\svnInfo $Id: wp-dissem.tex 24014 2013-01-01 15:12:26Z kohlhase $ \svnKeyword $HeadURL: https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/kwarc/doc/macros/forCTAN/proposal/eu/examples/strep/wp-dissem.tex $ \begin{workpackage}% [id=dissem,type=RTD,lead=efo, wphases=10-24!1, title=Dissemination and Exploitation,short=Dissemination, efoRM=8,jacuRM=2,barRM=2,bazRM=2] We can state the state of the art and similar things before the summary in the boxes here. \wpheadertable \begin{wpobjectives} Much of the activity of a project involves small groups of nodes in joint work. This work package is set up to ensure their best wide-scale integration, communication, and synergetic presentation of the results. Clearly identified means of dissemination of work-in-progress as well as final results will serve the effectiveness of work within the project and steadily improve the visibility and usage of the emerging semantic services. \end{wpobjectives} \begin{wpdescription} The work package members set up events for dissemination of the research and work-in-progress results for researchers (workshops and summer schools), and for industry (trade fairs). An in-depth evaluation will be undertaken of the response of test-users. Within two months of the start of the project, a project website will go live. This website will have two areas: a members' area and a public area.\ldots \end{wpdescription} \begin{wpdelivs} \begin{wpdeliv}[due=2,id=website,nature=O,dissem=PU,miles=kickoff] {Set-up of the Project web server} \end{wpdeliv} \begin{wpdeliv}[due=8,id=ws1proc,nature=R,dissem=PU,miles={kickoff}] {Proceedings of the first {\pn} Summer School.} \end{wpdeliv} \begin{wpdeliv}[due=9,id=dissem,nature=R,dissem=PP] {Dissemination Plan} \end{wpdeliv} \begin{wpdeliv}[due=9,id=exploitplan,nature=R,dissem=PP,miles=exploitation] {Scientific and Commercial Exploitation Plan} \end{wpdeliv} \begin{wpdeliv}[due=20,id=ws2proc,nature=R,dissem=PU,miles={exploitation}] {Proceedings of the second {\pn} Summer School.} \end{wpdeliv} \begin{wpdeliv}[due=32,id=ss1proc,nature=R,dissem=PU,miles={exploitation}] {Proceedings of the third {\pn} Summer School.} \end{wpdeliv} \begin{wpdeliv}[due=44,id=ws3proc,nature=R,dissem=PU,miles=exploitation] {Proceedings of the fourth {\pn} Summer School.} \end{wpdeliv} \end{wpdelivs} \end{workpackage} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: LaTeX %%% TeX-master: "propB" %%% End: % LocalWords: wp-dissem.tex workpackage dissem efo fromto bazRM wpheadertable % LocalWords: wpobjectives wpdescription ldots wpdelivs wpdeliv ws1proc pn % LocalWords: exploitplan ws2proc ss1proc ws3proc pdataRef deliv % LocalWords: mansubsusintReport