2017-03-25 10:48:45 +01:00

146 lines
6.1 KiB

\ProvidesClass{eudelivreport}[2016/09/29 v1.0 EU Deliverable Report]
%\RequirePackage{ae,aecompl,aeguill} % pour utiliser << et >>
\RequirePackage[left=2.5cm, right=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm, top=2.5cm]{geometry}
% Styling: adapt amsart's subsection macro to put a newline after the title
{3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus.2ex}%
% Macros for defining metadata
% Same as in eu/euproposal.cls and base/proposal.cls, but with an
% hyperlink to the relevant github issues rather than an internal link
% (the proposal file being separate)
\newcommand\delivref[2]{\href{\csname deliv@#1@#2@issue\endcsname}{\csname deliv@#1@#2@label\endcsname}}
\newcommand\longdelivref[2]{\href{\csname deliv@#1@#2@issue\endcsname}{\csname deliv@#1@#2@label\endcsname: ``\csname deliv@#1@#2@title\endcsname''}}
\newcommand\taskref[2]{\href{\csname task@#1@#2@issue\endcsname}{\csname task@#1@#2@label\endcsname}}
\newcommand\longtaskref[2]{\href{\csname task@#1@#2@issue\endcsname}{\csname task@#1@#2@label\endcsname: ``\csname task@#1@#2@title\endcsname''}}
\renewcommand\WPref[1]{\href{\csname wp@#1@number\endcsname}{\csname wp@#1@label\endcsname}}
\newcommand\longWPref[1]{\href{\csname wp@#1@number\endcsname}{\csname wp@#1@label\endcsname: ``\csname wp@#1@title\endcsname''}}
\gdef\deliv@label{\csname deliv@#1@#2@label\endcsname}
\gdef\deliv@title{\csname deliv@#1@#2@title\endcsname}
\gdef\deliv@lead{\csname deliv@#1@#2@lead\endcsname}
\gdef\deliv@issue{\csname deliv@#1@#2@issue\endcsname}
\def\@title{{Report on {\pn} deliverable \deliv@label{}\\[.2cm]%
\def\shorttitle{Report on \deliv@label}}
% Header and footer configuration
\fancyfoot[L]{\prop@gen@proposalnumber\quad \prop@gen@acronym}
\fancyhead[RE,LO]{\includegraphics[height=2ex]{\prop@gen@image} \prop@gen@instrument }
% Default front page
Due on & \@duedate\\
Delivered on & \@deliverydate\\
Lead & \sitename{\deliv@lead} (\site{\deliv@lead})\\\hline
Progress on and finalization of this deliverable has been tracked
publicly at:\par\noindent \url{\deliv@issue}}\\\hline
\linebreak\phantom{X} % Workaround to get the topline drawn ...
%% For some reason compilation fails is this import is done earlier ...
Disclaimer: this report, together with its annexes and the reports
for the earlier deliverables, is self contained for auditing and
reviewing purposes. Hyperlinks to external resources are meant as
a convenience for casual readers wishing to follow our progress;
such links have been checked for correctness at the time of
submission of the deliverable, but there is no guarantee implied
that they will remain valid.
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: "report"
%%% End: