sharing parts of the Makefiles

This commit is contained in:
Michael Kohlhase 2017-12-04 13:32:26 +01:00
parent adeb856739
commit ce51805d93
7 changed files with 36 additions and 202 deletions

View File

@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ keeping information consistent.
In the simplest case, just clone the repository, and extend your `TEXINPUTS`
environment variable so that it can find it. On a UNIX system something like the following
should work.
cd /path/to/your/setup
cd /path/to/your/project
git clone
echo 'export TEXINPUTS = "$(TEXINPUTS):/path/to/your/setup/LaTeX-proposal//:"' >> ~/.bashrc
Of course you will have to replace `/path/to/your/setup` with a path appropriate to
echo 'export TEXINPUTS = "$(TEXINPUTS):/path/to/your/project/LaTeX-proposal//:"' >> ~/.bashrc
Of course you will have to replace `/path/to/your/project` with a path appropriate to
your system. A simple `git pull` will update you to the newest version.
## Getting Started with a New Proposal
@ -33,6 +33,17 @@ the three variables in the upper section of the `Makefile` accordingly, if you w
(UNIX) `Makefile` automation (recommended). If you want to use the LaTeX proposal class in
a revision control system for a larger group, read (far) below.
Here is what you would do on a UNIX system after the initial steps above to prepare a DFG
proposal (or an EU proposal the same setup works as well, but with suitably adapted
cp examples/dfg/proposal .
sed -i .bak s/PROP.dir = ..\/..\/..\//Prop.dir = ./ proposal/Makefile
sed -i .bak s/BIB = ..\/lib/BIB = ./ proposal/Makefile
## Disclaimer
The LaTeX proposal class has been developed to "scratch my own itch" over many proposals

View File

@ -1,73 +1,12 @@
# Automating proposal management by make.
# Automating LaTeX-proposal management by make.
# The participants work on proposal.tex in "draft" mode, which gives a lot
# of information to the developers. Variants submit.tex and public.tex are
# used to prepare official versions (hiding development/private info).
# possibly customize the following variables to your setting
PROPOSAL = proposal.tex # the proposal
BIB = ../lib/dummy.bib # bibTeX databases
PROP.dir = ../../..
PROPOSAL = proposal.tex# # the proposal
BIB = ../lib# # bibTeX databases
PROP.dir = ../../..# # The LaTeX-proposal class directory
# the following are computed
TARGET = $(PROPOSAL) # all pdflatex targets
TARGET.pdf = $(TARGET:%.tex=%.pdf) # PDFs to be produced
TARGET.aux = $(TARGET:%.tex=%.aux) # their aux files.
PDATA = $(PROPOSAL:%.tex=%.pdata) # the proposal project data
SRC = $(filter-out $(TARGET),$(shell ls *.tex)) # included files
PDFLATEX = pdflatex -interaction batchmode -file-line-error
BBL = $(PROPOSAL:%.tex=%.bbl)
PROPCLS.dir = $(PROP.dir)/base
PROPETC.dir = $(PROP.dir)/etc
DFGPROPCLS.dir = $(PROP.dir)/dfg
TEXINPUTS := .//:$(PROPCLS.dir)//:$(DFGPROPCLS.dir)//:$(PROPETC.dir)//:
PROPCLS.clssty = proposal.cls pdata.sty
PROPETC.sty = workaddress.sty metakeys.sty sref.sty
DFGPROPCLS.clssty = dfgproposal.cls dfgpdata.sty
PROPCLS = $(PROPCLS.clssty:%=$(PROPCLS.dir)/%) $(DFGPROPCLS.clssty:%=$(DFGPROPCLS.dir)/%) $(PROPETC.sty:%=$(PROPETC.dir)/%)
all: $(TARGET.pdf)
$(MAKE) -w PROPOSAL=submit.tex all
$(MAKE) -w PROPOSAL=public.tex all
cd: # make cd will prepare CD for burning
mkdir CD;make $(TARGET.pdf); cp $(TARGET.pdf) CD
bbl: $(BBL)
$(BBL): %.bbl: %.aux
bibtex -min-crossrefs=100 -terse $<
$(PDATA): %.pdata: %.tex
$(TARGET.aux): %.aux: %.tex
$(TARGET.pdf): %.pdf: %.tex $(SRC) $(BIB) $(PROPCLS)
$(PDFLATEX) $< || $(RM) $@
# sort $(PROPOSAL:%.tex=%.delivs) > $(PROPOSAL:%.tex=%.deliverables)
@if (test -e $(patsubst %.tex, %.idx, $<));\
then makeindex $(patsubst %.tex, %.idx, $<); fi
# bbl is up to date $(MAKE) -$(MAKEFLAGS) $(BBL)
@if (grep "(re)run BibTeX" $(patsubst %.tex, %.log, $<)> /dev/null);\
then $(MAKE) -B $(BBL); fi
$(PDFLATEX) $< || $(RM) $@
@if (grep Rerun $(patsubst %.tex, %.log, $<) > /dev/null);\
then $(PDFLATEX) $< || $(RM) $@; fi
@if (grep Rerun $(patsubst %.tex, %.log, $<) > /dev/null);\
then $(PDFLATEX) $< || $(RM) $@; fi
rm -f *~ *.log *.ilg *.out *.glo *.idx *.ilg *.blg *.run.xml *.synctex.gz *.cut
distclean: clean
rm -f *.aux *.ind *.gls *.ps *.dvi *.thm *.out *.run.xml *.bbl *.toc *.deliv* *.pdata *-blx.bib
rm -Rf auto
@echo $(BIBINPUTS)
include $(PROP.dir)/lib/Makefile.dfgproposal

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,67 +1,12 @@
# possibly customize the following variables to your setting
REPORT = finalreport.tex # the report
BIB = ../lib/dummy.bib # bibTeX databases
PROP.dir = ../../..
# the following are computed
#CVP = $(shell ls CV_PubList*.tex) # CVs of the proposers
#TSIMP = letter_submission.tex # pdflatex Targets without bibTeX
#TSIMP.pdf = $(TSIMP:%.tex=%.pdf) # PDFs to be produced
TBIB = $(REPORT) #$(CVP) # pdflatex Targets with bibTeX
TARGET = $(TSIMP) $(TBIB) # all pdflatex targets
TBIB.pdf = $(TBIB:%.tex=%.pdf) # PDFs to be produced
TBIB.aux = $(TBIB:%.tex=%.aux) # their aux files.
PDATA = $(REPORT:%.tex=%.pdata) # the proposal project data
SRC = $(filter-out $(TARGET),$(shell ls *.tex)) # included files
PDFLATEX = pdflatex -interaction batchmode -file-line-error
BBL = $(REPORT:%.tex=%.bbl)
PROPCLS.dir = $(PROP.dir)/base
PROPETC.dir = $(PROP.dir)/etc
DFGPROPCLS.dir = $(PROP.dir)/dfg
TEXINPUTS := .//:$(PROPCLS.dir)//:$(DFGPROPCLS.dir)//:$(PROPETC.dir)//:
PROPCLS.clssty = reporting.cls pdata.sty
PROPETC.sty = workaddress.sty metakeys.sty sref.sty
DFGPROPCLS.clssty = dfgreporting.cls dfgpdata.sty
PROPCLS = $(PROPCLS.clssty:%=$(PROPCLS.dir)/%) $(DFGPROPCLS.clssty:%=$(DFGPROPCLS.dir)/%) $(PROPETC.sty:%=$(PROPETC.dir)/%)
all: $(TBIB.pdf) $(TSIMP.pdf)
cd: # make cd will prepare CD for burning
mkdir CD;make $(TARGET.pdf); cp $(TARGET.pdf) CD
$(BBL): %.bbl: %.aux
bibtex -min-crossrefs=100 -terse $<
$(TSIMP.pdf): %.pdf: %.tex $(PROPCLS) $(PDATA)
$(PDFLATEX) $< || $(RM) $@
$(PDATA): %.pdata: %.tex
$(TBIB.aux): %.aux: %.tex
$(TBIB.pdf): %.pdf: %.tex $(SRC) $(BIB) $(PROPCLS)
$(PDFLATEX) $< || $(RM) $@
# sort $(REPORT:%.tex=%.delivs) > $(REPORT:%.tex=%.deliverables)
@if (test -e $(patsubst %.tex, %.idx, $<));\
then makeindex $(patsubst %.tex, %.idx, $<); fi
@if (grep "(re)run BibTeX" $(patsubst %.tex, %.log, $<)> /dev/null);\
then $(MAKE) -B $(BBL); fi
$(PDFLATEX) $< || $(RM) $@
@if (grep Rerun $(patsubst %.tex, %.log, $<) > /dev/null);\
then $(PDFLATEX) $< || $(RM) $@; fi
@if (grep Rerun $(patsubst %.tex, %.log, $<) > /dev/null);\
then $(PDFLATEX) $< || $(RM) $@; fi
rm -f *~ *.log *.ilg *.out *.glo *.idx *.ilg *.blg *.run.xml *.synctex.gz *.cut
distclean: clean
rm -f *.aux *.ind *.gls *.ps *.dvi *.thm *.out *.run.xml *.bbl *.toc *.deliv* *.pdata *-blx.bib
rm -Rf auto
# Automating LaTeX-proposal management by make.
# The participants work on proposal.tex in "draft" mode, which gives a lot
# of information to the developers. Variants submit.tex and public.tex are
# used to prepare official versions (hiding development/private info).
# possibly customize the following variables to your setting
REPORT = finalreport.tex# # the report
BIB = ../lib/dummy.bib# # bibTeX databases
PROP.dir = ../../..#
include $(PROP.dir)/lib/Makefile.dfgproposal

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,73 +1,12 @@
# Automating proposal management by make.
# Automating LaTeX-proposal management by make.
# The participants work on proposal.tex in "draft" mode, which gives a lot
# of information to the developers. Variants submit.tex and public.tex are
# used to prepare official versions (hiding development/private info).
# possibly customize the following variables to your setting
PROPOSAL = proposal.tex # the proposal
BIB = ../lib/dummy.bib # bibTeX databases
PROPOSAL = proposal.tex# # the proposal
BIB = ../lib/dummy.bib# # bibTeX databases
PROP.dir = ../../..
# the following are computed
TARGET = $(PROPOSAL) # all pdflatex targets
TARGET.pdf = $(TARGET:%.tex=%.pdf) # PDFs to be produced
TARGET.aux = $(TARGET:%.tex=%.aux) # their aux files.
PDATA = $(PROPOSAL:%.tex=%.pdata) # the proposal project data
SRC = $(filter-out $(TARGET),$(shell ls *.tex)) # included files
PDFLATEX = pdflatex# -interaction batchmode -file-line-error
BBL = $(PROPOSAL:%.tex=%.bbl)
PROPCLS.dir = $(PROP.dir)/base
PROPETC.dir = $(PROP.dir)/etc
DFGPROPCLS.dir = $(PROP.dir)/dfg
TEXINPUTS := .//:$(PROPCLS.dir)//:$(DFGPROPCLS.dir)//:$(PROPETC.dir)//:
PROPCLS.clssty = proposal.cls pdata.sty
PROPETC.sty = workaddress.sty metakeys.sty sref.sty
DFGPROPCLS.clssty = dfgproposal.cls dfgpdata.sty
PROPCLS = $(PROPCLS.clssty:%=$(PROPCLS.dir)/%) $(DFGPROPCLS.clssty:%=$(DFGPROPCLS.dir)/%) $(PROPETC.sty:%=$(PROPETC.dir)/%)
all: $(TARGET.pdf)
$(MAKE) -w PROPOSAL=final.tex all
$(MAKE) -w PROPOSAL=public.tex all
cd: # make cd will prepare CD for burning
mkdir CD;make $(TARGET.pdf); cp $(TARGET.pdf) CD
bbl: $(BBL)
$(BBL): %.bbl: %.aux
bibtex -min-crossrefs=100 -terse $<
$(PDATA): %.pdata: %.tex
$(TARGET.aux): %.aux: %.tex
$(TARGET.pdf): %.pdf: %.tex $(SRC) $(BIB) $(PROPCLS)
$(PDFLATEX) $< || $(RM) $@
# sort $(PROPOSAL:%.tex=%.delivs) > $(PROPOSAL:%.tex=%.deliverables)
@if (test -e $(patsubst %.tex, %.idx, $<));\
then makeindex $(patsubst %.tex, %.idx, $<); fi
@if (grep "(re)run BibTeX" $(patsubst %.tex, %.log, $<)> /dev/null);\
then $(MAKE) -B $(BBL); fi
$(PDFLATEX) $< || $(RM) $@
@if (grep Rerun $(patsubst %.tex, %.log, $<) > /dev/null);\
then $(PDFLATEX) $< || $(RM) $@; fi
@if (grep Rerun $(patsubst %.tex, %.log, $<) > /dev/null);\
then $(PDFLATEX) $< || $(RM) $@; fi
rm -f *~ *.log *.ilg *.out *.glo *.idx *.ilg *.blg *.run.xml *.synctex.gz *.cut
distclean: clean
rm -f *.aux *.ind *.gls *.ps *.dvi *.thm *.out *.run.xml *.bbl *.toc *.deliv* *.pdata *-blx.bib
rm -Rf auto
@echo $(BIBINPUTS)
include $(PROP.dir)/lib/Makefile.dfgproposal