somewhat more standard work package headers

This commit is contained in:
Michael Kohlhase 2015-01-07 11:28:49 +01:00
parent 7589fb624b
commit 34ba13314b

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@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
% macros/latex/base/lppl.txt. Either version 1.0 or, at your option, any later
% version. The CTAN archive always contains the latest stable version, the development
% version can be found at \url{}. For bug reports
% please use the sTeX trac at \url{}.
% please use the sTeX TRAC at \url{}.
% \section{The User Interface}\label{sec:user-interface}
@ -109,7 +109,10 @@
% As usual in {\LaTeX}, the package is loaded by
% |\documentclass[|\meta{options}|]{euproposal}|, where |[|\meta{options}|]| is optional
% and gives a comma separated list of options specified in~\cite{Kohlhase:pplp:svn}.
% and gives a comma separated list of options specified in~\cite{Kohlhase:pplp:svn}. Some
% versions EU proposals want non-standard numbering schemes (e.g. starting with
% \textbf{B...} since we are writing Part B.), this can be reached by giving the |propB|
% option.
% \subsection{Proposal Metadata and Title page}\label{sec:user:metadata}
@ -186,7 +189,11 @@
% We first set up the options for the package.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
@ -194,7 +201,7 @@
% Then we load the packages we make use of
% \begin{macrocode}
@ -239,15 +246,17 @@
% and the default values, these will be used, if the author does not specify something
% better.
% We need to redefine some of the internal counters and table of contents mechanisms to
% adapt to the fact that the proposal text is just Part B.
% If the |propB| option is given, wwe need to redefine some of the internal counters and
% table of contents mechanisms to adapt to the fact that the proposal text is just Part B.
% \begin{macrocode}
\def\numberline#1{\hb@xt@\@tempdima{#1\hfil} }
% \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\prop@sites@table}
@ -313,28 +322,73 @@
\def\prop@gen@instrument{Proposal Instrument (e.g. IP)}
% \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Site Descriptions}\label{sec:sitedesc}
% \ednote {this functionality should probably be refactored into proposal.dtx}
% \begin{environment}{sitedescription}
% \ednote{this code should probably be refactored into proposal.dtx}
% \ednote{document this above} |\begin{sitedescritpion}[|\meta{opt}|]{\meta{site}}|
% marks up the description for the site \meta{site}. It looks up the relevant metadata
% from the respective |\WAinstitution| declarations. The options argument \meta{opt}
% is a key-value list for the keys \DescribeMacro{logo}|logo| (add the logo from
% |\WAinstitution| to the site description), \DescribeMacro{width}|width|,
% \DescribeMacro{height}|height| (intended dimensions of the logo), \ednote{more?}.
% \begin{macrocode}
{\def\@site{#2}% remember the site ID
\newcounter{site@#2@PM} % for the site PM
\def\site@desc@box{false}% not box unless requested
\def\site@desc@logo{false}% not logo unless requested
\def\site@desc@height{1.3cm}% default height
\def\site@desc@width{5cm}% default width
\setkeys{site@desc}{#1}% read the keys to overwrite the defaults
\ifx\@site@desc@box\@true% if we want a logo
\ifx\@site@desc@logo\@true% if we want a logo
\fi% end logo
\textbf{\wa@ref{institution}{#2}{type}.\hfill \wa@ref{institution}{#2}{country}}\\%
\small\wa@ref{institution}{#2}{streetaddress}, \wa@ref{institution}{#2}{townzip}\\\hline%
\fi% end box
{\subsection{\wa@ref{institution}{#2}{acronym}: % space here
{\textsc{\wa@ref{institution}{#2}{name}} (\wa@ref{institution}{#2}{countryshort})}}}%
{0.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus.2ex}%
{\pdata@def{site}{\@site}{reqPM}{\csname thesite@\@site @PM\endcsname}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{environment}{participant}
% \ednote{document this above} |\begin{picv}[|\meta{PM}|]{\meta{name}}| marks up the CV
% and metadata about a principal investigator of a site (it can only be use inside a
% |sitedescription| environment). The first argument \meta{PM} specifies the
% involvement in person months: a fair estimation this PI will spend on this specific
% project over its whole duration.
% \begin{macrocode}
\ifx\site@part@PM\@empty\else\addtocounter{site@\@site @PM}{\site@part@PM}\fi%
\paragraph*{#2 \ifx\site@part@type\@empty\else(\site@part@type)\fi}%
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
@ -351,7 +405,7 @@
% \begin{macrocode}
\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{\wp@label\wp@num: \pdataref{wp}\wp@id{title}}}
% \end{macrocode}
@ -359,18 +413,17 @@
% \begin{macro}{\wpheadertable}
% We redefine the macro that computes the default work package header table, since there
% are more sites in a EU proposal
% are more sites in a EU proposal, we do this in a tabular form as asked for in the
% template. We use the internal counter |@sites@po| (sites plus one) for convenience.
% \begin{macrocode}
\multicolumn{\the@sitespt}{|l|}{\textbf{\wp@mk@title{\wp@num}: }%
\textbf{Start: }\pdataref{wp}\wp@id{start}&%
\multicolumn{\the@sitespo}{l|}{\textbf{Activity Type: }\pdataref{wp}\wp@id{type}}\\\hline%
\multicolumn{\the@sitespo}{|l|}{\textbf{\wp@mk@title{\wp@num}: }%
&\textbf{Start: }\pdataref{wp}\wp@id{start}\\\hline%
@ -378,9 +431,9 @@
% \end{macro}
% \begin{environment}{wpdelivs}
% \ednote{MK: boxing compactdesc does not seem to work any more}
% We make the deliverables boxed, this is simple with |mdframed.sty|.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
@ -408,8 +461,8 @@
% mitigation plans for them. In the |euproposal| we use two environments to mark them up.
% \DescribeMacro{risk}|\begin{risk}{|\meta{title}|}{|\meta{prob}|}{|\meta{grav}|}|\ldots|\end{risk}|
% makes a paragraph no a rist \meta{title} with gravity \meta{grav} and probability
% \meta{prob}, where the body of the environment contains a desription of the risk. The
% makes a paragraph no a risk \meta{title} with gravity \meta{grav} and probability
% \meta{prob}, where the body of the environment contains a description of the risk. The
% \DescribeMacro{riskcont}|riskcont| is a variant, where \meta{title} names a risk and the
% body is a description of the contingency plan.
@ -429,20 +482,24 @@
% \Finale
% LocalWords: iffalse cls euproposal euproposal.dtx tt maketitle newpage wpwa
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% LocalWords: longtable eurosym pdata thepart setcounter env vfill qquad
% LocalWords: thechapter newcommand tabularnewline hline xdef pdataref nameuse
% LocalWords: countryshort rpoposal clange wrapfig wrapfigure vspace bfseries
% LocalWords: startsection normalfont normalsize baselinestretch callname hb
% LocalWords: countryshort rpoposal clange wrapfig renewenvironment worktelfax
% LocalWords: tocdepth wpobjectives newenvironment noindent boxedminipage fbox
% LocalWords: textwidth textbf wpdescription sitedescription pgfdeclareimage
% LocalWords: wrapfigure vspace pgfuseimage streetaddress townzip textsc xt wa
% LocalWords: renewcommand startsection normalfont normalsize bfseries wptitle
% LocalWords: workpackage subsubsection wpheadertable newcounter sitespo hfil
% LocalWords: newcounter sitespt addtocounter textsf smallskip ignorespaces pn
% LocalWords: cellcolor lightgray keypubs paperlist callname callid callid ifx
% LocalWords: challengeid challengeid objectiveid objectiveid outcomeid hfill
% LocalWords: outcomeid metakeys workaddress numberline tempdima ifsubmit
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% LocalWords: iffalse cls euproposal euproposal.dtx tt maketitle newpage wpwa eudata dfg
% LocalWords: tableofcontents ednote euproposal DescribeEnv compactitem impl eureporting
% LocalWords: longtable eurosym pdata thepart setcounter env vfill qquad NeedsTeXFormat
% LocalWords: thechapter newcommand tabularnewline hline xdef pdataref nameuse SciML gen
% LocalWords: countryshort rpoposal clange wrapfig wrapfigure vspace bfseries eupdata wd
% LocalWords: startsection normalfont normalsize baselinestretch callname hb newpart wp
% LocalWords: countryshort rpoposal clange wrapfig renewenvironment worktelfax prop@gen
% LocalWords: tocdepth wpobjectives newenvironment noindent boxedminipage fbox warnpubs
% LocalWords: textwidth textbf wpdescription sitedescription pgfdeclareimage projpapers
% LocalWords: wrapfigure vspace pgfuseimage streetaddress townzip textsc xt wa maxnames
% LocalWords: renewcommand startsection normalfont normalsize bfseries wptitle sitedesc
% LocalWords: workpackage subsubsection wpheadertable newcounter sitespo hfil if@svninfo
% LocalWords: newcounter sitespt addtocounter textsf smallskip ignorespaces pn setkeys
% LocalWords: cellcolor lightgray keypubs paperlist callname callid callid ifx csname
% LocalWords: challengeid challengeid objectiveid objectiveid outcomeid hfill if@gitinfo
% LocalWords: outcomeid metakeys workaddress numberline tempdima ifsubmit iconrowheight
% LocalWords: proposal.dtx texttt paperslist workaddress.dtx topicsaddressed thesite
% LocalWords: topicsaddressed iconrowheight finalreport.tex printbibliography endcsname
% LocalWords: reportperiod organisation thispagestyle gitAbbrevHash sitedescritpion
% LocalWords: WAinstitution picv medskip newmdenv frametitle wpdelivs mdframed.sty emph
% LocalWords: surroundwithmdframed emph riskcont prob grav ldots endinput