# RSS2Email Container Image This repository contains the Containerfile and associated scripts for a container image that runs [rss2email](https://github.com/skx/rss2email). The Containerfile is heavily based on the Dockerfile provided by [rss2email](https://github.com/skx/rss2email). ## Author - Dominik Meyer ## Prerequisites - Buildah ## Usage ### Building the Container Image You can build the container image using the following command: \```bash buildah bud -t rss2email:latest . \``` ### Running the Container You can create and run a container from this image with the following command: \```bash podman run -d --name rss2email rss2email:latest \``` ### Pushing the Container Image to a Registry With Buildah: \```bash buildah push rss2email:latest docker:////rss2email:latest \``` Replace `` with the name of your Docker registry and `` with your username on that registry. ## Configuration The configuration of rss2email is done via environment variables. You can specify these on the Docker run command line with the `-e` option or define them in an environment variable file and specify that with the `--env-file` option. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.