FROM alpine # # some build arguments # # the version of the github cli to download and install ARG GC_VERSION="2.64.0" # the userid of the created gh user ARG UID=1000 # the groupid of the created gh group ARG GID=1000 # the platform the container is build for ARG TARGETPLATFORM # update alpine inside the container image and install required packages RUN apk update && apk add --no-cache tini bash git curl # download and install github cli RUN if [ "$TARGETPLATFORM" = "linux/amd64" ]; then ARCHITECTURE=amd64; elif [ "$TARGETPLATFORM" = "linux/arm64" ]; then ARCHITECTURE=arm64; else ARCHITECTURE=amd64; fi; curl -sS -L -O --output-dir /tmp/ --create-dirs${GC_VERSION}/gh_${GC_VERSION}_linux_${ARCHITECTURE}.tar.gz && tar zxf /tmp/gh_${GC_VERSION}_linux_${ARCHITECTURE}.tar.gz && mv gh_${GC_VERSION}_linux_${ARCHITECTURE}/bin/gh /usr/local/bin/gh && rm -rf gh_${GC_VERSION}_linux_${ARCHITECTURE} # add a user for running gh in the container RUN addgroup gh && adduser -D -G gh gh # run everything as the gh user USER gh ADD / RUN chmod a+x / ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/tini", "--", "/"]