2014-04-27 11:09:48 +02:00

2381 lines
108 KiB

% \iffalse meta-comment
% A class for preparing general proposals, to be instantiated for particular donors
% Copyright (c) 2011 Michael Kohlhase, all rights reserved
% This file is distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public
% License from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
% Either version 1.0 or, at your option, any later version.
% The development version of this file can be found at
% \fi
% \iffalse
%<cls>\ProvidesClass{proposal}[2013/02/19 v1.4 Project Proposal]
%<pdata>\ProvidesPackage{pdata}[2013/02/19 v1.4 Project Data]
%<reporting>\ProvidesPackage{reporting}[2013/02/19 v1.4 Project Reporting]
breaklinks=true, bookmarksopen=true]{hyperref}
% \fi
% \changes{v0.4}{2009/05/12}{copied over from eustrep.dtx}
% \changes{v0.5}{2009/05/27}{added gantt charts}
% \changes{v0.6}{2009/06/27}{added task referencing system}
% \changes{v0.7}{2010/09/22}{added final report infrastructure}
% \changes{v0.7}{2010/10/29}{added noRAM option}
% \changes{v0.7}{2010/11/01}{added paper list infrastructure}
% \changes{v1.0}{2010/11/03}{this works well, releasing to CTAN}
% \changes{v1.1}{2010/12/16}{deprecating workphase in favor of attributes}
% \changes{v1.1}{2011/01/05}{separating out pdata.sty for data handling and referencing}
% \changes{v1.2}{2011/03/18}{separating out dfgproposal.dtx}
% \changes{v1.2}{2011/03/19}{adding deliverables}
% \changes{v1.3}{2011/05/03}{adding general report handling}
% \changes{v1.4}{2012/01/15}{better metadata handling for task-level work
% phases and partners, using \texttt{wphases} instead of \texttt{start} and
% lists of sites}
% \changes{v1.4}{2012/01/18}{changing the argument structure of {\textbackslash joint*} to
% \texttt{len} in work packages and tasks}
% \changes{v1.4}{2012/01/18}{various extensions for the Jan 2012 EU proposals}
% \changes{v1.4}{2012/01/28}{some localization support}
% \changes{v1.4}{2013/01/12}{more documentation of milestones}
% \GetFileInfo{proposal.cls}
% \MakeShortVerb{\|}
% \title{Preparing Proposals in {\LaTeX} with \texttt{proposal.cls}}
% \author{Michael Kohlhase\\
% Computer Science, Jacobs University Bremen\\
% \url{}}
% \maketitle
% \begin{abstract}
% The |proposal| class supports many of the generic elements of Grant Proposals. It is
% optimized towards collaborative projects, and should specialized to particular funding
% agencies.
% \end{abstract}
% \tableofcontents\newpage
% \section{Introduction}\label{sec:intro}
% Writing grant proposals is a collaborative effort that requires the integration of
% contributions from many individuals. The use of an ASCII-based format like {\LaTeX}
% allows to coordinate the process via a source code control system like
% \subversion, allowing the proposal writing team to concentrate on the contents
% rather than the mechanics of wrangling with text fragments and revisions.
% The |proposal| class supports many of the generic elements of Grant Proposals. The
% package documentation is still preliminary, fragmented and incomplete.
% The |proposal| class is distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License
% from CTAN archives in directory |macros/latex/base/lppl.txt|. Either version 1.0 or, at
% your option, any later version. The CTAN archive always contains the latest stable
% version, the development version can be found at
% \url{}. For bug reports please use the sTeX trac
% at \url{}.
% \section{The User Interface}\label{sec:user-interface}
% In this section we will describe the functionality offered by the |proposal| class
% along the lines of the macros and environments the class provides.
% \subsection{Package Options}\label{sec:user:options}
% The |proposal| package takes the options |submit|, |noworkareas|, |public|, and
% |keys|.
% The \DescribeMacro{submit}|submit| option will disable various proposal management decorations
% which are enabled by default for submission.
% The \DescribeMacro{noworkareas}|noworkareas| option specifies that we do not want to structure
% our work plan into work areas (see section~\ref{sec:user:wpwa}).
% The \DescribeMacro{RAM}|RAM| option specifies that we specify research assistant months
% in the effort tallies (see section~\ref{sec:user:wpwa}).
% The \DescribeMacro{deliverables}|deliverables| option specifies that we specify
% deliverables in the grant proposal (see section~\ref{sec:user:deliverables}). As the
% deliverables management needs extra support, we only activate them via this option.
% The \DescribeMacro{wpsubsection}|wpsubsection| option specifies that we want to see
% subsections headings for the WPs (and WAs, if we have them).
% Finally, the \DescribeMacro{public}|public| option allows to hide certain sensitive
% (e.g. financial) parts of the proposal. For this, the |proposal| class provides the
% \DescribeEnv{private}|private| environment. If the option |public| is set, the parts of
% the document between |\begin{private}| and |\end{private}| do not produce output. This
% is useful for producing public versions of the proposal that hide confidential
% parts. Note that both |\begin{private}| and |\end{private}| {\emph{have to be on lines
% of their own may not have any leading whitespace}} otherwise an error occurs and
% {\LaTeX} gives error messages that are difficult to comprehend. An alternative way to
% distinguish private and public sections are to use the
% \DescribeMacro{\ifpublic}|\ifpublic| conditional: |\ifpublic{3}\else{5}\fi| will result
% in ``5'' in the submitted draft and ``3'' in the public document.
% The \DescribeMacro{report}|report| option specifies that we want to use the |report.cls|
% class as a basis for |proposal| instead of the default |article.cls|.
% The \DescribeMacro{keys}|keys| option specifies that we want to see the values of various
% keyval arguments in the margin.
% \subsection{Proposal Metadata and Title page}\label{sec:user:metadata}
% The metadata of the proposal is specified in the \DescribeEnv{proposal}|proposal|
% environment, which also generates the title page and the first section of the proposal
% as well as the last pages of the proposal with the signatures, enclosures, and
% references. The |proposal| environment should contain all the mandatory parts of the
% proposal text. The |proposal| environment uses the following keys to specify metadata.
% \begin{compactitem}
% \item \DescribeMacro{title}|title| for the proposal title (used on the title page),
% \item \DescribeMacro{instrument}|instrument| for the instrument of funding
% that you would like to apply for,
% \item \DescribeMacro{acronym}|acronym| for the proposal acronym, possibly accompanied
% by an \DescribeMacro{acrolong}|acrolong| that explains it. The acronym will also be used in
% the page headings.
% \item \DescribeMacro{start}|start| for the start date of the proposed fragment of the
% project, and \DescribeMacro{months}|months| for the length of the proposal in
% months. Both have to be specified for the |proposal| class to work.
% \item If the proposal only concerns a part of a longer-running project, the
% \DescribeMacro{since}|since| key allows to specify the date since when the overall
% project runs. Finally, the \DescribeMacro{fundsuntil}|fundsuntil| allows to specify a
% date until which the funds last.
% \item \DescribeMacro{discipline}|discipline| for the academic discipline and |areas| for
% the research areas in that discipline.
% \item \DescribeMacro{PI}|PI| to declare the principal investigator. For collaborative
% proposals we can use the |PI| key multiple times. The |proposal| package uses the
% |workaddress| package for representation of personal metadata,
% see~\cite{Kohlhase:workaddress:ctan} or the file |proposal.tex| for details.
% \item Many collaborative proposals are shared between two institutions, which we can
% declare with the \DescribeMacro{site}|site| key. As this changes the interface this
% should not be used for single-institution proposals. We will describe the setup for a
% single-site proposal below and point out the differences. The example |proposal.tex|
% is a two-site proposal.
% \end{compactitem}
% If the |acronym| and |acrolong| are given, then they automatically define the macros
% \DescribeMacro{\pn}|\pn| and \DescribeMacro{\pnlong}|\pnlong| which allow to use the
% project acronym (\underline{p}roject \underline{n}name) and its long version in the
% text. Note that these macros use |\xspace| internallly, so they do not have to be
% enclosed in curly braces.
% \subsection{Proposal Appearance}\label{sec:user:appearance}
% The |proposal| environment takes a second set of keyval arguments that allow to
% fine-tune the appearance of the proposal document. \ednote{move the RAM,
% wpsectionheadings,... options here.}
% \begin{compactitem}
% \item If the \DescribeMacro{compactht}|compactht| key is given (it does not need a
% value), then the header tables\ednote{describe them somewhere and reference here} are
% made compact, i.e. the sites that do not have a contribution to the work package or work
% area do not get listed. This is useful for proposals with more than 8 partners.
% \end{compactitem}
% The |proposal| package supplies the \DescribeEnv{emphbox}|emphbox| environment to create
% boxes of emphasized material we want to call attention to.
% \subsection{Objectives}\label{sec:user:objectives}
% The work plan starts with a discussion of objectives, which may be referenced in the
% text later. The |proposal| package provides the \DescribeEnv{objective}|objective|
% environment that allows to mark up individual objectives. It takes a keyval argument
% with the keys |id| for identification, |title| for the objective title, and |short| for
% a short title that can be used for referencing when the title is too long. The
% objectives can be referenced via \DescribeMacro{\OBJref}|\OJBref{|\meta{id}|}| by their
% label and via \DescribeMacro{\OBJtref}|\OJBtref{|\meta{id}|}| by label and (short if it
% was specified) title.
% \subsection{Work Areas and Work Packages}\label{sec:user:wpwa}
% Grant proposals have another part that is often highly stylized; the work plan. This is
% usually structured into ``work packages'' --- i.e. work items that address a cohesive
% aspect of the proposed work. These work packages are usually consecutively numbered,
% have a title, and an associated effort estimation. As work packages are the ``atomic''
% planning units, they are usually heavily cross-referenced. A well-written proposal
% usually contains a table giving an overview over the work packages and their efforts and
% a Gantt chart showing the temporal distribution of the proposed work to allow the
% reviewers to get a clear picture of the feasibility of the research and development
% proposed. But this picture is also essential during the development of a proposal (which
% the |proposal| package aims to support), when the work packages (and their estimated
% efforts) usually change considerably. Therefore the |proposal| class standardizes
% markup for work packages and automatically computes the work package table (which can be
% inserted into the table via the \DescribeMacro{\wpfig}|\wpfig| macro) and the Gantt
% Chart (see Section~\ref{sec:user:gantt}).
% To achieve the automation, work plan is marked up by the
% \DescribeEnv{workplan}|workplan| environment, which setsup various internal counters and
% bookeeping macros. It contains texts and |workpackage| environments for the work
% packages.
% The purpose of the \DescribeEnv{workpackage}|workpackage| environment is to mark up a
% fragment of text as a work package description and specify the metadata so that it can
% be used in the work package table and Gantt chart generation. The metadata is specified
% by the following keys:
% \begin{compactitem}
% \item The \DescribeMacro{id}|id| key is used to specify a label for cross-referencing the
% work package or work group, it must be document-unique.
% \item The \DescribeMacro{title}|title| and \DescribeMacro{short}|short| keys are used
% for the work package/group title. The short title is used in tables and should not be
% longer than 15 characters.
% \item The \DescribeMacro{wphases}|wphases| key is used according to
% Section~\ref{sec:user:workphase}
% \item The \DescribeMacro{requires}|requires| key can be used to mark, up dependencies
% between tasks. If |requires=\taskin{|\meta{rid}|}{|\meta{wp}|}| is given in a task
% with |id=|\meta{t}, then task \meta{rid} in work package \meta{wp} must be completed
% for task \meta{t} to become possible. This key will draw an arrow into the gantt chart
% from the end of task \meta{rid} to \meta{t}. Note that dependencies should always
% point forward in time. Furthermore, note that the fact that dependencies always go
% from the end of the source to the beginning of the target work phase is intentional,
% if this does not meet your needs, then you should probably break a work phase into
% pieces that can be addressed separately.
% \item In single-site proposals, the \DescribeMacro{RM}|RM| (and \DescribeMacro{RAM}|RAM|
% if the |RAM| option was given) keys are used to specify the estimated efforts to be
% expended on research and development in this work package. Both are specified in
% person months. |RM| is used for ``researcher months'' (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)
% and |RAM| for ``research assistant months'' (wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft).
% \item In multi-site proposals, the |proposal| package generates the keys
% \DescribeMacro{*RM}\meta{site}|RM| (and \DescribeMacro{*RAM}\meta{site}|RAM|) where
% \meta{site} is any site label declared via the |site| key in the top-level |proposal|
% environment. This can be used to specify the person months that the site spends on
% this work package (the value for work groups is automatically computed (remember to
% run {\LaTeX} twice for this)).
% \item In multi-site proposals the \DescribeMacro{lead} |lead| key specifies the work
% package or work group lead, the value of this feature should be the short name of the
% respective partner.
% \end{compactitem}
% It is often useful to group the work packages in a proposal further (especially for
% larger, collaborative proposals). This can be done via the
% \DescribeEnv{workarea}|workarea| environment, which groups work packages. This
% environment takes the same keys as the |workpackage| environment, except for the
% efforts, which can be computed automatically from the work packages it groups.
% As the author of the |proposal| class likes more structured proposals, using work
% areas is the default, but the |proposal| class can also be used with the
% |noworkareas| option for less structured (smaller) proposals.
% \subsection{Tasks}\label{sec:user:task}
% In the work packages we can list tasks that need to be undertaken with the
% \DescribeEnv{tasklist}|tasklist| environment. The individual tasks are marked up with
% the \DescribeEnv{task}|task| environment. This takes a keyval argument with the keys
% |id| for identification, |title| for a title, and the workphase keys (see
% Section~\ref{sec:user:workphase}).
% Tasks can be referenced by the \DescribeMacro{\taskref}|\taskref| macro that takes two
% arguments: the work package identifier and the task identifier. As for work packages and
% work areas, there is a long reference variant with work package title:
% \DescribeMacro{\tasktref}|\tasktref|. Finally,
% \DescribeMacro{\localtaskref}|\localtaskref| references a task in the local work package
% by the identifier in its argument.
% \subsection{Work Phase Metadata}\label{sec:user:workphase}
% The |task| and |workpackage| allow the \DescribeMacro{wphases}|wphases| key to specify
% the a list of work phases. The value of this key is comma-separated list of work phase
% specifications of the form \meta{start}|-|\meta{end} or
% \meta{start}|-|\meta{end}|!|\meta{force}, where \meta{start} and \meta{end} delimit the
% run time of the work phase and the optional |!|\meta{force} specifies the work force,
% i.e. the intensity of work as a number between 0 and 1. If no force is given, the
% default is 1. The main reason for specifying this metadata for tasks is to generate a
% Gantt chart (see Section~\ref{sec:user:gantt}).
% \subsection{Gantt Charts}\label{sec:user:gantt}
% Gantt charts are used in proposals to show the distribution of activities in work
% packages over time. A gantt chart is represented by the \DescribeEnv{gantt}|gantt|
% environment that takes a on optional keyval argument. The keys
% \DescribeMacro{xscale}|xscale| and \DescribeMacro{yscale}|yscale| are used to specify a
% scale factors for the chart so that it fits on the page. The \DescribeMacro{step}|step|
% key allows to specify the steps (in months) of the vertical auxiliary lines. Finally,
% the \DescribeMacro{draft}|draft| key specifies that plausibility checks (that can be
% expensive to run) are carried out. Note that the value does not have to be given, so
% |\begin{gantt}{draft,yscale=.5,step=3}| is a perfectly good invocation.
% Usually, the |gant| environment is not used however, since it is part of the
% \DescribeMacro{\ganttchart} macro that takes the same keys. This generates a whole
% Gantt chart automatically from the work phase specifications in the work packages. As
% above we have to run {\LaTeX} two times for the work phases to show up.
% \subsection{Milestones and Deliverables}\label{sec:user:deliverables}
% Many proposal formats foresee that project progress will be tracked in the form of
% \emph{milestones} -- points in the project, where a predefined state of affairs is
% reached -- and \emph{deliverables} -- tangible project outcomes that have to be
% delivered. Correspondingly, milestones and deliverables have to be specified in the
% proposal and accounted for in the project reports. To facilitate this the |proposal|
% class and its instances provide a simple infrastructure for dealing with milestones and
% deliverables.
% Milestones are usually given in a special table\footnote{this is the default provided by
% the base |proposal| class, it can be specialized for proposal class instances by
% redefining the |@milestones| environment and correspondingly the |\@milestone| macro.},
% which we markup up with the \DescribeMacro{milestones}|milestones| environment that
% takes care of initialization and numbering issues. This contains a list of milestone
% descriptions via the \DescribeMacro{\milestone}|\milestone| macro which is invoked as
% |\milestone[|\meta{keys}|]{|\meta{title}|}{|\meta{desc}|}|, where \meta{keys} supports
% the keys |id| for identification |month| for specifying the milestone date (in months of
% the project duration), and |verif| for specifying a means of
% verification\footnote{Arguably, this set of keys is inspired by EU proposals, but can be
% extended in class instances.} Milestones are numbered with labels whose shape can be
% customized by redefining \DescribeMacro{\milestone@label}|\milestone@label| and
% referenced by the \DescribeMacro{\mileref}|\mileref{|\meta{id}|}| and
% \DescribeMacro{\miletref}|\miletref{|\meta{id}|}| for a reference with milestone
% title. |\pdatacount{all}{miles}| gives the number of milestones.
% Deliverables are usually defined as part of the work package descriptions (see
% Section~\ref{sec:user:wpwa}) and listed in an overview table in a separate of the
% proposal. As for the milestones, we use an environment
% \DescribeMacro{wpdelivs}|wpdelivs| that contains the deliverable descriptions. These are
% marked up via the \DescribeMacro{wpdeliv} environment which takes an optional keyval
% argument for the deliverable metadata a regular argument for the title and contains the
% description of the deliverable as the body. For the metadata we have the keys |id| for
% the deliverable identifier, |due| for the target date (a number that denotes the project
% month), |nature| and |dissem| for specifying the deliverable nature and dissemination
% status (usually as short strings prescribed by the proposal template), and |miles| for
% the milestone this deliverable is targeted for (specified by the milestone
% identifier). For repeating deliverables (e.g. project reports), both |due| and |miles|
% can contain comma-separated lists. Deliverables are numbered by labels whose shape can
% be customized by number, where the shape of the label can be specified by redefining
% \DescribeMacro{\deliv@label}|\deliv@label| and referenced by
% \DescribeMacro{\delivref}|\delivref{|\meta{wp}|}{|\meta{id}|}| where \meta{wp} is the
% work package identifier and \meta{id} that if the deliverable and
% \DescribeMacro{\delivtref}|\delivtref{|\meta{wp}|}{|\meta{id}|}| for a reference with
% title. |\pdatacount{|\meta{wp}|}{delivs}| gives the number of milestones of the work
% package \meta{wp} |\pdatacount{all}{delivs}| that of all deliverables (aggregating over
% all work packages).
% Some proposal templates ask for an overview table of the deliverables which aggregates
% the deliverables of the respective work packages and areas ordered by due date. This can
% be generated with the \DescribeMacro{\inputdelivs}|\inputdelivs| macro. This works index
% generation in {\LaTeX}. The |wpdeliv| environment writes the deliverable data to a file
% \meta{main}|.delivs|, which can be processed externally (usually just sorting with
% |sort| in Unix is sufficient) into \meta{main}|.deliverables|, which is then input via
% the |\inputdelivs| macro.
% In some proposals, also work areas can have deliverables, then the above hold
% analogously for \DescribeMacro{wadelivs}|wpdelivs| and \DescribeMacro{wadeliv}|wadeliv|
% environments.
% Note that handling deliverables adds considerable overhead to proposal formatting and
% adds auxiliary files, so they are only activated if the |deliverables| option is given
% (see Section~\ref{sec:user:options}).
% \subsection{Referencing and Hyperlinking}\label{sec:user:hyperlinking}
% The |proposal| package extends the hyperlinking provided by the |hyperref| package it
% includes to work packages, work groups, \ldots. Whenever these are defined using the
% |proposal| infrastructure, the class saves the relevant information in the auxiliary
% file \meta{proposal}|.aux|. This information can be referenced via the
% \DescribeMacro{\pdataref}|\pdataref| macro, which takes three arguments.
% In a reference |\pdataref{|\meta{type}|}{|\meta{id}|}{|\meta{aspect}|}| the first argument
% \meta{type} specifies the type of the object (currently one of |wp|, |wa|, and
% |partner|) to be referenced, \meta{id} specifies the identifier of the referenced object
% (it matches the identifier given in the |id| key of the object), and \meta{aspect}
% specifies the aspect of the saved information that is referenced.
% For a partner \meta{aspect} can be one of |number| (partner number), |short| (partner
% acronym), |long| (official partner name), |nationality| (partner nationality).
% For a work package \meta{aspect} can be |number|, (the work package number), |label|
% (the label {\bf{WP$n$}} where $n$ is the work package number for referencing), |title|
% (the work package title), |lead| the work package leader, |short| (a short version of
% the WP title for tables). For work groups we have the same aspects with analogous
% meanings. In all cases, the referenced information carries a hyperlink to the referenced
% object.
% The \DescribeMacro{\pdataRef}|\pdataRef| macro is a variant of |\pdataref| that also carries a
% hyperlink (if the |hyperref| package is loaded).
% The \DescribeMacro{\pdatacount}|\pdatacount| macro gives access to the numbers of
% certain aspects. For instance, the number of work packages in the proposal can be cited
% by |\pdatacount{all}{wp}|, similarly for work areas (if they are enabled), and finally,
% |\pdatacount{|\meta{wa}|}{wp}| gives the number of work packages for a work area
% \meta{wa}. This is very useful for talking about work plans in a general way. Other
% objects that can be counted are deliverables (|\pdatacount{all}{deliverables}|) and
% milestones (|\pdatacount{all}{milestones}|).
% Note that since the referencable information is written into the project data file
% \meta{proposal}|.pdata| file, it is available for forward references. However, it will
% only become available when the project data file is read, so the proposal has to be
% formatted twice for references to be correct.
% Finally, the |proposal| package supplies specialized reference macros for work packages
% and areas. The \DescribeMacro{\WPref}|\WPref| macro takes a work package identifier as
% an argument and makes a reference: |\WPref{|\meta{id}|}| abbreviates
% |\pdataRef{wp}{|\meta{id}|}{label}|. The \DescribeMacro{\WPtref}|\WPtref| macro is
% similar, but also prints out the (short) title: |\WPref{|\meta{id}|}| abbreviates
% |\pdataRef{wp}{|\meta{id}|}{label}: \pdataRef{wp}{|\meta{id}|}{title}|. Unless the
% |noworkareas| macro is set, we also have the variants \DescribeMacro{\WAref}|\WAref| and
% \DescribeMacro{\WAtref}|\WAtref| for work areas.
% \subsection{Coherence}\label{sec:user:coherence}
% Many proposals require ways to show coherence between the partners. The |proposal| class
% offers the macro \DescribeMacro{\coherencematrix}|\coherencematrix| for this which
% generates a matrix of symbols specifying joint publications and joint projects by the
% project partners that have been declared by the \DescribeMacro{\jointpub}|\jointpub|,
% \DescribeMacro{\jointproj}|\jointproj|, and \DescribeMacro{\jointorga}|\jointorga|
% macros before. These macros all take a comma-separated list of site identifiers as an
% argument. Use for instance |\jointproj{a,b,c}| to specify that the sites with the
% identifiers |a|, |b| and |c| have a joint
% project. \DescribeMacro{\coherencetable}|\coherencetable| is a variant which packages
% the coherence table in a table figure with label |tab:collaboration|.
% The symbols used an be configured by redefining \DescribeMacro{\jpub}|\jpub|,
% \DescribeMacro{\jproj}|\jproj|, and \DescribeMacro{\jorga}|\jorga|.
% \subsection{Localization}\label{sec:use:localization}
% The |proposal| class offers some basic support for localization. This is still partial
% though, and I am not sure that this is the best way of setting things up. What I do is
% to define macros for all generated texts that can be redefined in the proposal classes
% that build in |proposal|. For instance the |dfgproposal| class~\cite{Kohlhase:pdrp:ctan}
% provides an option |german| for german-language proposals and project reports that
% triggers a redefinition of all of these macros at read time.
% \section{Limitations and Enhancements}\label{sec:limitations}
% The |proposal| is relatively early in its development, and many enhancements are
% conceivable. We will list them here.
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item macros cannot be used in work package and work area titles. They really mess up our
% |\wpfig| automation. The problem is that they are evaluated too early, and our trick
% with making them undefined while collecting the parts of the table-rows only works if
% we know which macros we may expect. We might specify all ``allowable'' macros in an
% optional key |protectmacro|, which is defined via\vspace*{-.7em}
% \begin{verbatim}
% \define@key{wpfig}{protectmacro}{\epandafter\let\csname #1\endcsname=\relax}
% \end{verbatim}
% \vspace*{-2em} But I am not sure that this will work.
% \item It would be great, if in the Gantt Charts, we could include some plausibility
% checks (for draft = not |submit| mode). I can see two at the moment:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item calculating the effort (i.e. the weight of the black area) and visualizing
% it. Then we could check whether that is larger than the effort declared for the work
% package.
% \item calculating (and visualizing) the monthly effort. That should be kind of even
% (or it has to be explained in the positions requested).
% \end{itemize}
% \item we currently do not have a way to relate |PI|s to |site|s, but we do not really
% need to.
% \end{enumerate}
% If you have other enhancements to propose or feel you can alleviate some limitation,
% please feel free to contact the author.
% \section*{Acknowledgements}
% The author is indebted to Christoph Lange, Florian Rabe, and Tsanko Tsankov for
% error reports, feature suggestions, and code snippets.
% \StopEventually{\newpage\PrintIndex\newpage\PrintChanges\newpage\printbibliography}\newpage
% \section{The Implementation}\label{sec:implementation}
% In this section we describe the implementation of the functionality of the |proposal| package.
% \subsection{Package Options and Format Initialization}\label{sec:impl:options}
% We first set up the options for the package.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% Then we load the packages we make use of
% \begin{macrocode}
% so that ednotes in wps do not run out of symbols
% \end{macrocode}
% in submit mode, we make the links a bit darker, so they print better.
% \begin{macrocode}
breaklinks=true, bookmarksopen=true]{hyperref}
% \end{macrocode}
% the |ed| package~\cite{Kohlhase:ed:ctan} is very useful for collaborative writing and
% passing messages between collaborators or simply reminding yourself of editing tasks, so
% we preload it in the class. However, we only want to show the information in draft
% mode. Furthermore, we adapt the options for the |svninfo| package.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \begin{environment}{private}
% We configure the |comment| package, so that it provides the |private| environment
% depending on the status of the |public| option.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% And we set up the appearance of the proposal. We want numbered subsubsections.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% We specify the page headings.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Proposal Metadata}\label{sec:impl:metadata}
% Most of the metadata functionality is encapsulated into the \DescribeMacro{pdata}|pdata|
% package, which is shared by the proposal and report classes. |pdata.sty| first loads the
% |workaddress| package from sTeX and supplies the Euro symbol.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% We define the keys for metadata declarations in the |proposal| environment, they park
% their argument in an internal macro for use in the title page. The |site| key is the
% most complicated, so we take care of it first: We need a switch |\if@sites| that is set
% to true when the |site| key is used. Furthermore |site=|\meta{site} makes new keys
% \meta{site}|RM| and \meta{site}|RAM| (if the |RAM| option was set) for the
% |workpackage| environment and records the sites in the |\prop@gen@sites| token register.
% \begin{macrocode}
{\xdef\prop@gen@employed@lines{\wa@ref{institution}{#1}{shortname} & ##1\tabularnewline\hline}}%
{\xdef\prop@gen@employed@lines{\prop@gen@employed@lines \wa@ref{institution}{#1}{shortname} & ##1\tabularnewline\hline}}}}}
% \end{macrocode}
% If there are no sites, then we have to define keys |RM| and |RAM| that store the
% intended research (assistant months). Unfortunately, we cannot just include this in the
% |\if@sites| conditional here, since that is only set at runtime.
% \begin{macrocode}
\PackageWarning{Do not use the RM key in the presence of sites}\else%
\PackageWarning{Do not use the RAM key in the presence of sites}\else%
% \end{macrocode}
% similarly, the |PI| keys are registered in |\prop@gen@PIs|.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% and the |pubspage| keys in |\prop@gen@pubspages|.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% the |importfrom| key reads the proposal data from its argument.
% \begin{macrocode}
\define@key{prop@gen}{importfrom}{\message{importing proposal data from #1.pdata}\readpdata{#1}}
% \end{macrocode}
% The rest of the keys just store their value.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% and the default values, these will be used, if the author does not specify something
% better.
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\prop@gen@title{???Proposal Title???}
\newcommand\prop@gen@instrument{??? Instrument ???}
% \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\prop@tl}
% An auxiliary macro that is handy for making tables of WorkAddress data.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsection{Proposal Appearance}\label{sec:impl:appearance}
% We define the keys for the proposal appearance
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \begin{environment}{emphbox}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \subsection{Title Page}\label{sec:impl:metadata}
% \begin{environment}{prop@proposal}
% This internal environment is called in the |proposal| environment from the |proposal|
% class. The implementation here is only a stub to be substituted in a specialized
% class.
% \begin{macrocode}
{\LARGE \prop@gen@instrument}\\[.2cm]
{\LARGE Acronym: {\prop@gen@acronym}}\\[.2cm]
% \end{macrocode}
% Now we come to the end of the environment:
% \begin{macrocode}
{\section{List of Attachments}
\item Curriculum Vitae and list of publications for
\wa@ref{person}\@I{personaltitle} \wa@ref{person}\@I{name}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{environment}{proposal}
% The |proposal| environment reads the metdata keys defined above, and if there were no
% |site| keys, then it defines keys |RM| and |RAM| (unless the |noRAM| package option
% was given) for the |workpackage| environment. Also it reads the project data file and
% opens up the project data file |\pdata@out|, which it also closes at the end.
% The environment calls an internal version of the environment |prop@proposal| that can
% be customized by the specializing classes.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% Now we come to the end of the environment, we take care of the last page and print the
% references.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% The |report| environment is similar, but somewhat simpler
% \begin{environment}{report}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{environment}{prop@report}
% \begin{macrocode}
{\LARGE Final Project Report}\\[.2cm]
{\LARGE Acronym: {\prop@gen@acronym}}\\[.2cm]
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{macro}{\site*}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsection{Objectives}\label{sec:impl:objectives}
% We first define a presentation macro for objectives
% \begin{macro}{\objective@label}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% We define the keys for the objectives environment
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% And a counter for numbering objectives
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \begin{environment}{objective}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{macro}{\OBJref}
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\OBJtref[1]{\pdataRef{obj}{#1}{label}: \pdataRef{obj}{#1}{title}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsection{Work Packages and Work Groups}\label{sec:impl:wpwa}
% We first define keys for work groups (if we are in an IP).
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% work packages have similar ones.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% We define the constructors for the work package and work group labels and titles.
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\wp@mk@title[1]{Work Package {#1}}
\newcommand\wa@mk@title[1]{Work Area {#1}}
% \end{macrocode}
% The |wa| and |wp| counters are for the work packages and work groups, the counter
% |deliv| for deliverables.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\update@*}
% update the list |\@wps| of the work packages in the local group and the list |\@was|
% work groups for the staff efforts table: if |\@wps| is undefined, then initialize the
% comma-separated list, otherwise extend it.\ednote{with the current architecture, we
% cannot have work areas that do not contain work packages, this leads to the error that
% |\@wps| is undefined in |end{workplan}|}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\decode@wphase}
% |\decode@wphase| decodes a string of the form \meta{start}|-|\meta{end}|!|\meta{force}
% and defines the macros |\wphase@start|, |\wphase@end|, and |\wphase@force| with the
% three parts and also computes |\wphase@len|. The intermediate parsing macro
% |\decode@p@start| parses out the start (a number), and passes on to |\decode@p@end|,
% which parses out the end (another number) and the force string, which is either empty
% (if the |!|\meta{force} part is omitted) or of the form |!|\meta{force}. In the first
% case the default value 1 is returned for |\decode@force| in the second \meta{force}.
% \begin{macrocode}
\local@count\wphase@end\advance\local@count by -\wphase@start%
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\startend@wphases}
% We first iteratively decode the work phases, so that the last definition of
% |\wphase@end| remains, then we parse out the start of the first workphase to define
% |\wphase@start|
% \begin{macrocode}
\@for\@I:=#1\do{\expandafter\decode@p@start\@I @}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% with these it is now relatively simple to define the interface macros.
% \begin{environment}{work@package}
% The |workpackage| environment collects the keywords, steps the counters, writes the metadata
% to the aux file, updates the work packages in the local group, generates the work
% package number |\wp@num|.
% \begin{macrocode}
{\def\wp@wphases{0-0}% default values
% \end{macrocode}
% If we have sites, we have to compute the total RM and RAM for this WP.
% \begin{macrocode}
\fi}% if@sites
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{environment}{workpackage}
% With this, it becomes simple to define a work package environment. We consider two
% cases, if we have sites, then we make a header table. If not, we can make things much
% simpler: we just generate a subsection
% \begin{macrocode}
%\if@wpsubsection\subsubsection*{{\wp@mk@title\thewp}: \pdataref{wp}\wp@id{title}}\fi
\else\subsubsection*{{\wptitle} (\wprm)}\fi%
\addcontentsline{toc}{paragraph}{{\wp@mk@title\thewp}: \pdataref{wp}\wp@id{title}}%
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{macro}{\wptitle}
% \ednote{document above}
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\wptitle{\wp@mk@title{\wp@num}: \pdata@target{wp}{\wp@id}{\pdataref{wp}\wp@id{title}}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\wprm}
% \ednote{document above}
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\wprm{\pdataref@safe{wp}\wp@id{RM}\if@RAM\ RM+\pdataref{wp}\wp@id{RAM} RAM\fi}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\if@site@contributes}
% Called as |\if@site@contributes{|\meta{site}|}{|\meta{tokens}|}| the following
% happens: If |\prop@gen@compactht| is |\@true| (set by the |compactht| attribute on the
% |proposal| environment), then \meta{tokens} is processed. Otherwise, \meta{tokens} is
% only processed if \meta{site} contributes to the current work package (i.e the |RM|
% $\ne0$ and |RAM| $\ne0$)
% \begin{macrocode}
\if@RAM\ifnum\pdataref@num\wp@id{#1}{RM} > 0 \ifnum \pdataref@num\wp@id{#1}{RAM} > 0 #2\fi\fi
\else\ifnum\pdataref@num\wp@id{#1}{RM} > 0 #2\fi\fi
\else #2\fi}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% The following macro computes the sites line (in the token register
% \DescribeMacro{\wp@sites@line}|\wp@sites@line|), the efforts line (in
% \DescribeMacro{\wp@efforts@line}|\wp@efforts@line|), and the sites number (in the
% counter \DescribeMacro{\wp@sites@num}|\sites@num|) for later inclusion in the
% |\wpheadertable|. If |\prop@gen@compactht| is |\@true|, then no sites without
% contributions are listed in the table.
% \begin{macrocode}
\xdef\wp@sites@line{\wp@legend@site}\xdef\wp@efforts@line{\wp@legend@effort}%initialize lines
% \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\wpheadertable}
% This macro computes the default work package header table, if there are sites.
% \begin{macrocode}
\textsf{\pdata@target{wp}{\wp@id}{\pdataref{wp}\wp@id{title}}} &\wp@efforts@line\\\hline%
% \end{macrocode}
% and now multilinguality support
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\wp@legend@effort{Effort\if@RAM{ (RM+RAM)}\fi}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{environment}{workarea}
% the |workarea| environment for work groups is almost the same, but we also have to
% initialize the work package counters. Also, the efforts can be computed from the work
% packages in this group via the |wa@effort| counter
% \begin{macrocode}
\subsubsection*{{\wa@mk@title\thewa}: {\pdata@target{wa}\wa@id{\pdataref{wa}\wa@id{title}}}}
\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{{\wa@mk@title\thewa}: \pdataref{wa}\wa@id{title}}%
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{environment}{workplan}
% The |workplan| environment sets up the accumulator macros |\@wps|, |\@was|, for the
% collecting the identifiers of work packages and work groups. At the end of the
% workplan description it writes out their content to the aux file for reference.
% \begin{macrocode}
\pdata@def{mile}\@I{delivs}{\@ifundefined{\@I delivs}{}{\csname\@I delivs\endcsname}}}}\fi
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
%\subsection{Milestones and Deliverables}\label{sec:impl:deliverables}
% \begin{macro}{deliv@error}
% this macro raises an error if deliverable commands are used without the |deliverables|
% option being set.
% \begin{macrocode}
{To use use deliverables, you have to specify the option 'deliverables'}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{environment}{wpdelivs}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{environment}{wp@delivs}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% and now multilinguality support
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{macro}{\wadelivs}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\lec}
% This macro is generally useful to put a comment at the end of the line, possibly
% making a new one if there is not enough space.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\deliv@label}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\delivref}
% This macro is generally useful to put a comment at the end of the line, possibly
% making a new one if there is not enough space.
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\delivtref[2]{\pdataRef{deliv}{#1#2}{label}: \pdataRef{deliv}{#1#2}{short}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\wpg@deliv}
% We first define the keys
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% The |\wpdeliv| macro cycles over the due dates and generates the relevant entries into
% the deliverables file. The first step is to write the general metadata to the pdata
% file.
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\wpg@deliv}[3]{% keys, title, type
\let\deliv@miles=\relax% clean state
\def\@type{#3}\def\@wp{wp}% set up ifx
\def\wpg@id{\csname #3@id\endcsname}
\setkeys{deliv}{#1}\stepcounter{deliv}% set state
% \end{macrocode}
% Then we iterate over the due dates and generate an entry for teach of them.
% \begin{macrocode}
{\ifnum\@I<10 0\@I\else\@I\fi}% sort key
{\@I}% due date
{\current@label}% label
{\@ifundefined{deliv@id}{\protect\G@refundefinedtrue\@latex@warning{key 'id' for Deliv #1
undefined}??}{\wpg@id\deliv@id}}% id
{\@ifundefined{deliv@dissem}{\protect\G@refundefinedtrue\@latex@warning{key 'dissem' for
Deliv #1 undefined}??}{\deliv@dissem}}% dissemination level
{\@ifundefined{deliv@nature}{\protect\G@refundefinedtrue\@latex@warning{key 'nature' for Deliv
#1 undefined}??}{\deliv@nature}}% nature
% \end{macrocode}
% And finally, we generate the entry into the deliverables table.
% \begin{macrocode}
\item[\current@label: (Month \deliv@due; nature: \deliv@nature, dissem.: \deliv@dissem)] \pdata@target{deliv}{\wpg@id\deliv@id}{\textit{#2}}
\@ifundefined{deliv@miles}{}{% print the milestones and update their deliverables
\let\m@sep=\relax% do not print the separator the first time round
\lec{\@for\@I:=\deliv@miles\do{% Iterate over the milestones mentioned
\m@sep\pdataRef{mile}{\@I}{label}% print the milestone reference
\let\m@sep=,}}%set the separator for the next times
\@for\@I:=\deliv@miles\do{% Iterate over the milestones mentioned
\expandafter\ifx\csname\@I delivs\endcsname\relax% Check that the miles@delivs is empty
{\expandafter\xdef\csname\@I delivs\endcsname{\wpg@id\deliv@id}}% if so, skip the separator
\else\expandafter\xdef\csname\@I delivs\endcsname%if not add it
{\csname\@I delivs\endcsname\d@sep\wpg@id\deliv@id}\fi}}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% Now, we only need to instantiate
% \begin{environment}{wadeliv}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{environment}{wpdeliv}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{macro}{\milestone@label}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\mileref}
% This macro is generally useful to put a comment at the end of the line, possibly
% making a new one if there is not enough space.
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\miletref[1]{\pdataRef{mile}{#1}{label}: \pdataRef{mile}{#1}{short}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\milestone}
% create a new milestone, initialize its deliverables accumulator macro, set up
% hyperlinking, and extend the milestones list.
% \begin{macrocode}
\@milestone{#1}{#2}{#3}% presentation
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\@milestone}
% the corresponding presentation macro.
% \begin{macrocode}
\textbf{#2} &
\prop@milesfor\mile@id &
\pdataref{mile}\mile@id{month} &
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{environment}{milestones}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{environment}{@milestones}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% now the multilinguality support
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\miles@legend@verif{Means of Verif.}
\newcommand\miles@legend@involved{WPs\footnotemark/Deliverables involved}
\newcommand\miles@legend@footnote{The work package number is the first number in the deliverable number.}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{macro}{\prop@milesfor}
% the due date is the first argument to facilitate sorting
% \begin{macrocode}
\let\m@sep=\relax\def\new@sep{,\ }%
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\deliverable}
% the first argument is an extended due date to facilitate sorting.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{environment}{deliverables}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% now the multilingual support
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\delivs@legend@name{Deliverable name}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{macro}{\inputdelivs}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsection{Tasks and Work Phases}\label{sec:impl:tasks}
% \begin{environment}{tasklist}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% The next step is to
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% We define the keys for the task macro
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% then we define an auxiliary function that gives them sensible defaults and sets the
% internal macros.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\task@post@title@space}
% make the space after the title tweakable
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{environment}{task}
% \begin{macrocode}
\ (\let\@@sep=\relax\@for\@I:=\task@wphases%
\ifx\task@lead\@empty\else; \task@legend@partners: \site\task@lead~(\legend@lead)\fi%
\ifx\task@partners\@empty\else\@for \@I:=\task@partners\do{, \site\@I}\fi)\\\fi}
% \end{macrocode}
% now the multilingual support and presentation configuration
% \begin{macrocode}
\ifx\@test\@empty\@ #3}
\newcommand\sep@wphases{; }
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{macro}{\@task}
% The |\@task| macro is a internal macro which takes a bunch of keyword keys and writes
% their values to the aux file.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\workphase}
% \begin{macrocode}
{The \protect\workphase macro is deprecated,\MessageBreak
use the attributes wphase on the workpackage environment instead!}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\localtaskref}
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\localtaskref[1]{\pdataRef{task}{\wp@id @#1}{label}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\taskref}
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\tasktref[2]{\WPref{#1} (\task@label@long \pdataRef{task}{#1@#2}{number})}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsection{Project Data, Referencing \& Hyperlinking}\label{sec:impl:hyperlinking}
% \begin{macro}{\pdata@*}
% |\pdata@out| is the file handle for the project data file, we define internal macros
% to open and close it.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\readpdata}
% This macro reads the project data file and its error handling
% \begin{macrocode}
{\message{proposal: Reading Project Data}\makeatletter\input{#1.pdata}\makeatother}
{proposal: No Project Data found, (forward) references may be compromized}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\pdata@target}
% This internal macro makes a hypertarget:
% |\pdata@target{|\meta{cat}|}{|\meta{id}|}{|\meta{label}|}| prints \meta{label} with a
% target name \meta{cat}|@|\meta{id}|@target| attached to it.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\pdata@def}
% This macro writes an |\@pdata@def| command to the current aux file and also executes it.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\@pdata@def}
% This macro stores the value of its last argument in a custom macro for reference.
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\@pdata@def[4]{\expandafter\gdef\csname #1@#2@#3\endcsname{#4}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\pdataref}
% \begin{macrocode}
{\protect\G@refundefinedtrue\@latex@warning{#3 for #1 #2 undefined}??}%
{\csname #1@#2@#3\endcsname}}%
\newcommand\pdataref@aux[3]{\@ifundefined{#1@#2@#3}{??}{\csname #1@#2@#3\endcsname}}%
\newcommand\pdataref@num[3]{\@ifundefined{#1@#2@#3}{0}{\csname #1@#2@#3\endcsname}}%
\newcommand\pdataref@safe[3]{\@ifundefined{#1@#2@#3}{}{\csname #1@#2@#3\endcsname}}%
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\pdataRef}
% \begin{macrocode}
{\protect\G@refundefinedtrue\@latex@warning{#3 for #1 #2 undefined}??}%
{\hyperlink{#1@#2@target}{\csname #1@#2@#3\endcsname}}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\pdatacount}
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\prop@count[1]{\ifcase #1 zero\or one\or two\or three\or four\or five\or six\or seven \or
eight\or nine\or ten\or eleven \or twelve\else#1\fi}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\pn*}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\W*ref}
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\WPtref[1]{\pdataRef{wp}{#1}{label}: \pdataRef{wp}{#1}{short}}
\newcommand\WAtref[1]{\pdataRef{wa}{#1}{label}: \pdataRef{wa}{#1}{title}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsection{The Work Package Table}\label{sec:impl:wptable}
% \begin{macro}{\prop@lead}
% \begin{macrocode}
{\protect\G@refundefinedtrue\@latex@warning{lead for WP #1 undefined}??}%
{\csname wp@#1@lead\endcsname}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\*@style}
% \ednote{This (and wpfig) should be documented above}
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\wp@lead@style@explained{light gray italicised}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{environment}{wp@figure}
% \begin{macrocode}
\else% if@sites
\xdef\wpfig@headline{\wpfig@headline &\@sw{\wpfig@legend@RM}\if@RAM&\@sw{\wpfig@legend@RAM}\fi}
\if@sites; \wpfig@legend@lead@expl\fi
% \end{macrocode}
% and now multilinguality support
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\wpfig@legend@siteRM[1]{\site{#1}\if@RAM\ RM\fi}
\newcommand\wpfig@legend@siteRAM[1]{\site{#1}\ RAM}
\newcommand\wpfig@legend@totalRM{total\if@RAM\ RM\fi}
\newcommand\wpfig@legend@totalRAM{total RAM}
\newcommand\wpfig@legend@RAM@expl{\if@RAM R(A)M $\widehat=$ Researcher (Assistant) Months\else\ Efforts in PM\fi}
\newcommand\wpfig@legend@lead@expl{WP lead efforts \wp@lead@style@explained}
\newcommand\wpfig@legend@caption{{\ifwork@areas Work Areas and \fi}Work Packages}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{macro}{\wpfigstyle}
% \ednote{document above}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\wpfig}
% \ednote{The computation can be distributed much more efficiently (by intermingling the
% counter advances with the row creation), but this works now}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% the first thing to do is to build the body of the table programmatically by (globally)
% extending the |\@wp@lines| token register inside a bracket group which locally redefines
% all macros we are using in the extensions, so that they do not get into the way. We
% start this group now.
% \begin{macrocode}
\let\tabularnewline\relax\let\hline\relax\let\lead@style\relax% so they
\let\wa@style\relax\let\wp@style\relax \let\@sw\relax\let\textbf\relax% do not
\let\G@refundefinedtrue=\relax\let\@latex@warning=\relax\let\hyperlink=\relax% bother
\let\pn\relax\let\xspace\relax% us
% \end{macrocode}
% The code that follows now, could be more elegant, if we had a better way of organizing
% the data, but this works for now, we have four cases: with/without work areas and
% with/without sites. All do something very similar.
% \begin{macrocode}
\@for\@@wa:=\@@was\do{% iterate over the work areas
&\wa@style{\@ifundefined{wa@\@@wa @short}{\pdataref{wa}\@@wa{title}}{\pdataref{wa}\@@wa{short}}}%
\local@count 0%
\@for\@@wp:=\@@wps\do{\advance\local@count by \pdataref@num\@@wp\@site{RM}}%
\local@count 0%
\@for\@@wp:=\@@wps\do{\advance\local@count by \pdataref@num\@@wp\@site{RAM}}
\@for\@site:=\prop@gen@sites\do{\global\advance\local@count by \pdataref@num\@@wa\@site{RM}}%
\xdef\@@wa@line{\@@wa@line &\wa@style{\textbf{\the\local@count}}}
\@for\@site:=\prop@gen@sites\do{\global\advance\local@count by \pdataref@num\@@wa\@site{RAM}}%
\xdef\@@wa@line{\@@wa@line &\wa@style{\textbf{\the\local@count}}}
\else% if@sites
\fi% if@sites
\xdef\@wp@lines{\@wp@lines\@@wa@line\tabularnewline\hline}% add the line for the workarea
\@for\@@wp:=\@@wps\do{% iterate over its work packages
&\@ifundefined{wp@\@@wp @short}{\pdataref{wp}\@@wp{title}}{\pdataref{wp}\@@wp{short}}%
\@for\@site:=\prop@gen@sites\do{\global\advance\local@count by \pdataref@num\@@wp\@site{RM}}%
\xdef\@@wp@line{\@@wp@line &\textbf{\the\local@count}}
\@for\@site:=\prop@gen@sites\do{\global\advance\local@count by \pdataref@num\@@wp\@site{RAM}}%
\xdef\@@wp@line{\@@wp@line &\textbf{\the\local@count}}
\fi% if@sites
\else% if@sites
\fi% if@sites
% \end{macrocode}
% Now the case where we do not have work areas.
% \begin{macrocode}
\else% ifwork@areas
\@for\@@wp:=\@@wps\do{% iterate over its work packages
&\@ifundefined{wp@\@@wp @short}{\pdataref{wp}\@@wp{title}}{\pdataref{wp}\@@wp{short}}
\@for\@site:=\prop@gen@sites\do{\global\advance\local@count by \pdataref@num\@@wp\@site{RM}}%
\xdef\@@wp@line{\@@wp@line &\textbf{\the\local@count}}
\@for\@site:=\prop@gen@sites\do{\global\advance\local@count by \pdataref@num{#1}\@site{RAM}}%
\xdef\@@wp@line{\@@wp@line &\textbf{\the\local@count}}
\else% if@sites
\fi% if@sites
% \end{macrocode}
% Now we compute the totals lines in the |\@totals| macros; again there are four cases to
% consider
% \begin{macrocode}
\@for\@site:=\prop@gen@sites\do{% iterate over the sites
\@for\@@wa:=\@@was\do{% iterate over the work areas
\@for\@@wp:=\@@wps\do{% iterate over the work packages
\advance\@@@RM by \pdataref@num\@@wp\@site{RM}%
\if@RAM\advance\@@@RAM by \pdataref@num\@@wp\@site{RAM}\fi}}
\advance\all@@@RM by \the\@@@RM\if@RAM\advance\all@@@RAM by \the\@@@RAM\fi
\xdef\@totals{\@totals & \textbf{\the\@@@RM}\if@RAM& \textbf{\the\@@@RAM}\fi}}
\xdef\@totals{\@totals & \textbf{\the\all@@@RM}\if@RAM&\textbf{\the\all@@@RAM}\fi}
\else% if@sites
\@for\@@wp:=\@@wps\do{% iterate over the work packages
\advance\@@@RM by \pdataref@num{wp}\@@wp{RM}%
\if@RAM\advance\@@@RAM by \pdataref@num{wp}\@@wp{RAM}\fi}}
\xdef\@totals{&\the\@@@RM\if@RAM &\the\@@@RAM\fi}
\fi% if@sites
\else%i.e. no work@areas
\@for\@site:=\prop@gen@sites\do{%iterate over the sites
\@for\@@wp:=\@@wps\do{% iterate over the work packages
\advance\@@@RM by \pdataref@num\@@wp\@site{RM}%
\if@RAM\advance\@@@RAM by \pdataref@num\@@wp\@site{RAM}\fi}
\xdef\@totals{\@totals & \textbf{\the\@@@RM}\if@RAM& \textbf{\the\@@@RAM}\fi}
\advance\all@@@RM by \the\@@@RM\if@RAM\advance\all@@@RAM by \the\@@@RAM\fi}
\xdef\@totals{\@totals &\textbf{\the\all@@@RM}\if@RAM&\textbf{\the\all@@@RAM}\fi}
\else% if@sites
\@for\@@wp:=\@@wps\do{% iterate over the work packages
\advance\@@@RM by \pdataref@num{wp}\@@wp{RM}%
\if@RAM\advance\@@@RAM by \pdataref@num{wp}\@@wp{RAM}\fi}
\xdef\@totals{&\the\@@@RM\if@RAM &\the\@@@RAM\fi}
\fi% if@sites
% \end{macrocode}
% And we finally have a line for the intended totals which we use in draft mode.
% \begin{macrocode}
\else% if@sites
\fi}% if@sites
% \end{macrocode}
% finally, we make all of this into a figure, computing the colspan of the the legend
% cells for the totals via |\local@count| from the optional columns.
% \begin{macrocode}
\local@count\thewpfig@options\advance\local@count by 2
% \end{macrocode}
% and now multilinguality support
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\prop@legend@intendedtotals{\textbf{intended totals}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsection{Gantt Charts}\label{sec:impl:gantt}
% Gantt Charts are done with help of the the |tikz| package. The |gantt|
% environments pick up on the declared duration of the proposal in months stored in the
% |\prop@gen@months| macro.
% We define the keys for Gantt tables
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% Then we define an auxiliary function that provides defaults for these keys and sets the
% internal macros.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% Finally, the Gantt Chart environment itself.
% \begin{environment}{gantt}
% The |gantt[|\meta{keyvals}|]{|\meta{height}|}| environment sets up the grid and legend
% for a gantt chart. The grid is |\prop@gen@months| wide and \meta{height} high.
% \begin{macrocode}
\gantt@ymonths=#2 cm
\advance\gantt@ymonths by .5cm
\draw[xstep=\gantt@step,gray,very thin] (0,0) grid (\prop@gen@months,#2);
\foreach \x in {0,\gantt@step,...,\prop@gen@months} \node at (\x,\gantt@ymonths) {\x};}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{macro}{\@action}
% In this we have used the macro that does the actual painting.
% |\@action{|\meta{name}|}{|\meta{line}|}{|\meta{start}|}{|\meta{len}|}{|\meta{force}|}|
% creates a gantt node with name \meta{name} in line \meta{line} starting at month
% \meta{month} with length \meta{len} that is \meta{force} thick.
% \begin{macrocode}
\gantt@ymid=#2 cm\gantt@yinc=\gantt@yscale cm
\gantt@xend=#3 cm\advance\gantt@xend by #4 cm
\advance\gantt@ymid by \gantt@yinc
\fill (#3,#2) rectangle +(#4,#5);
\node (#1@left) at (#3,\gantt@ymid) {};
\node (#1@right) at (\gantt@xend,\gantt@ymid) {};}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\@dependency}
% \begin{macrocode}
\def\@dependency#1#2{\draw[->,line width=2pt,color=red] (#1@right) -- (#2@left);}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\gantt@compute@effort}
% A helper function that updates the dimension |\gantt@effort| according to whether the
% counter |\gantt@month| is in the range. It is used in |\gantt@chart|
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\gantt@compute@effort[3]{% start, len, force
\@@e=#1\advance\@@e by #2
\gantt@plus=#3cm\advance\gantt@effort by \gantt@plus\fi\fi}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\ganttchart}
% This macro iterates over the work areas, their work packages, and finally their work
% phases to use the internal macro |\@action|. All of this in the gantt setting.
% \begin{macrocode}
\@for\@@wa:=\@@was\do{% iterate over work areas
\@for\@@wp:=\@@wps\do{% iterate over work packages
\@@line=\gantt@wps\advance\@@line by -\thetaskwps
\node at (-1/\gantt@xscale,\@@line) [above=-2pt] {\pdataRef{wp}\@@wp{label}};
\@for\@@ft:=\@@wphases\do{%wp-level work phases
\@for\@@task:=\@@tasks\do{% tasks
\@for\@@ft:=\@@wphases\do{%task-level work phases
\else% ifwork@ares
\@for\@@wp:=\@@wps\do{% iterate over work packages
\@@line=\gantt@wps\advance\@@line by -\thetaskwps
\node at (-1/\gantt@xscale,\@@line) [above=-2pt] {\pdataRef{wp}\@@wp{label}};
\@for\@@ft:=\@@wphases\do{%iterate over the wp-level work phases
\@for\@@task:=\@@tasks\do{% task-level work phases
\@for\@@ft:=\@@wphases\do{%iterate over the task-level work phases
\fi% ifwork@areas
% \end{macrocode}
% The next piece of code generates the effort sum table in draft mode
% \begin{macrocode}
\@whilenum\thegantt@month<\prop@gen@months\do{% step over months
\@for\@@wa:=\@@was\do{% iterate over work areas
\@for\@@wp:=\@@wps\do{% iterate over work packages
\@for\@@ft:=\@@wphases\do{%iterate over the wp-level work phases
\@for\@@task:=\@@tasks\do{% iterate over tasks
\@for\@@ft:=\@@wphases\do{%iterate over the wp-level work phases
\fill (\thegantt@month,-5) rectangle +(1,\gantt@effort);
\else% ifwork@areas
\@for\@@wp:=\@@wps\do{% iterate over work packages
\@for\@@ft:=\@@wphases\do{%iterate over the wp-level work phases
\@for\@@task:=\@@tasks\do{% iterate over tasks
\@for\@@ft:=\@@wphases\do{%iterate over the wp-level work phases
\fill (\thegantt@month,-5) rectangle +(1,\gantt@effort);
\fi% ifwork@areas
\fi% ifgantt@draft
% \end{macrocode}
% now the multilingual support
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\gantt@caption@main{Overview Work Package Activities}
\newcommand\gantt@caption@lower{lower bar shows the overall effort \if@RAM (RAM only)\fi per month}
\newcommand\gantt@caption{\gantt@caption@main\ifgantt@draft\xspace (\gantt@caption@lower)\fi}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\gantttaskchart}
% This macro is a variant of |\ganttchart|, but it shows the tasks consecutively, as is
% useful for EU projects\ednote{this should be incorporated with the gantt chart above,
% but I am currently to scared to do it so close to the deadline}
% \begin{macrocode}
\@for\@@wp:=\@@wps\do{% iterate over work packages
\@for\@@task:=\@@tasks\do{% iterate over the tasks
\@@line=\gantt@tasks\advance\@@line by -\thegantt@tasks
\node at (-1/\gantt@xscale,\@@line) [above=-2pt] {\taskreflong\@@wp\@@task};
\@for\@@ft:=\@@wphases\do{%iterate over the task-level work phases
}}}% end all iterations
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsection{Coherence}\label{sec:impl:coherence}
% \begin{macro}{\j*}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\add@joint}
% |\add@joint{|\meta{first}|}{|\meta{second}|}{|\meta{sym}|}| adds \meta{sym} to the the
% |\coherence@|\meta{first}|@|\meta{second} macro for the coherence table.
% \begin{macrocode}
{\expandafter\g@addto@macro\csname coherence@#1@#2\endcsname{#3}}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\prop@joint}
% This iterates over a comma-separated list of names and makes the necessary entries
% into the coherence table.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\joint*}
% Now, some instances that use these.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\coherencematrix}
% \begin{macrocode}
{\let\tabularnewline\relax\let\hline\relax\let\site\relax% so they do
\let\@sw\relax\let\jpub\relax\let\jpro\relax\let\jorga\relax% not bother us
\@for\@site:=\prop@gen@sites\do{\xdef\@ct@head{\@ct@head &\site{\@site}}}
\gdef\@ct@lines{\@ct@head\tabularnewline\hline\hline} %initialize with head line
\@ifundefined{coherence@\@site @\@@site}{}{\@nameuse{coherence@\@site @\@@site}}}}
joint&\multicolumn{\the@site}{l|}{\jpub $\hat=$ publication, \jpro $\hat=$ project,
\jorga $\hat=$ organization}\\\hline
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\coherencetable}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% now the multilinguality support
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\coherence@caption{Previous Collaboration between {\pn} members}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
%\subsection{Relevant Papers \& References}\label{sec:imple:papers}
% We first define a bibLaTeX bibliography heading that does not create headers, we need
% it somewhere.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% We define an internal macro that prints a publication list of a given {bib\TeX} entry
% type and title for convenience. It also adds a |notype=| to the token register
% |\prop@rl| to deal with the unclassified entries from the list.
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\prop@ppl[3][]{\@allpapersfalse\message{ppl processing: #2}%
\@ifundefined{prop@rl}{\xdef\prop@rl{#2}}{\xdef\prop@rl{\prop@rl, #2}}}
% \end{macrocode}
% The following code does not work yet, it would have been nice to be able to just add a
% key |unclassified| to catch the unclassified ones. I guess we just have to issue a
% warning instead.
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\prop@prl[1]{\message{unclassified: #1}%
\define@key{paperlist}{unclassified}[true]{\message{unclass: \prop@rl}\prop@prl\prop@rl}
% \end{macrocode}
% with this, we define a couple of keys that generate
% \begin{macrocode}
\define@key{paperlist}{chapters}[true]{\prop@ppl{inbook}{Book Chapters}}
\define@key{paperlist}{confpapers}[true]{\prop@ppl[,keyword=conference]{inproceedings}{Conference Papers}}
\define@key{paperlist}{wspapers}[true]{\prop@ppl[,notkeyword=conference]{inproceedings}{Workshop Papers}}
\define@key{paperlist}{techreports}[true]{\prop@ppl{techreport}{Technical Reports}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\prop@paperlist}
% We generate a subsection with a |refsection| (this makes a separate bibliography for
% this section) and activate the keys via |\nocite|. Then we just print the bibliography
% with the empty header we created before.
% \begin{macrocode}
\@ifundefined{prop@rl}{}{\@latex@warning{some papers are not classified!}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% We only have to define the |warnpubs| and |empty| heading constructors
% \begin{macrocode}
\def\prop@warnpubs@message{Many of the proposers' publications are online at one of the following URIs:}
{\@latex@warning{No publication pages specified;
use the pubspage key in the proposal environment!}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Miscellaneous}\label{sec:impl:misc}
% \begin{macro}{\signatures}
% \begin{macrocode}
\qquad\number\day. \number\month. \number\year\\[6ex]
\strut\qquad Date\hfill\@for\@p:=\prop@gen@PIs\do{%
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\@dmp}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\euro}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \Finale
% LocalWords: proposal dtx xkohlhase areastrue svninfo noworkareas twoside emph
% LocalWords: areasfalse wa textcomp amssymb url graphicx colortbl xcolor RO
% LocalWords: fancyhdr keyval eurosym tikz calc USenglish ngerman linkcolor ne
% LocalWords: citecolor urlcolor colorlinks pagecolor breaklinks bookmarksopen
% LocalWords: hyperref LaTeX workpackage PIs thema acrolong anzungsantrag im
% LocalWords: Einzelverfahren tabline Allgemeine Angaben Antragsteller worktel
% LocalWords: bitabline personaltitle academictitle birthdate Dienstanschrift
% LocalWords: workaddress atabline workfax Privatanschrift privaddress privtel
% LocalWords: dt Kennwort Fachgebiet und Arbeitsrichtung Voraussichtliche wa
% LocalWords: Gesamtdauer Antragszeitraum Zusammenfassung workarea wp wps num
% LocalWords: refundefinedtrue lightgray gantt xstep Unterschriften Id areas
% LocalWords: submit hide ed public article paper today array comment wide RE
% LocalWords: babel true bookmarks blue LO LE page of prop sites key site RM
% LocalWords: def id title acronym discipline start months Proposal Erg by cls
% LocalWords: empty em name affiliation Applicants Work Address email The pn
% LocalWords: curriculum vita the applicants are enclosed appendix reference
% LocalWords: Research area and field work Scientific Fields Anticipated write
% LocalWords: duration Application period Summary short lead Package label task
% LocalWords: tasks deps number line Effort target ids count warning at pdata
% LocalWords: for undefined safe zero one two three four five six seven eight
% LocalWords: nine ten eleven twelve style lines totals Packages xscale yscale
% LocalWords: step set gray very thin grid workphase len force phase length to
% LocalWords: taskdep from rectangle left right width pt color red above dep
% LocalWords: Overview Activities Signatures Date paralist ymonths ymid yinc
% LocalWords: xend effort month iffalse eustrep.dtx fileversion maketitle Antr
% LocalWords: tableofcontents DescribeEnv ifpublic ifpublic compactitem wpfig
% LocalWords: wpfig workplan workplan bookeeping wissenchaftliche tasklist dmp
% LocalWords: tasklist taskin taskref taskref tasktref tasktref localtaskref
% LocalWords: localtaskref ganttchart biblatex ifx dfgproposal.dtx newpage pn
% LocalWords: bibtex proposal1-blx.aux pdataref WPtref WPtref WAref WAref WAtref
% LocalWords: WAtref protectmacro thebibliography bibitem newblock newif inst
% LocalWords: ifsubmit submitfalse publicfalse ifkeys keysfalse ifwork RAMtrue
% LocalWords: submittrue publictrue excludecomment RAMfalse keystrue sfdefault
% LocalWords: renewcommand familydefault helvet includecomment subsubsections
% LocalWords: setcounter secnumdepth ifofpage ofpagefalse fancyhead thepage sw
% LocalWords: pagestyle fancyplain sitesfalse sitestrue ifundefined gdef allwp
% LocalWords: fundedperiod reportperiod textbf newenvironment titlepage auxout
% LocalWords: thispagestyle newcounter stepcounter tocdepth ofpagetrue setkeys
% LocalWords: finalreport orderzeitraum thewa thewp addtocounter bigskip pws
% LocalWords: textsf smallskip ignorespaces subsubsection theallwp req pnlong
% LocalWords: compactenum compactenum thetask newcount thegantt refsection tl
% LocalWords: nocite defbibheading ourpubs printbibliography expandafter ifnum
% LocalWords: csname endcsname count ifcase cellcolor wptable widehat qquad ct
% LocalWords: tabularnewline wplist ifgantt drafttrue RMdisclaimer draftfalse
% LocalWords: RMdisclaimerfalse RMdisclaimertrue newdimen taskwps thetaskwps
% LocalWords: whilenum hfill marginpar texteuro officialeuro texttt pnlong wpg
% LocalWords: roject xspace internallly OBJref OBJtref OJBtref ldots jointpub
% LocalWords: pdatacount pdatacount coherencematrix coherencematrix jointpub
% LocalWords: jointproj jointproj jointorga jointorga jpub jpub jproj jproj rl
% LocalWords: jorga coherencetable coherencetable vspace ifdelivs delivsfalse
% LocalWords: delivstrue boxedminipage ednotes thempfootnote mpfootnote xdef
% LocalWords: csquotes eso-foot ednoteshape footnotesize importfrom readpdata
% LocalWords: pubspage newcommand jobname.pdata jobname compromized warnpubs
% LocalWords: maxbibnames reportfalse reporttrue noindent goodbreak theobjective
% LocalWords: deliv ednote wpheadertable wptitle wprm hline theprop newwrite
% LocalWords: delivs openout deliverables themilestone wpdelivs textwidth lec
% LocalWords: compactdesc wadelivs hfil nobreak hbox leadsto delivref dissem
% LocalWords: delivtref dissem wpdeliv thedeliv textit wadeliv verif verif rgb
% LocalWords: milesfor longtable footnotemark footnotetext sortkey inputdelivs
% LocalWords: makeatletter makeatother italicised tikzpicture paperlist jpro
% LocalWords: textcolor namedef namedef nameuse setlength tabcolsep clange ppl
% LocalWords: arraystretch thedeliverable biboldfont bibfont sitename darkblue
% LocalWords: wpsubsection wpsubsection wpsubsectionfalse wpsubsectiontrue ppl
% LocalWords: definecolor medskip fundsuntil fundsuntil defernumbers shortname
% LocalWords: totalduration circ orga notype allpapers allpaperstrue prl sym
% LocalWords: allpapersfalse subbibliography unclass inbook confpapers wphases
% LocalWords: inproceedings wspapers notkeyword techreports techreport emphbox
% LocalWords: textbackslash wpsectionheadings compactht compactht emphbox sym
% LocalWords: dfgproposal Tsanko Tsankov mdframed newmdenv wphase thealltasks
% LocalWords: alltasks taskreflong definecolorset leadgray wagray thewpfig
% LocalWords: wpfigstyle colspan keyvals gantttaskchart baselinestretch
% LocalWords: mileref mileref miletref backref firstinits