% the document class specification for the proposal writing process, add the 'submit' option % for submitting (switches off various draft features); add the 'public' option to exclude % any private parts. \documentclass[gitinfo]{dfgreporting} %\documentclass[submit]{dfgproposal} %\documentclass[submit,public]{dfgproposal} \addbibresource{../lib/dummy.bib} % define the proposal acronym; % use \texorpdfstring so that it can be used in section headings as well % tell the class that this is the proposal acronym \input{../lib/WApersons} % temporary fix due to http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/311426/bibliography-error-use-of-blxbblverbaddi-doesnt-match-its-definition-ve \begin{document} \providecommand\ifprefchar[2]{}% fix biblatex \makeatletter\def\blx@maxline{77}\makeatother \begin{center}\color{red}\huge This mock proposal is just an example for \texttt{dfgreporting.cls} it reflects the template valid until January 2012 (have to update soon) \end{center} \begin{report}[importfrom=../proposal/proposal, PI=miko,PI=gc,site=jacu,site=pcg, key = KO 2428 99-9, key = GS 4711 99-9, thema=Intelligentes Schreiben von Antr\"agen, reportperiod=1. Feb. 2010 - 31. Jan. 2012, % jacuemployed=Junior Researcher: 1. Feb 2010 - 31. Jan 2012, % pcgemployed=Slave Worker: 1. Feb 2010 - 31. Dec 2010, % pcgemployed=Lazy Bones: 1.Jan 2011 - 31. Jan 2012, applareas={Knowledge Management, Document Management, Workflow Systems}, % coop={Acquisition Guru, Berlin, Germany}, % coop={Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn, Germany}, acronym={ABC}, discipline={Elektrotechnik}, areas={Ingenieurwissenschaften}, projpapers={Kohlhase:pdpl10,providemore}] \include{progressreport} \include{progresssummary} \dfgprojpapers[articles,confpapers,wspapers]{Kohlhase:pdpl10,providemore,KohDavGin:psewads11,Lange:OpenMathCDLinkedData10} \end{report} \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: LaTeX %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: % LocalWords: empty bibflorian systems rabe institutions modal historical pub % LocalWords: kwarc till formalsafe miko gc ipower ipowerlong Antr agen Beitr % LocalWords: acrolong intellegible kollaboratives koh arenten ussen Proze % LocalWords: Versionsmanagementsystem textsc unterst utzt konzentieren stex % LocalWords: mechanik workplan thispagestyle newpage Principcal cvpubsmiko % LocalWords: finalreport fundedperiod reportperiod progressreport % LocalWords: progresssummary