% The main file for developing the proposal. % Variants with different class options are % - submit.tex (no draft stuff, no ednotes, no revision information) % - public.tex (like submit.tex, but no financials either) \providecommand{\classoptions}{,keys} % to be overwritten in variants \documentclass[noworkareas,deliverables,gitinfo,report\classoptions]{euproposal} \usepackage{nimbusserif} \addbibresource{../lib/dummy.bib} \begin{document} \begin{center}\color{red}\huge This mock proposal is just an example for \texttt{euproposal.cls} it reflects the ICT template of January 2012 \end{center} \begin{proposal}[ % Site 1 site=fau, fauurl=http://fau.de, faustreetaddress={Martenstr. 3}, fautownzip={91058 Erlangen}, faucountryshort=D, faucountry=Germany, fautype=University, faulogo=fau_logo.png, fauacronym=FAU, faushortname=FAU Erlangen N\"urnberg, fauRM=36, % Site 2 site=efo, efoshortname=European Future Office, efourl=http://efo.eu, efocountryshort=NL, efocountry={The Netherlands}, efotownzip={Utrecht, 3kd89}, efostreetaddress={Kruislann 777}, efotype=NGO, efologo=logo.jpg, efoacronym=EFO, efoRM=36, % Site 3 site=bar, barurl=http://bar.fr, barcountryshort=F, barcountry={France}, barstreetaddress={Rue de Montparnasse} bartownzip={Paris}, bartype=University, barlogo=logo.jpg, baracronym=BAR, barshortname=Universit\'e de BAR, barRM=36, % Site 4 site=baz, bazurl=http://baz.co.uk, bazcountryshort=UK, bazcountry=United Kingdom, bazstreetaddress={4711 Silicon Glen Drive}, baztownzip={Westerfield U3F2B}, baztype=SME, bazlogo=logo.jpg, bazshortname=BAZ International, bazacronym=BAZ, bazRM=36, % Proposal metadata acronym={iPoWr}, acrolong={\underline{I}ntelligent} {\underline{P}r\underline{o}sal} {\underline{Wr}iting}, title=\pn: \protect\pnlong, callname = ICT Call 1, callid = FP7-???-200?-?, instrument= Small or Medium-Scale Focused Research Project (STREP), challengeid = 4, challenge = ICT for EU Proposals, objectiveid={ICT-2012.4.4}, objective = Technology-enhanced Documents, outcomeid = b1, outcome = {More time for Research, not Proposal writing}, months=24, % Coordinator coordinator=Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase, Cemail=michael.kohlhase@fau.de, Ctelfax=(49) 9131-85-64052/55, iconrowheight=1.5cm,% for the logo line on the title page compactht] \begin{abstract} Writing grant proposals is a collaborative effort that requires the integration of contributions from many individuals. The use of an ASCII-based format like {\LaTeX} allows to coordinate the process via a source code control system like {\textsc{Subversion}}, allowing the proposal writing team to concentrate on the contents rather than the mechanics of wrangling with text fragments and revisions. \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \begin{todo}{from the proposal template} Recommended length for the whole part B: 50--60 pages (including tables, references, etc.) \end{todo} \include{quality}\newpage \include{implementation}\newpage \include{impact}\newpage \end{proposal} \include{members} \include{issues} \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: LaTeX %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: % LocalWords: efo efoRM baz bazRM miko acrolong ntelligent iting pn pnlong % LocalWords: textsc newpage compactht texttt euproposal.cls callname callid % LocalWords: challengeid objectiveid outcomeid tableofcontents