2014-02-15 12:01:14 +01:00

43 lines
1.4 KiB

\svnInfo $Id: site-jacu.tex 6306 2011-11-04 05:13:42Z kohlhase $
\svnKeyword $HeadURL: $
\ednote{Give a one-paragraph run-down of the site and the team there. }
\paragraph{Main tasks:}
\item\ednote{specify the main tasks and reference the respective work packages}
\paragraph{Relevant previous experience:}
\ednote{give an overview over previous work and projects that add to the \pn project}
\paragraph{Specific expertise:}
\item \ednote{give three to five specific areas of expertise that pertain to the \pn project}
\paragraph{Staff members undertaking the work:}
\textbf{Dr.\ Great Leader}\ednote{describe the site leader and his expertise}
\textbf{Joe Implementor}\ednote{and more of them. }
\ednote{provide the key publications below}
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