An Example for dfgproposal.cls (simple proposal) | ```proposal.tex``` | is a fake DFG proposal that shows all elements of ```dfgproposal.cls``` in action.| |```finalreport.tex``` | does the same for ```dfgreporting.cls``` |```CV_PubList_Kohlhase.tex``` | is an example of the CV and publication lists required by the DFG| |```letter_submission.tex``` | is an example submission letter. | |```*.tex``` | the rest are intemediate files| | ```doc```| contains the DFG documentation how to write proposals and final reports: These documents are not subject to the package's license but (c) DFG. They are bundled for your convenience; up-to-date versions may be found at| |```Makefile```| allows the automation via a unix Makefile on the author's machine, adapt it to your needs.| Copyright(c) 2010 Michael Kohlhase The package is distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL) The development version of this package can be found at