@PREAMLE{\usepackage{url}} @misc{Kohlhase:pdpl10, author = {Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Preparing {DFG} Proposals in {\LaTeX} with \texttt{dfgproposal.cls}}, institution = {KWARC Group, Jacobs University Bremen}, howpublished = {Self-documenting {\LaTeX} package, \url{https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/kwarc/doc/macros/forCTAN/dfgproposal.pdf}; ask the author for access}, year = 2010} @misc{providemore,title={\ldots}} @BOOK{Lamport:ladps94, title = {LaTeX: A Document Preparation System, 2/e}, publisher = {Addison Wesley}, year = {1994}, author = {Leslie Lamport}} @BOOK{Knuth:ttb84, title = {The {\TeX}book}, publisher = {Addison Wesley}, year = {1984}, author = {Donald E. Knuth}} @BOOK{DK:LP, title = {{Literate Programming}}, publisher = {The University of Chicago Press}, year = 1992, author = {Donald E. Knuth}}