# Makefile for generating pdf from latex files # -dependency support # -pdf generation of svg files # -pdf generation of dot files # # Author : Dominik Meyer # Date : 2017-11-22 # License : GPLv2 # SHELL := /bin/bash DEPDIR := .d $(shell mkdir -p $(DEPDIR) >/dev/null) GITDIR = $(shell git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/ export $TEXINPUTS DEPFLAGS = -M -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.d ifneq ("$(wildcard .pdflatex)","") LATEXMK=export TEXINPUTS=$(TEXINPUTS);latexmk -use-make -f $(DEPFLAGS) -pdf $(subst .pdf,.tex,$@) 1>>$(subst .pdf,.log,$@) 2>>$(subst .pdf,.log,$@) else LATEXMK=export TEXINPUTS=$(TEXINPUTS);latexmk -use-make -f $(DEPFLAGS) -pdflua $(subst .pdf,.tex,$@) 1>>$(subst .pdf,.log,$@) 2>>$(subst .pdf,.log,$@) endif INKSCAPE_EXIST=$(shell which inkscape >/dev/null;echo $$?) ifeq ($(INKSCAPE_EXIST),0) # identify used inkscape version and set command INKSCAPE_BASE=$(shell which inkscape) INKSCAPE_VERSION=$(shell $(INKSCAPE_BASE) --version 2>/dev/null | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -d . -f 1) ifeq ($(INKSCAPE_VERSION),0) INKSCAPE = "echo \"$< --export-pdf=$@\" | DISPLAY= $(INKSCAPE_BASE) -D -y 0 --shell >/dev/null" else INKSCAPE = "$(INKSCAPE_BASE) --export-type=pdf -o $@ $<" endif endif .SECONDARY: .latexmkrc .PHONY: clean watermark IEEE base %.svg: %.plantuml @echo "**** Generating $@ from plantuml file $< ****" @${MakefileBase}/bin/plantuml -tsvg $< @touch $@.dep %.pdf: %.image.tex @echo "**** Generating $@ from tex file $< ****" @lualatex -output-directory=`dirname $<` $< >/dev/null IN=`echo $< | sed 's/\.tex/\.pdf/'`;OUT=`echo $< | sed 's/\.image\.tex/\.pdf/'`; cp $$IN $$OUT @touch $@.dep %.pdf : %.dot @echo "**** Generating $@ from dot file $< ****" @dot -Tpdf $< -o $@ @touch $@.dep %.svg: %.drawio.svg @echo "**** Renaming drawio file $< *****" @cp $< $@ @touch $@.dep %.svg: %.excalidraw.svg @echo "**** Renaming excalidraw file $< *****" @cp $< $@ @touch $@.dep %.pdf: %.svg @echo "**** Generating $@ from svg file $< ****" @if [ $(INKSCAPE_EXIST) != "0" ]; then echo "The inkscape tool required for converting svg --> pdf is missing. Please install it"; exit -1; fi @if [ "$(INKSCAPE_VERSION)" -eq "0" ]; then echo "$<" --export-pdf=$@ | DISPLAY= $(INKSCAPE_BASE) -D -y 0 --shell >/dev/null; fi @if [ "$(INKSCAPE_VERSION)" -eq "1" ]; then $(INKSCAPE_BASE) --export-type=pdf -o $@ $< 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; fi @touch $@.dep %.pdf: $(DEPDIR)/%.d @echo "**** Generating $@ ****" @if [ -e $(subst .pdf,.log,$@) ]; then rm $(subst .pdf,.log,$@); fi @$(LATEXMK) || ( if [ -e $@ ]; then rm $@; fi; $(LATEXMK)) @touch $@ @echo "**** log file $(subst .pdf, .log,$@)" $(DEPDIR)/%.d: ; .PRECIOUS: $(DEPDIR)/%.d IEEE: IEEEtran.cls IEEEtran.cls: @wget https://www.ieee.org/documents/ieee-latex-conference-template.zip 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null @unzip -j ieee-latex-conference-template.zip IEEEtran/IEEEtran.cls >/dev/null @rm ieee-latex-conference-template.zip base: .gitignore .latexmkrc ${GITDIR}/.git/hooks/post-commit ${GITDIR}/.git/hooks/post-commit ${GITDIR}.git/hooks/post-merge ${GITDIR}.git/hooks/post-checkout: ${MakefileBase}/post-commit cp ${MakefileBase}/post-commit ${GITDIR}.git/hooks/ cp ${MakefileBase}/post-commit ${GITDIR}.git/hooks/post-merge cp ${MakefileBase}/post-commit ${GITDIR}.git/hooks/post-checkout chmod u+x ${GITDIR}/.git/hooks/* ${GITDIR}/.git/hooks/post-commit .gitignore: @echo *.pdf >> .gitignore @echo *.aux >> .gitignore @echo *.bbl >> .gitignore @echo *.bcf >> .gitignore @echo *.blg >> .gitignore @echo *.dvi >> .gitignore @echo *.log >> .gitignore @echo *.run.xml >> .gitignore @echo *.fls >> .gitignore @echo *.*latexmk >> .gitignore @echo *.files >> .gitignore @echo *-blx.bib >> .gitignore @echo *.out >> .gitignore @echo **/*.dep >> .gitignore @echo .d >> .gitignore .latexmkrc: @cp ${MakefileBase}/.latexmkrc . >> $@ watermark.tex: cp ${MakefileBase}/watermark.tex $@ watermark: all watermark.tex sed -i 's//$(EMAIL)/g' watermark.tex latexmk -pdf watermark.tex pdftk paper.pdf stamp watermark.pdf output paper_watermark.pdf rm -rf watermark.* clean: @-rm -rf .d @-rm -rf *.pdata @-rm -rf *.pdf @-rm -rf *.bcf @-rm -rf *.aux @-rm -rf *.bbl @-rm -rf *.blg @-rm -rf *.dvi @-rm -rf *.ps @-rm -rf *.log @-rm -rf *.run.xml @-rm -rf *.fls @-rm -rf *.*latexmk @-rm -rf *-blx.bib @-rm -rf *.out @-rm -rf *.toc @-rm -rf *.nav @-rm -rf *.snm @-rm -rf *.vrb @-for i in `find . -name '*.dep'`; do f=`echo $$i | sed 's/.dep//'`; rm $$f; rm $$i; done include $(wildcard $(patsubst %,$(DEPDIR)/%.d,$(basename $(SRCS))))