2014-10-28 09:29:59 +01:00

63 lines
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title=Dissemination and Exploitation,short=Dissemination,
We can state the state of the art and similar things before the summary in the boxes
Much of the activity of a project involves small groups of nodes in joint work. This
work package is set up to ensure their best wide-scale integration, communication, and
synergetic presentation of the results. Clearly identified means of dissemination of
work-in-progress as well as final results will serve the effectiveness of work within
the project and steadily improve the visibility and usage of the emerging semantic
The work package members set up events for dissemination of the research and
work-in-progress results for researchers (workshops and summer schools), and for
industry (trade fairs). An in-depth evaluation will be undertaken of the response of
Within two months of the start of the project, a project website will go live. This
website will have two areas: a members' area and a public area.\ldots
{Set-up of the Project web server}
{Proceedings of the first {\pn} Summer School.}
{Dissemination Plan}
{Scientific and Commercial Exploitation Plan}
{Proceedings of the second {\pn} Summer School.}
{Proceedings of the third {\pn} Summer School.}
{Proceedings of the fourth {\pn} Summer School.}
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