2014-02-15 12:01:14 +01:00

63 lines
2.3 KiB

# possibly customize the following variables to your setting
PROPOSAL = proposal.tex # the proposal
BIB = ../lib/dummy.bib # bibTeX databases
PROP.dir = ../../..
# the following are computed
TARGET = $(PROPOSAL) # all pdflatex targets
TARGET.pdf = $(TARGET:%.tex=%.pdf) # PDFs to be produced
TARGET.aux = $(TARGET:%.tex=%.aux) # their aux files.
PDATA = $(PROPOSAL:%.tex=%.pdata) # the proposal project data
SRC = $(filter-out $(TARGET),$(shell ls *.tex)) # included files
PDFLATEX = pdflatex -interaction batchmode -file-line-error
BBL.base = 1
BBL = proposal.bbl $(BBL.base:%=proposal%-blx.bbl)
PROPCLS.dir = $(PROP.dir)/base
PROPETC.dir = $(PROP.dir)/etc
DFGPROPCLS.dir = $(PROP.dir)/dfg
TEXINPUTS := .//:$(PROPCLS.dir)//:$(DFGPROPCLS.dir)//:$(PROPETC.dir)//:
PROPCLS.clssty = proposal.cls pdata.sty
PROPETC.sty = workaddress.sty metakeys.sty sref.sty
DFGPROPCLS.clssty = dfgproposal.cls dfgpdata.sty
PROPCLS = $(PROPCLS.clssty:%=$(PROPCLS.dir)/%) $(DFGPROPCLS.clssty:%=$(DFGPROPCLS.dir)/%) $(PROPETC.sty:%=$(PROPETC.dir)/%)
all: $(TARGET.pdf)
cd: # make cd will prepare CD for burning
mkdir CD;make $(TARGET.pdf); cp $(TARGET.pdf) CD
bbl: $(BBL)
$(BBL): %.bbl: %.aux
bibtex -min-crossrefs=100 -terse $<
$(PDATA): %.pdata: %.tex
$(TARGET.aux): %.aux: %.tex
$(TARGET.pdf): %.pdf: %.tex $(SRC) $(BIB) $(PROPCLS)
$(PDFLATEX) $< || $(RM) $@
# sort $(PROPOSAL:%.tex=%.delivs) > $(PROPOSAL:%.tex=%.deliverables)
@if (test -e $(patsubst %.tex, %.idx, $<));\
then makeindex $(patsubst %.tex, %.idx, $<); fi
@if (grep "(re)run BibTeX" $(patsubst %.tex, %.log, $<)> /dev/null);\
then $(MAKE) -B $(BBL); fi
$(PDFLATEX) $< || $(RM) $@
@if (grep Rerun $(patsubst %.tex, %.log, $<) > /dev/null);\
then $(PDFLATEX) $< || $(RM) $@; fi
@if (grep Rerun $(patsubst %.tex, %.log, $<) > /dev/null);\
then $(PDFLATEX) $< || $(RM) $@; fi
rm -f *.log *.blg *~ *.synctex.gz *.cut
distclean: clean
rm -f *.aux *.out *.run.xml *.bbl *.toc *.deliv* *.pdata
rm -Rf auto