIGH; } elsif($tmpPriority eq "low") { $priority=PRIO_LOW; } } elsif (substr($a,0,1) eq "*") { $title=substr($a,1,length($a)); } else { $text .= $a . " "; } } chop $text; if (@topics == 0) { my $defaultTopic = AttrVal($name, "defaultTopic",undef); if (!defined($defaultTopic)) { NTFY_LOG(LOG_WARNING, "no topic and no default topic given, can not publish"); return; } else { push(@topics, $defaultTopic); } } my $msg = { topics => \@topics, title => $title, keywords => \@keywords, attachments => \@attachments, priority => $priority, text => $text }; return $msg; } sub NTFY_Set { my ( $hash, $name, $cmd, @args ) = @_; if ($cmd eq "publish" ) { NTFY_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "full command: " . join(' ', @args)); my $msg = NTFY_Create_Msg_From_Arguments($hash, $name,@args); NTFY_Publish_Msg($hash, $msg) unless !defined($msg); return undef; } else { return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of publish" } } sub NTFY_Attr { my ( $cmd, $name, $aName, $aValue ) = @_; return undef; } 1;