@ARTICLE{6876249, author={Carvalho, Marco and DeMott, Jared and Ford, Richard and Wheeler, David A.}, journal={IEEE Security Privacy}, title={Heartbleed 101}, year={2014}, volume={12}, number={4}, pages={63-67}, doi={10.1109/MSP.2014.66}} @techreport{forescout_amnesia, title = "AMNESIA:33 Identify and Mitigate the Risk From Vulnerabilities Lurking in Millions of IoT, OT and IT Devices", year = "2020", institution = "Forescout Research Labs" } @techreport{name_wreck00, title = "NAME:WRECK: Breaking and fixing DNS implementations", year = "2021", institution = "Forescout Research Labs and JSOF" } @techreport{forescout_amnesia2, title = "AMNESIA:33 Research Report Executive Summary", year = "2020", institution = "Forescout Research Labs" }