#!/bin/bash echo "Starting redmine ..." export PATH="/home/redmine/.local/share/gem/ruby/3.3.0/bin:$PATH" bundle config set --local without 'development test' bundle config set --local path '/home/redmine/.local/share/gem' if [ -z ${REDMINE_LANG} ]; then REDMINE_LANG=EN fi # # generate configuration files according to environment variables # if [ -z "${DATABASE_ADAPTER}" ]; then echo "DATABASE_ADAPTER is not set" exit 1 fi if [ "${DATABASE_ADAPTER}" == "sqlite3" ]; then if [ -z ${SQLITE_FILE} ]; then echo "SQLITE_FILE is not set" exit 1 fi echo "Generating configuration for sqlite3..." echo "production:" > config/database.yml echo -e " adapter: sqlite3" >> config/database.yml echo -e " database: ${SQLITE_FILE}" >> config/database.yml elif [ "${DATABASE_ADAPTER}" == "mysql" ]; then if [ -z ${MYSQL_PORT} ]; then MYSQL_PORT=3306 fi if [ -z ${MYSQL_USER} ]; then MYSQL_USER="redmine" fi if [ -z ${MYSQL_DB} ]; then MYSQL_DB="redmine" fi if [ -u ${MYSQL_HOST} ]; then echo "please provide mysql server hostname/ip in MYSQL_HOST" exit 1 fi if [ -u ${MYSQL_PASSWORD} ]; then echo "please provide mysql password in MYSQL_PASSWORD" exit 1 fi echo "Generating configuration for mysql2..." echo "production:" > config/database.yml echo -e " adapter: mysql2" >> config/database.yml echo -e " database: ${MYSQL_DB}" >> config/database.yml echo -e " host: ${MYSQL_HOST}" >> config/database.yml echo -e " port: ${MYSQL_PORT}" >> config/database.yml echo -e " username: ${MYSQL_USER}" >> config/database.yml echo -e " password: ${MYSQL_PASSWORD}" >> config/database.yml echo -e " variables:" >> config/database.yml echo -e ' transaction_isolation: "READ-COMMITTED"' >> config/database.yml elif [ "${DATABASE_ADAPTER}" == "postgres" ]; then if [ -z ${PSQL_PORT} ]; then PSQL_PORT=3306 fi if [ -z ${PSQL_USER} ]; then PSQL_USER="redmine" fi if [ -z ${PSQL_DB} ]; then PSQL_DB="redmine" fi if [ -u ${PSQL_HOST} ]; then echo "please provide postgresql server hostname/ip in PSQL_HOST" exit 1 fi if [ -u ${PSQL_PASSWORD} ]; then echo "please provide postgresql password in PSQL_PASSWORD" exit 1 fi echo "Generating configuration for postgresql..." echo "production:" > config/database.yml echo -e " adapter: postgresql" >> config/database.yml echo -e " database: ${PSQL_DB}" >> config/database.yml echo -e " host: ${PSQÖ_HOST}" >> config/database.yml echo -e " port: ${PSQL_PORT}" >> config/database.yml echo -e " username: ${PSQL_USER}" >> config/database.yml echo -e " password: ${PSQL_PASSWORD}" >> config/database.yml echo -e " encoding: utf8" >> config/database.yml fi if [ -n "${SIDEKIQ}" ]; then if [ "${SIDEKIQ}" == "true" ]; then echo "Setting up sidekiq configuration ..." if [ -z ${REDIS_URL} ]; then echo "sidekiq needs redis please provide redis URL in REDIS_URL" exit 1 fi fi fi if [ -n "${USE_SIDEKIQ}" ]; then echo 'config.active_job.queue_adapter = :sidekiq' >> config/additional_environment.rb fi # # set up logging # #echo 'config.log_path = "/dev/stdout"' >> config/additional_environment.rb #echo 'config.log_level = :info' >> config/additional_environment.rb # # redmine requires database initialization on the first run and selecting the first default language # to identify a "first" run we check for an .initialized file in the file directory. This directory # has to be mapped to any kind of persitent storage otherwise the application will be initialized # again and again # if [ ! -e "files/.initialized" ]; then echo "Initializing Redmine ..." bundle exec rake generate_secret_token RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production REDMINE_LANG=${REDMINE_LANG} bundle exec rake redmine:load_default_data RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate cp config/initializers/secret_token.rb files/.initialized fi if [ -n "${SIDEKIQ}" ]; then if [ "${SIDEKIQ}" == "true" ]; then echo "Starting Sidekiq for Redmine" RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec sidekiq exit 0 fi fi cp files/.initialized config/initializers/secret_token.rb RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile bundle exec rails server -e production