% \iffalse meta-comment % A class for preparing DFG proposals % % Copyright (c) 2020 Michael Kohlhase, all rights reserved % % This file is distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public % License from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt. % Either version 1.0 or, at your option, any later version. % % The development version of this file can be found at % https://github.com/KWARC/LaTeX-proposal % \fi % % \iffalse %\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1999/12/01] %\ProvidesClass{dfgproposal}[2020/08/21 v1.5 DFG Proposal] %\ProvidesPackage{dfgpdata}[2020/08/21 v1.5 DFG Project Data] %\ProvidesPackage{dfgreporting}[2020/08/21 v1.5 DFG Project Reporting] %<*driver> \documentclass[twoside]{ltxdoc} \DoNotIndex{\def,\long,\edef,\xdef,\gdef,\let,\global} \DoNotIndex{\begin,\AtEndDocument,\newcommand,\newcounter,\stepcounter} \DoNotIndex{\immediate,\openout,\closeout,\message,\typeout} \DoNotIndex{\section,\scshape,\arabic} \EnableCrossrefs %\CodelineIndex %\OnlyDescription \RecordChanges \usepackage{textcomp,url,paralist,a4wide,xspace} \usepackage[show]{ed} \usepackage[maxnames=6,hyperref=auto,style=alphabetic,backend=bibtex]{biblatex} \addbibresource{../lib/proposal.bib} \usepackage[bookmarks=true,linkcolor=blue, citecolor=blue,urlcolor=blue,colorlinks=true, breaklinks=true, bookmarksopen=true]{hyperref} \makeindex \newcommand\subversion{\textsc{Subversion}\xspace} \begin{document} \DocInput{dfgproposal.dtx} \end{document} % % \fi % %\iffalse\CheckSum{629}\fi % % \changes{v1.5}{2020/08/21}{removing dependency on workaddress} % \changes{v1.1}{2011/03/18}{separating out from new proposal class} % \changes{v1.1}{2011/12/09}{various tweaks and corrections} % % \GetFileInfo{dfgproposal.cls} % % \MakeShortVerb{\|} % % \title{Preparing DFG Proposals and Reports in {\LaTeX} with \texttt{dfgproposal.cls}} % \author{Michael Kohlhase\\ % Computer Science, Jacobs University Bremen\\ % \url{http://kwarc.info/kohlhase}} % \maketitle % % \begin{abstract} % The |dfgproposal| class supports many of the specific elements of a DFG Proposal. It % is optimized towards collaborative projects. The package comes with an extensive % example (a fake DFG proposal) that shows all elements in action. % \end{abstract} % % \tableofcontents\newpage % % \section{Introduction}\label{sec:intro} % % Writing grant proposals is a collaborative effort that requires the integration of % contributions from many individuals. The use of an ASCII-based format like {\LaTeX} % allows to coordinate the process via a source code control system like % \subversion, allowing the proposal writing team to concentrate on the contents % rather than the mechanics of wrangling with text fragments and revisions. % % The |dfgproposal| class extends the |proposal| class~\cite{Kohlhase:pplp:ctan} and % supports many of the specific elements of a DFG Proposal. The package documentation % is still preliminary, fragmented and incomplete and only dwells on the particulars of % DFG proposals, so we treat~\cite{Kohlhase:pplp:ctan} as a prerequisite. Please consult % the example proposal |dfg/proposal.tex|, which comes with the package and shows the usage of % the class in action. It is intended as a template for your proposal, but please bear in % mind that the DFG guidelines may change, if in doubt, please consult the DFG guide for % proposers~\cite{DFG:102e}. % % The |dfgreporting| class supports most of the specific elements of the final project % reports to the DFG. The example report |dfg/finalreport.tex| is intended as a template % for your final report, the DFG guide~\cite[pp. 9f]{DFG:2012e} gives details (the German % Version~\cite[pp. 23ff]{DFG:201} has more). % % The |dfgproposal| and |dfgreporting| classes and the |dfgpdata| package are distributed % under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License from CTAN archives in directory % |macros/latex/base/lppl.txt|. Either version 1.0 or, at your option, any later % version. The CTAN archive always contains the latest stable version, the development % version can be found at \url{https://github.com/KWARC/LaTeX-proposal}. For bug reports % please use the sTeX TRAC at \url{https://github.com/KWARC/LaTeX-proposal/issues}. % % \section{The User Interface}\label{sec:user-interface} % % In this section we will describe the functionality offered by the |dfgproposal| class % along the lines of the macros and environments the class provides. Much of the % functionality can better be understood by studying the functional example |proposal.tex| % (and its dependents) that comes with the |dfgproposal| package in conjunction with the % proposer's leaflet of the DFG~\cite{DFG:102e} (we have included it as |1_02e.pdf| for % convenience into the package distribution).\ednote{talk about reporting as well.} % % \subsection{Package Options}\label{sec:user:options} % % As usual in {\LaTeX}, the package is loaded by % |\documentclass[|\meta{options}|]{dfgproposal}|, where |[|\meta{options}|]| is optional % and gives a comma separated list of options specified in~\cite{Kohlhase:pplp:ctan}. The % |dfgproposal| class adds the two options % \begin{compactenum} % \item \DescribeMacro{general}|general|, which allows generates a title page and first % section with general proposal metadata (as the old form proposals required). This is % useful to check all the data (and have a place to copy/paste from). Also this should % be used together with the |public| option (see in~\cite{Kohlhase:pplp:ctan}) to % generate public versions of the proposal. % \item \DescribeMacro{german}|german|, which makes all the generated parts in German. % \end{compactenum} % % \subsection{Proposal Metadata and Title page}\label{sec:user:metadata} % % The metadata of the proposal is specified in the \DescribeEnv{proposal}|proposal| % environment, which also generates the title page and the first section of the proposal % as well as the last pages of the proposal with the signatures, enclosures, and % references. The |proposal| environment should contain all the mandatory parts of the % proposal text. The |proposal| environment uses the following DFG-specific keys to % specify metadata. % \begin{compactitem} % \item \DescribeMacro{thema}|thema| for a concise (up to 140 characters) description of % the topic of the proposal. This has to be in German and will be used by the DFG in % internal communications and publications. % \end{compactitem} % % \subsection{Project-Related Papers}\label{sec:user:papers} % % Since August 2010, DFG requests list of ``project-related papers'' as Section 2.2. of % the proposal. We use the |biblatex| package to automate this. We only need to use % \DescribeMacro{\dfgprojpapers}|\dfgprojpapers[|\meta{keys}|]{|\meta{refs}|}|, % \meta{refs} is a comma-separated list of {bib\TeX} keys from the {bib\TeX} database used % in the proposal. The \meta{keys} that specify whether sub-bibliographies are generated % (if \meta{keys} is non-empty) and which, and in which order. The \meta{keys} includes % any of the following: |articles|, |chapters|, |confpapers|, |confpapers|, |wspapers|, % |theses|, |submitted|, |books|, and |techreports|. Both |confpapers| and |wspapers| % correspond to the bib{\TeX} entry type |@inproceedings|, but the first have the % additional specification |keywords = {conference},| somewhere in the entry to specify % that this entry is in the archival literature. % % So |\dfgprojpapers[books,articles,confpapers]{|\meta{keys}|}| splits the generate % bibliography in to three sub-bibliographies with the titles: ``Articles'' , % ``Monographs'', and ``Conference Papers''. The headings can be customized -- e.g. to % another language by adding |\def\prop@|\meta{key}|@heading{|\meta{Heading}|}| in the % preamble. % % The papers listed in |\dfgprojpapers| are put into a special {bib\LaTeX} category % \DescribeMacro{featured}|featured|, and can thus be excluded from the general % bibliography by adding |notcategory=featured| to the final |\printbibliography|. % % \subsection{Final Report Infrastructure}\label{sec:user:report} % % The |dfgreporting| class gives an infrastructure for writing final reports of completed % projects (see the file |finalreport.tex| in the package distribution). The % \DescribeEnv{finalreport}|finalreport| environment has functionality analogous to the % |proposal| environment. It takes the same metadata keys --- making it easy to generate % by copy/paste from the proposal --- but adds the keys % \DescribeMacro{reportperiod}|reportperiod| for specifying the funded period, % \DescribeMacro{applareas}|applareas| for the application areas, and % \DescribeMacro{*employed}\meta{site}|employed| for all sites \meta{site}. The latter % allow to specify the employee and their employment times. Furthermore, the key % \DescribeMacro{key}|key| can be used to specify the reference key (something like % \texttt{KO 2428 47-11}) given to the project by DFG. Note that in the case of multiple % proposers, you can use multiple instances of |key| to specify more than one reference % key. % % \section{Limitations and Enhancements}\label{sec:limitations} % % The |dfgproposal| is relatively early in its development, and many enhancements are % conceivable. We will list them here. % \begin{enumerate} % \item Some people still want to write their proposal and reports in German, for that it % would be nice to have a localized version. % \item it would be nice if we could count the characters in the places where lengths are % restricted (|Abriss|, and |thema|). Then we could warn the authors. % \end{enumerate} % If you have other enhancements to propose or feel you can alleviate some limitation, % please feel free to contact the author. % %\section*{Acknowledgements} % % The following persons have contributed suggestions and fixes to the |dfgproposal| class: % Florian Rabe, Christoph Lange, Andrea Kohlhase, Jens Lehmann. % % \StopEventually{\newpage\PrintIndex\newpage\PrintChanges\newpage\printbibliography}\newpage % % \section{The Implementation}\label{sec:implementation} % % In this section we describe the implementation of the functionality of the |dfgproposal| % and |dfgreporting| classes and the |dfgpdata| package. % % \subsection{Package Options and Format Initialization}\label{sec:impl:options} % % We first set up the options for the package. In particular, we set the font size 11pt % that DFG wants. % % \begin{macrocode} %\newif\ifgeneral\generalfalse %\DeclareOption{general}{\generaltrue} %\DeclareOption{german}{\PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{dfgpdata}} %\PassOptionsToClass{11pt}{article} %\DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{proposal}} %\DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{reporting}} %\newif\ifdeutsch\deutschfalse %\DeclareOption{german}{\deutschtrue\message{Deutscher Antrag}} %\ProcessOptions % \end{macrocode} % % Then we load the packages we make use of. % % \begin{macrocode} %\LoadClass{proposal} %\LoadClass{reporting} %<*cls|reporting> \RequirePackage{eurosym} \RequirePackage{dfgpdata} \ifdeutsch\RequirePackage[ngerman]{babel} \else\RequirePackage[ngerman,english]{babel}\fi % \end{macrocode} % % In particular, we set the font Helvetica (as a substitute for the Arial font DFG wants). % % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage[scaled=.90]{helvet} \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} % % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Proposal Metadata}\label{sec:impl:metadata} % % We extend the metadata keys from the |proposal| class. % \begin{macrocode} %<*pdata> \define@key{prop@gen}{thema}{\def\prop@gen@thema{#1}\pdata@def{prop}{gen}{thema}{#1}} \def\prop@gen@Dkeywords{kommt noch} \def\prop@gen@keywords{to be added} \define@key{prop@gen}{Dkeywords}{\def\prop@gen@Dkeywords{#1}} % % \end{macrocode} % and now the ones for the final report % \begin{macrocode} %<*reporting> \define@key{prop@gen}{reportperiod}{\def\prop@gen@reportperiod{#1}} \define@key{prop@gen}{applareas}{\def\prop@gen@applareas{#1}} \define@key{prop@gen}{key}{\@dmp{key=#1}% \@ifundefined{prop@gen@keys}{\xdef\prop@gen@keys{#1}}{\xdef\prop@gen@keys{\prop@gen@keys,#1}}} \define@key{prop@gen}{coop}{\@dmp{coop=#1}% \@ifundefined{prop@gen@coops}{\xdef\prop@gen@coops{{#1}}}{\xdef\prop@gen@coops{\prop@gen@coops,{#1}}}} \define@key{prop@gen}{projpapers}{\def\prop@gen@projpapers{#1}} % % \end{macrocode} % % and the default values, these will be used, if the author does not specify something % better. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*pdata> \renewcommand\prop@gen@instrument{Neuantrag auf Sachbeihilfe} \newcommand\prop@gen@thema{??? Thema ???} \newcommand\deu[1]{#1} % \end{macrocode} % % Now, we can build the title page and general information. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\dfg@topic{\subsection{\ifdeutsch Thema\else Topic \deu{(Thema)}\fi}\prop@gen@thema} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\dfg@area@field{% \ifdeutsch\subsection{Fachgebiet und Arbeitsrichtung}\else \subsection{Research area and field of work \deu{(Fachgebiet und Arbeitsrichtung)}}\fi \ifdeutsch Disziplin\else Scientific discipline\fi: \prop@gen@discipline\\ \ifdeutsch Arbeitsgebiet\else Fields of work\fi: \prop@gen@areas} % % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{environment}{sitedescription} % \ednote{this code should probably be refactored into proposal.dtx} % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \newenvironment{sitedescription}[2][]% {\def\@test{#1}\def\@@title{\ifx\@test\@empty\pdataref{site}{#2}{acronym}\else #1\fi: \textsc{\pdataref{site}{#2}{name}}} \@for\@I:=#2\do{\pdata@target{site}\@I{}}\subsubsection\@@title} {} % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \subsection{Proposal Title Page}\label{sec:impl:proptitlepage} % % \begin{environment}{prop@proposal} % This internal environment is called in the |proposal| environment from the |proposal| % class. % \begin{macrocode} \renewenvironment{prop@proposal} {\ifsubmit\setcounter{page}{1}\else\thispagestyle{empty}\fi \begin{center} {\LARGE \prop@gen@instrument}\\[.2cm] {\LARGE\textbf{\prop@gen@title}}\\[.3cm] \ifx\prop@gen@acronym\@empty\else{\LARGE Acronym: {\prop@gen@acronym}}\\[.2cm]\fi {\large\today}\\[1em] \begin{tabular}{c*{\the@PIs}{c}} \prop@tl\prop@gen@PIs{\pdataref@safe{PI}\tl@ext{name}}\\ \prop@tl\prop@gen@PIs{\pdataref@safe{PI}\tl@ext{affiliation}}\\ \prop@tl\prop@gen@PIs{\pdataref@safe{PI}\tl@ext{dept}}\\ \end{tabular}\\[2cm] \end{center} \ifgeneral \ifsubmit\else \setcounter{section}{-1} \edef\keep@tocdepth{\value{tocdepth}} \setcounter{tocdepth}{2}\tableofcontents \setcounter{tocdepth}{\keep@tocdepth} \newpage\thispagestyle{empty} \ifdeutsch\section{Allgemeine Angaben (nur f\"ur ELAN)}\else \section{General Information (for the ELAN system only)}\fi \dfg@topic \dfg@area@field \ifdeutsch\subsection{Voraussichtliche Gesamtdauer}\else \subsection{Anticipated total duration \deu{(Voraussichtliche Gesamtdauer)}} \fi% ifdeutsch \@ifundefined{prop@gen@totalduration}{????}{\prop@gen@totalduration}; \ifdeutsch \@ifundefined{prop@gen@since}{Erstantrag}{Fortsetungsantrag, das Project l\"auft seit \prop@gen@since.} \else \@ifundefined{prop@gen@since}{initial proposal}{continuation proposal, the project started \prop@gen@since.} \fi%ifdeutsch \ifdeutsch \subsection{Schl\"usselw\"orter}\prop@gen@Dkeywords \else\subsection{Keywords}\prop@gen@keywords \fi \ifdeutsch\subsection{Antragszeitraum}\else \subsection{Application period \deu{(Antragszeitraum)}}\fi \prop@gen@months\quad Months starting \prop@gen@start \@ifundefined{prop@gen@fundsuntil}{} { (\ifdeutsch Mittel reichen bis\else funds last until\fi\ \prop@gen@fundsuntil)} \ifdeutsch\else\selectlanguage{english}\fi \newpage \setcounter{page}{0}% \fi\fi}% ifsubmit ifgeneral {} % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % We also need to translate some of the generated parts % \begin{macrocode} \ifdeutsch \def\prop@warnpubs@message{Viele der Publikationen der Antragsteller sind verf\"ugbar unter folgenden URLs:} \def\prop@warnpubs@title{Literatur} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\attachments} % \ednote{MK: this is deprecated (no longer useful with the ELAN system), delete at some time} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\attachments{\ifdeutsch\section{Verzeichnis der Anlagen}\else \section{List of Attachments \deu{(Verzeichnis der Anlagen)}}\fi \begin{itemize} \@for\@I:=\prop@gen@PIs\do{% \item\ifdeutsch Lebenslauf und Publikatinsverzeichnis\else Curriculum Vitae and list of publications for \fi \pdataref{PI}\@I{title}\pdataref{PI}\@I{name}} \end{itemize}} % % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Reporting Title Page} % % The |prop@report| environment is similar, but somewhat simpler. % % \begin{macro}{\dfg@applicants@table} % Now, we can build the title page and general information, we first start with the % applicants table: % \begin{macrocode} %<*reporting> \newcommand\dfg@applicants@table% {\begin{tabular}{|l|*{\the@PIs}{l|}}\hline \dfg@applicants@lines\hline &\multicolumn{\the@PIs}{|l|}{\textbf{Private Address\deu{ (Privatanschrift)}:}}\\\hline \dfg@applicants@private@lines\hline \end{tabular}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\dfg@institute@table} % Now, we can build the title page and general information, we first start with the % applicants table: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\dfg@institute@table% {\begin{tabular}{|l|*{\the@PIs}{l|}}\hline \dfg@applicants@institute@lines\hline \end{tabular}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{environment}{prop@report} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\prop@assoc[2]{\let\@tmpop=\relax\@for\@I:=#2\do{\@tmpop\@I\let\@tmpop=#1}} \newcommand\show@prop@gen@keys{\def\@cb{, }\@ifundefined{prop@gen@keys}{??:???? ?/?}{\prop@assoc\@cb\prop@gen@keys}} \renewenvironment{prop@report} {\selectlanguage{english} \thispagestyle{empty}% \begin{center} {\LARGE Final Project Report}\\[.2cm] {\LARGE\textbf{\prop@gen@title}}\\[.3cm] \ifx\prop@gen@acronym\@empty\else{\LARGE Acronym: {\prop@gen@acronym}}\\[.2cm]\fi {\large Reference number(s): \show@prop@gen@keys}\\[.2cm] {\large\today}\\[1em] \begin{tabular}{c*{\the@PIs}{c}} \prop@tl\prop@gen@PIs{\pdataref{PI}\tl@ext{name}}\\ \prop@tl\prop@gen@PIs{\pdataref{PI}\tl@ext{affiliation}} \end{tabular}\\[2cm] \end{center} \setcounter{tocdepth}{1}\tableofcontents\newpage\setcounter{page}{1} \section{General Information \deu{(Allgemeine Angaben)}} \subsection{Reference Numbers \deu{(DFG Gesch\"aftszeichen)}} \show@prop@gen@keys \dfg@applicants \subsection{Institute/Chair \deu{(Institut/Lehrstuhl)}}\dfg@institute@table \dfg@topic % no longer necessary % \subsection{DFG-Funded Researchers \deu{(Aus DFG-Mitteln bezahlte Wissenschaftler)}} % \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline % Partner & Employee/Period\\\hline\hline % \prop@gen@employed@lines % \end{tabular} \subsection{Report and Funding Period \deu{(Berichts- und F\"orderzeitraum)}} \prop@gen@reportperiod \dfg@area@field \subsection{Application Areas \deu{(Verwertungsfelder)}}\prop@gen@applareas % no longer necessary % \subsection{Cooperation Partners \deu{(Kooperationspartner)}} % \begin{compactitem} % \@for\@I:=\prop@gen@coops\do{\item \@I} % \end{compactitem} \dfgprojpapers\prop@gen@projpapers} {\signatures{Signatures \deu{(Unterschriften)}}} % % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*cls> \ifgeneral \newenvironment{Zusammenfassung}{\thispagestyle{empty}\subsection{Zusammenfassung}\begin{otherlanguage}{ngerman}} {\end{otherlanguage}\newpage\setcounter{page}1} \newenvironment{Summary}{\thispagestyle{empty}\subsection{Summary}} {\newpage\setcounter{page}1} \else \excludecomment{Summary} \excludecomment{Zusammenfassung} \fi % % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Project-Related Papers}\label{sec:impl:papers} % % \begin{macro}{\dfgprojpapers} % \begin{macrocode} %<*pdata> \newcommand\dfgprojpapers[2][]{\prop@paperlist[#1]{#2}} % % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{German Reports}\label{sec:impl:german} % % We have to redefine some macros for German reports. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*pdata> \ifdeutsch \renewcommand\prop@count[1]{\ifcase #1 null\or ein\or zwei\or drei\or vier\or f"unf\or sechs\or sieben\or acht\or neun\or zehn\or elf\or zw"olf\else#1\fi} \renewcommand\prop@of@pages[2]{Seite~#1\ifofpage~von~#2\fi} \renewcommand\wp@mk@title[1]{Arbeitspaket {#1}} \renewcommand\wp@label[1]{AP{#1}} \ifwork@areas \renewcommand\wa@label[1]{AB{#1}} \renewcommand\wa@mk@title[1]{Arbeitsbereich {#1}} \fi \renewcommand\prop@legend@totals{\textbf{Summen}} \renewcommand\prop@legend@intendedtotals{\textbf{intendierte Summen}} \renewcommand\wpfig@legend@wap{\textbf{\ifwork@areas{Arbeitsbereiche}\else{AP}\fi}} \renewcommand\wpfig@legend@title{\textbf{Titel}} \renewcommand\wpfig@legend@type{\textbf{Typ}} \renewcommand\wpfig@legend@page{\textbf{Seite}} \renewcommand\wpfig@legend@start{\textbf{Start}} \renewcommand\wpfig@legend@length{\textbf{Dauer}} \renewcommand\wpfig@legend@end{\textbf{Ende}} \renewcommand\wpfig@legend@siteRM[1]{\site{#1}\if@RAM\ PM\fi} \renewcommand\wpfig@legend@siteRAM[1]{\site{#1}\ HM} \renewcommand\wpfig@legend@totalRM{Summe\if@RAM\ PM\fi} \renewcommand\wpfig@legend@totalRAM{Summe HM} \renewcommand\wpfig@legend@RM{PM} \renewcommand\wpfig@legend@RAM{HM} \renewcommand\wpfig@legend@RAM@expl{\if@RAM P/HM $\widehat=$ Personen/Hilfskraft Monate\else\ Aufw\"ande in Personenmonaten\fi} \renewcommand\wpfig@legend@lead@expl{Arbeitspaketleiter sind \wp@lead@style@explained} \renewcommand\wp@lead@style@explained{grau und kursiv markiert} \renewcommand\wpfig@legend@caption{{\ifwork@areas Arbeitsbereiche und \fi}Arbeitspakete} \renewcommand\wp@legend@site{Partner} \renewcommand\wp@legend@effort{Aufwand\if@RAM{ (PM+HM)}\fi} \renewcommand\wp@legend@all{\textbf{Summe}} \renewcommand\wprm{\pdataref@safe{wp}\wp@id{RM}\if@RAM\ PM+\pdataref{wp}\wp@id{RAM} HM\fi} \renewcommand\gantt@footnote{Balken mit reduzierter H\"ohe (z.B. 50\%) bedeuten reduzierte Arbeitslast in dieser Phase (z.B. auf 50\%)} \renewcommand\gantt@caption@main{Zeitliche Verteilung der Arbeitspakete} \renewcommand\gantt@caption@lower{draft: unten die Lastverteilung} \renewcommand\coherence@caption{Bisherige Kollaboration der {\pn} Partner} \renewcommand\objective@label[1]{Z#1} \renewcommand\task@label[2]{S#1.#2} % \renewcommand\month@label[1]{M#1} \renewcommand\legend@partners{Partner} \renewcommand\legend@lead{Leiter} \renewcommand\task@label@long{Schritt} \renewcommand\task@legend@partners{MA: } \renewcommand\task@legend@PM{PM} \fi%ifdeutsch % % \end{macrocode} % \Finale \endinput % LocalWords: dfgproposal dtx kohlhase areastrue svninfo noworkareas twoside notcategory % LocalWords: areasfalse wa textcomp amssymb url graphicx colortbl xcolor RO Abriss Rabe % LocalWords: fancyhdr keyval eurosym tikz calc english ngerman linkcolor ne ifgeneral % LocalWords: citecolor urlcolor colorlinks pagecolor breaklinks bookmarksopen ifdeutsch % LocalWords: hyperref LaTeX workpackage PIs thema acrolong anzungsantrag im generaltrue % LocalWords: Einzelverfahren tabline Allgemeine Angaben Antragsteller worktel Deutscher % LocalWords: bitabline personaltitle academictitle birthdate Dienstanschrift Antrag gen % LocalWords: atabline workfax Privatanschrift privaddress privtel prop@gen % LocalWords: dt Kennwort Fachgebiet und Arbeitsrichtung Voraussichtliche wa deutschtrue % LocalWords: Gesamtdauer Antragszeitraum Zusammenfassung workarea wp wps num Neuantrag % LocalWords: refundefinedtrue lightgray gantt xstep Unterschriften Id areas auf deu nur % LocalWords: submit hide ed public article paper today array comment wide RE Disziplin % LocalWords: babel true bookmarks blue LO LE page of prop sites key site RM ur das auft % LocalWords: def id title acronym discipline start months Proposal Erg by cls seit der % LocalWords: DFG empty em name affiliation Applicants Work Address email The Erstantrag % LocalWords: curriculum vita the applicants are enclosed appendix reference mittel der % LocalWords: Research area and field work Scientific Fields Anticipated write reichen % LocalWords: duration Application period Summary short lead Package label task Viele pn % LocalWords: tasks deps number line Effort target ids aux dfg count warning at sind aus % LocalWords: for undefined safe zero one two three four five six seven eight verf ugbar % LocalWords: nine ten eleven twelve style lines totals Packages xscale yscale unter von % LocalWords: step set gray very thin grid workphase len force phase length to folgenden % LocalWords: taskdep from rectangle left right width pt color red above dep Literatur % LocalWords: Overview Activities Signatures Date paralist ymonths ymid yinc Verzeichnis % LocalWords: xend effort month iffalse eustrep.dtx fileversion maketitle Antr Ausdruck % LocalWords: tableofcontents DescribeEnv ifpublic ifpublic compactitem wpfig Lebenslauf % LocalWords: wpfig workplan workplan bookeeping wissenchaftliche tasklist dmp Zitierte % LocalWords: tasklist taskin taskref taskref tasktref tasktref localtaskref Abschnitt % LocalWords: localtaskref ganttchart biblatex dfgprojpapers dfgprojpapers ifx einem Typ % LocalWords: bibtex proposal1-blx.aux pdataref WPtref WPtref WAref WAref WAtref Lebensl % LocalWords: WAtref protectmacro thebibliography bibitem newblock newif inst aufe Seite % LocalWords: ifsubmit submitfalse publicfalse ifkeys keysfalse ifwork RAMtrue Institut % LocalWords: submittrue publictrue excludecomment RAMfalse keystrue sfdefault Lehrstuhl % LocalWords: renewcommand familydefault helvet includecomment subsubsections bezahlte % LocalWords: setcounter 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