
This commit is contained in:
Michael Kohlhase 2016-11-24 11:40:12 +01:00
parent b8104d7ba1
commit 02f91e355a
1 changed files with 45 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -834,7 +834,7 @@
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \subsection{The proposal Environemt and Title Page}\label{sec:impl:titlepage}
% \subsection{The proposal Environment and Title Page}\label{sec:impl:titlepage}
% \begin{environment}{prop@proposal}
% This internal environment is called in the |proposal| environment from the |proposal|
@ -2562,7 +2562,7 @@ joint&\multicolumn{\the@site}{l|}{\jpub $\hat=$ publication, \jpro $\hat=$ proje
% LocalWords: proposal dtx xkohlhase areastrue svninfo noworkareas twoside emph gitinfo
% LocalWords: areasfalse wa textcomp amssymb url graphicx colortbl xcolor RO OJBref sl
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% LocalWords: citecolor urlcolor colorlinks pagecolor breaklinks bookmarksopen WPref doi
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% LocalWords: Einzelverfahren tabline Allgemeine Angaben Antragsteller worktel ifsvninfo
% LocalWords: bitabline personaltitle academictitle birthdate Dienstanschrift Hilfskraft
@ -2579,7 +2579,7 @@ joint&\multicolumn{\the@site}{l|}{\jpub $\hat=$ publication, \jpro $\hat=$ proje
% LocalWords: duration Application period Summary short lead Package label task botupMP
% LocalWords: tasks deps number line Effort target ids count warning at pdata swsites
% LocalWords: for undefined safe zero one two three four five six seven eight swsites
% LocalWords: nine ten eleven twelve style lines totals Packages xscale yscale
% LocalWords: nine ten eleven twelve style lines totals Packages xscale yscale TeXLive
% LocalWords: step set gray very thin grid workphase len force phase length to endhead
% LocalWords: taskdep from rectangle left right width pt color red above dep jointsub
% LocalWords: Overview Activities Signatures Date paralist ymonths ymid yinc jointsoft
@ -2589,48 +2589,48 @@ joint&\multicolumn{\the@site}{l|}{\jpub $\hat=$ publication, \jpro $\hat=$ proje
% LocalWords: tasklist taskin taskref taskref tasktref tasktref localtaskref jsoft jsoft
% LocalWords: localtaskref ganttchart biblatex ifx dfgproposal.dtx newpage pn jsup jsup
% LocalWords: bibtex proposal1-blx.aux pdataref WPtref WPtref WAref WAref WAtref wasysym
% LocalWords: WAtref protectmacro thebibliography bibitem newblock newif inst
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% LocalWords: totalduration circ orga notype allpapers allpaperstrue prl sym bbx:eprint
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% LocalWords: dfgproposal Tsanko Tsankov mdframed newmdenv wphase thealltasks
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% \endinput
@ -2638,3 +2638,12 @@ joint&\multicolumn{\the@site}{l|}{\jpub $\hat=$ publication, \jpro $\hat=$ proje
% mode: doctex
% TeX-master: t
% End:
% LocalWords: localization sec:user-interface standardizes initialization referencable
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