# # Example docker compose file for starting WIKINDX # # This compose file will not mount any volumes. You should know how to # mount volumes for the maridadb image to keep you data over restarts. # # This is really only a very small example!!!!!!! # Do not run this code if you do not know anything about container security # and system administration. # --- version: "2.1" services: dbwikindx: restart: unless-stopped image: mariadb:latest environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "dlksafhlasdhflkdsafhld!&53463472ZklHLFE" MYSQL_DATABASE: wikindx MYSQL_USER: wikindx MYSQL_PASSWORD: "fhghtzrghglhjthgfg23!4" fpmwikindx: restart: unless-stopped image: byterazor/wikindx:fpm-latest environment: WIKINDX_DB_HOST: "dbwikindx" WIKINDX_DB: "wikindx" WIKINDX_DB_USER: "wikindx" WIKINDX_DB_PASSWORD: "fhghtzrghglhjthgfg23!4" nginxwikindx: restart: unless-stopped image: byterazor/wikindx:nginx-latest ports: - "8080:8080" environment: WIKINDX_FPM_URL: "fpmwikindx:9000"